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slippage for btc

Posted: Aug 21 2024
by davidlaw_mc
hi all,

how will you set the slippage cost for BTC? i have tried to figure out but still not really getting it.

at moment i use Binance with the set up as attached. i also notice that in Binance the default Volume Multiplier is set to "100000", not sure if it will affect the setting of slippage as well.

many thanks!

Re: slippage for btc

Posted: Aug 28 2024
by Kghiasv
This is from support:

"It appears that Kraken takes a commission from the trade, but only after it is executed

In your case regarding the portfolio, in order to calculate commission the same as Kraken, you need first spend 1% of the capital, and then calculate the commission.

There is no option to set up such a commission rule in MultiCharts, I’m afraid."

Although you're talking about slippage, since Multicharts does not support commission rules currently used by crypto exchanges, I doubt they have slippage rules that are compatible. I have made a feature request here: ... es/MC-2966