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PLEditor Crashes- "FUNCTION" for StochRSI

Posted: Feb 20 2006
by neurotrader
I have spent a few hours trying to import the function for StochRSI. PLEditor keeps crashing. When I imported the function was empty so I tried to add it manually.
The old formula is as follow;
Input: Price(Numeric),RSILen(Numeric),Length(Numeric);

StochRSI = IFF((Highest(RSI(Price, RSILen), Length) - Lowest(RSI(Price, RSILen), Length)) <> 0, (RSI(Price, RSILen) - Lowest(RSI(Price, RSILen), Length)) / (Highest(RSI(Price, RSILen), Length) - Lowest(RSI(Price, RSILen), Length)), StochRSI[1])


Above was taken from SuperCharts 4.0 RT manually.

Here is a pic of my screen with PLEditor crash ... Editor.gif

Then I must use Task Manager to shut down PLEditor.


Posted: Feb 20 2006
by neurotrader
I found away to make it work by changing the StochRSI to a diff name in formula adding a 1 or what ever.. Then at bottom make sure you write

StochRSI = StochRSI1;

worked for me but wish PLEditor would not crash on error and need to use task manager to close. Something to look at.

Even with all these bugs, this software looks to be a winner once everything come together.

Thank you

Posted: Feb 22 2006
by Stanley Miller
Dear neurotrader,

Thank you very much for the report and solution. We confirm that we have this problem and it will be fixed in the shortly.

Import study

Posted: Mar 19 2006
by mox
Please bear with me, I'm new to PLEditor and creating statagies. I'm attempting to come over from Qcharts.

I open PLEditor, import the *.xml, compile it and save it. It's now a function. How do I get it into a study or stratagy?

It may be basic, but I'm starting from scratch. I've read the forum, but haven't been able to find the required steps.


Posted: Mar 20 2006
by Alex Kramer
Then you plot a chart for the symbol you need, right-click and select Insert Study. In the list of studies you see your new study (this is what indicators are called in MC) or add-on on the corresponding tab, under the name you saved it as. Select it and click OK to apply in to the chart.
Right-click the chart and select format Studies to access the study's settings