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a favorites function in the forum

Posted: Jul 19 2024
by HellGhostEvocatorX
Hello, I would like to suggest that you introduce a favorites function in the forum for this and the net forum. It now happens more and more often that I read good articles but don't need them at the moment, or even ones that I go to very often. It would be great if you could create posts as favorites here in the forum (preferably even in different lists). So I mean individual posts, not a whole topic.
An alternative would be to divide the forum into sub-forums, such as "Bugs" "Programming Help" "Future Inquiries"...

I find the forum really confusing at times, and matching similar posts would also be great. So it's rarely of interest to have bugs that have been fixed afterwards in the forum, whereas general guides are always needed.

By the way, I don't like the new design of the forum (I think the background of the forum has been made lighter), but that's only in passing.

Re: a favorites function in the forum

Posted: Jul 19 2024
by PeterSt
I find the forum really confusing at times, and matching similar posts would also be great. So it's rarely of interest to have bugs that have been fixed afterwards in the forum, whereas general guides are always needed.
Personally I think that in more than 50% of cases forum topics are useless because they end up in "go to our Live Chat" and then ... nothing.
I ran/run into numerous issues with the MC software, and see per the forum that actually all of these issues were addressed by other users too. NONE of them is openly/publicly solved, so my own issues remain to exist.

I am serious ... this forum is of no use this way. All announced issues remain with open end. For years and years (and years) they pop up again and end up again without definite answer.
Btw, partly this is caused by us ourselves (the users), but partly and maybe mainly this is caused by MC personnel. The attitude is not that things need to be solved for others. MC herself may not recognize this but I do and it is highly annoying.

Oh wait, was I off topic ?

Without going against your wish, HellGhostEvocatorX, I think Favorites may belong where the provision has already been provided : in your browser. But I sure concur with the confusing part - as you mention it - because the same subject comes from various angles (announcements, MC Wiki, FAQ, Forum Posts, More Forum Posts of the same) and already that is the reason so save ONE version of all that ends up the same (with mostly nothing - see above), so you'd have a quick reference instead of going Google again (and run into the same all useless again).

If I come across as agitated, ... that's true. I have never lost so much time in my life as the past months in getting this software to work. Full days in vain. And again. And more.
From here on I will gradually post examples of that (in their own threads), with the actual questions, hoping that some people have the answers. The hope that MC has them is barely there. If the answers *are* there, found behind the scenes or not, at least I will finish off the thread with that answer.

If this is too much off topic, then please delete.

Re: a favorites function in the forum

Posted: Jul 20 2024
by HellGhostEvocatorX
thank you for your contribution.
There is an option to bookmark the forum at the top right, but this is not what I have in mind.

I also agree with you that many points are not well resolved. This is especially true of the fact that you use the live forum for questions and then it ends up in the live chat with no solution for the general public...

But first of all, when I see a problem, I always try to solve it myself. If this is not possible, I at least try to provide a solution or an idea of ​​how it can be done better.

I agree with you completely. At the beginning, I also had a hard time getting to grips with the software and where to find things. The information is so scattered: forum, help file, wiki, PDF on the Internet... and a lot of it hasn't been updated for ages or is generally not very well implemented. There is a lack of comprehensive instructions and the merging of information from user questions. My suggestion would be a small step in the right direction, at least as far as personal retrieval of important points is concerned. However, I don't want to save an entire post "as a favorite" - sometimes forum posts go over several pages - I would only want to save the most important one(s).

The problem with Multicharts( is that the software is also a big black box - I don't have direct access to the databases, the user interface and, for example, the backtest engine. There are options here and there, but it is complicated. I love the direct programming interface to C# (in but you are often limited in your options.

It bothers me that not all questions are answered and there are no current "learning and information paths". With multicharts without net, there is still YouTube content here and there, but with .net it looks very bad.

Multicharts is not an open source platform and in my opinion is therefore lagging behind in many aspects (but of course it is tried and tested and quite reliable). The live support is committed, but it creates too much work for itself because it does not summarize recurring questions. This was done in some cases in the past... One possibility would perhaps be to run a wiki that can be added to/maintained by the users themselves (with final approval by a competent moderator (similar to github)).

The fact that final solutions are not included in posts when they are sent to the live chat is a problem. The same goes for bug fixes that take ages to arrive... (I have been waiting for one for almost 2 years...).

In conclusion: it is not all the fault of the multicharts team, unfortunately many people are just too lazy to worry about it themselves and see if there isn't already information on this, because it means (personal) effort. Nowadays there are many good sources, including chatgpt, which multicharts itself could train to be able to answer general questions.
This is also one of the reasons why there are not so many posts in the Net forum. Professional programmers have generally learned to gather information themselves and rarely ask programming questions, but rather questions about understanding.

Mutlicharts is and will remain a love-hate relationship. It would simply be nice if multicharts would try to make their work simpler and more effective at some point and not have to answer the same questions over and over again. Microsoft also uses a bot for this, for example in visual studio support, which summarizes the same posts...