please add a compile warning

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Jun 01 2024

Please add a compiler warning for the following scenario: I forgot to define the IInstrument Bars, unfortunately the compiler doesn't issue a warning, the code just doesn't compile. You can test this in the following simple code excerpt by simply removing or including the excluded IInstrument in the class (currently excluded/commented)

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private class BarTypBestimmerxx { private enum BarTyp { AufwärtsBar, AbwärtsBar, InnenBar, AußenBar } public SignalObject strategie; public BarTyp aktuellerBarTyp; public VariableObject<BarTyp> barTyp; // private IInstrument Bars; public BarTypBestimmerxx(SignalObject strategy /*IInstrument bars*/) {// //_strategie = strategy; //_Bars = bars; barTyp = new VariableObject<BarTyp>(strategy); } private void BestimmeBarTyp() { if (Bars.High[1] < Bars.HighValue && Bars.Low[1] <= Bars.LowValue) { aktuellerBarTyp = BarTyp.AufwärtsBar; } else if (Bars.High[1] >= Bars.HighValue && Bars.Low[1] > Bars.LowValue) { aktuellerBarTyp = BarTyp.AbwärtsBar; } else if (Bars.High[1] >= Bars.HighValue && Bars.Low[1] <= Bars.LowValue) { aktuellerBarTyp = BarTyp.InnenBar; } else if (Bars.High[1] < Bars.HighValue && Bars.Low[1] > Bars.LowValue) { aktuellerBarTyp = BarTyp.AußenBar; } } public bool AufwärtsBar { get { return aktuellerBarTyp == BarTyp.AufwärtsBar; } } public bool AbwärtsBar { get { return aktuellerBarTyp == BarTyp.AbwärtsBar; } } public bool InnenBar { get { return aktuellerBarTyp == BarTyp.InnenBar; } } public bool AußenBar { get { return aktuellerBarTyp == BarTyp.AußenBar; } } } private void M_BestimmeBarTyp() { if (Bars.High[1] < Bars.HighValue && Bars.Low[1] <= Bars.LowValue) { barTyp.Value = BarTyp.AufwärtsBar; } else if (Bars.High[1] >= Bars.HighValue && Bars.Low[1] > Bars.LowValue) { barTyp.Value = BarTyp.AbwärtsBar; } else if (Bars.High[1] >= Bars.HighValue && Bars.Low[1] <= Bars.LowValue) { barTyp.Value = BarTyp.InnenBar; } else if (Bars.High[1] < Bars.HighValue && Bars.Low[1] > Bars.LowValue) { barTyp.Value = BarTyp.AußenBar; } }