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Retrieving Data from an Indicator

Posted: Jul 24 2024
by Edhomeo
As a newbie, I'm sorry to ask such a simple question but I've been working on that for a while. I tried using global variables, and here what a mess as it seems that the only solution is to use a non trivial function like AccuracyGetNamedDouble/AccuracySetNamedDouble... Even then I realized that my signal would only get the last calculation and not the values for each bar. OK.

Then I saw that it is theoretically possible to use the plot values, P1, P2, .. Pn. But I cannot find how to use that in my code either as the value is not recognized:

Here for example

if (close[1] > BollingerBand(c, 20, 2)[1] and Zed_Evaluation_Pente(P1,5)>0)

P1 remains grey.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Re: Retrieving Data from an Indicator

Posted: Jul 31 2024
by TJ
I am not quite sure what you are asking.