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Order And Position Tracker (Client) not in sync with actual Order History (Broker)

Posted: Jun 17 2024
by JBall
Hi team,

I have placed Orders (Stop Order) via manual trading through MultiCharts.
MultiCharts was offline at the time that the Orders were executed.

Now Position History for this day shows an exposure in the affected instrument that is different from the actual position at the broker.
Trading Performance Report shows an implausible result.
The Closing Order does not appear under Historical Orders - Chart Trading.

When investigated in Orders And Positions Tracker - Orders, I can see the orders that were filled while MC was offline as saved.
I can see an implausible Fill-Price that appears to be the price, that is used for Trading Performance Report. (attached)
(25.37 KiB) Not downloaded yet
But the Fill-Price is not what I receive from my broker for that particular order. (attached)
(6.87 KiB) Not downloaded yet
How can this be fixed for the purpose of a correct Trading Performance Report and for the purpose of Historical Orders - Chart Trading?


Re: Order And Position Tracker (Client) not in sync with actual Order History (Broker)

Posted: Jun 24 2024
by Kate MultiCharts
Hi J,

To display accurate information in the Order and Position Tracker in MultiCharts, ensure your broker profile is connected.
The info there, including order execution prices, is provided by your broker via API. For further information about prices, please contact your broker directly.