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Changed: How to change input settings after initialization?

Posted: Apr 23 2024
by Talky_Zebra
Ok, this might seem a small thing, but I might want my study to be "intelligent" and change an input setting after the study is initialized. For instance, I am working out a way to save Input preferences so if I remove a study, I can reload them later, especially if there are different inputs for different symbols all using the same study.

Now, I notice that after changing the input variables, the on-chart list of settings does not change. See what I am referring to here:
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This is the toy code I am using to test this out. I am even trying two different methods of changing the value of the input property. (in StartCalc, one of them is commented out, but either will work) While both update the value, neither method shows the change on the chart.

How do I show this updated input value on the chart (replacing "default", in this case)?

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using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using PowerLanguage.Function; using ATCenterProxy.interop; using System.Reflection; namespace PowerLanguage.Strategy { public class _TEST_updateinput : SignalObject { public _TEST_updateinput(object _ctx):base(_ctx){ this_input = "default"; } [Input] public string this_input {get;set;} protected override void Create() { Output.Clear(); Output.WriteLine("Create() this_input: {0}", this_input); } protected override void StartCalc() { // PropertyInfo pi = this.GetType().GetProperty("this_input"); // pi.SetValue(this, "setvalue changed input", null); this_input = "direct changed input"; Output.WriteLine("StartCalc() this_input: {0}", this_input); } bool notified = false; // so the output doesn't continue to write after the first change protected override void CalcBar(){ if (this_input != "default") { if (notified == false) { Output.WriteLine("CalcBar() this_input: {0}", this_input); notified = true; } } } } }
The Output shows the expected changes:

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Create() this_input: default StartCalc() this_input: direct changed input CalcBar() this_input: direct changed input

Re: Changed: How to change input settings after initialization?

Posted: Apr 25 2024
by Talky_Zebra
Hi Multicharts team and expert coders - I have changed my original question from above. I have noticed that when changing an [Input] property in an indicator or signal programmatically after the indi or signal is initialized causes unexpected behaviors - ie: it breaks. Using a similar example to the above, let's say we have an input like so:

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[Input] public int my_int { get ;set; } ... protected override void StartCalc(){ my_int = 20; }
Later in the code, I have the following... perhaps as part of signal logic, loading data from file, or mouse clicks on the chart:

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PropertyInfo pi = this.GetType().GetProperty("my_int "); pi.SetValue(this, 5, null);
This method is especially useful if I want to make re-usable code, what introspection is built for. In this kind of use I would loop through the properties and get their names and values like so:

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var type = this.GetType(); PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(); var prep_serialization_input_dictionary = new ExpandoObject() as IDictionary<string, object>; foreach (var this_property in properties) { object[] att = this_property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PowerLanguage.InputAttribute), false); if (att.Length > 0) { string this_name = this_property.Name; dynamic this_value = this_property.GetValue(this, null); if (this_property.PropertyType.IsEnum) { this_value = this_property.GetValue(this, null).ToString(); } prep_serialization_input_dictionary.Add(this_name, this_value); Output.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", this_name, this_value); } }
and then set the property similar to

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this_property.SetValue(this, this_value, null);
What happens when trying to set the properties
- If I try to Format Indicator or Format Signal after the above code is run... and change the inputs, those changes are ignored
- Built in functions will show erratic responses. Such as if the above my_int variable was to change the length of AverageFC(), the resulting average line is not what you'd expect.

Trying to remediate this by implementing a method that calls this.StartCalc() as the below does not help:

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protected override void OnMouseEvent(MouseClickArgs arg) { this.my_int++; this.StartCalc(); }
And trying a call to this.Create() in an attempt to recreate the series or function objects gives an error, so that's unusable?

Trying non-Reflection functions, such as:

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my_int = 50;
after initialization will lead to similar unexpected results.

So, is there any way to make this type of change programmatically, and then triggering something similar to a re-initialization? Are there example techniques for this?

Re: Changed: How to change input settings after initialization?

Posted: May 03 2024
by BD.
if you want to store values and then retrieve them later after program was closed, from my understanding, the only way is to actually save them. you can save them by saving values to .txt and then retrieving from the same file.

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File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(@"C:\Users\make\sure\path exist to\folder\", "myEasyToFind.txt"), 1230.ToString());

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File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(@"C:\Users\make\sure\path exist to\folder\", "myEasyToFind.txt"));//output.writeline()
when retrieving I assume you'd need to parse string. easy task if you made an original file.

Or are you trying to change functions inputs dynamically? You can do so by using a variable. initialize variable with input value. assign variable to whatever, then change variable any time.

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if (Bars.CurrentBar==200000) { xAvgSlow.Length = 1; //or var=1 } if (Bars.CurrentBar == 202000) { xAvgSlow.Length = 120; }

Re: Changed: How to change input settings after initialization?

Posted: May 24 2024
by Talky_Zebra
Yes, BD, and I am doing that. However, in the interface it does not necessarily show those changed values (depends on how they are updated.)

I have discovered through some experimentation that while I can store values to disk, and retrieve them for use, the MC framework has its limitations (understandably). For instance,

- the main entry panel does not present updated values during runtime. I am guessing that the entry panel only updates when the framework initializes the study, and that happens after the user hits "OK" when formatting a study/Indicator
- I can re-run the study programmatically by resetting the VariableSeries (and Lists, etc) in a study and then firing off StartCalc(). But since I am not really familiar with what else the MC framework is doing behind the scenes, I would not consider this method to be bullet proof on a stand alone VS running my code. I opt to not pursue this at the moment

Maybe I will come back to this later