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Telegram During MC64 Backup App

Posted: May 15 2024
by eegroup
When running the MC64 Backup, toward the end of the backup run, one of the functions that it performs is "Collect info Telegram" (please see attachment).

What does this Telegram function do? Does it access the Telegram app? Is any information collected during the Backup process ever get transmitted over the Internet to whomever?

MC64 Backup Telegram Function.png
(9 KiB) Not downloaded yet

Re: Telegram During MC64 Backup App

Posted: May 20 2024
by Kate MultiCharts
Hello eegroup,

Collect info Telegram saves your Telegram User ID from our alerts bot if it's entered in File → Preferences → External Alerts → Telegram.
It gets saved if you check the Private Authentication Data and E-mail Alert Settings boxes in the Backup app.
More info about external alerts here.

All the data gets saved locally on your machine, it’s not transmitted anywhere.

In general, MultiCharts doesn’t access Telegram directly. We use the public REST API to send HTTPS messages to the specified ID.

Re: Telegram During MC64 Backup App  [SOLVED]

Posted: May 20 2024
by eegroup
Hi Kate,

Thank you for the detailed explanation. Understood.

Much appreciated!