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Best use of Core 2 Quad Processor in MC

Posted: Aug 14 2009
by futurestrader019
I will be ordering a Core 2 Quad machine soon and was wondering - what is the best use of the Core 2 Quad processor w/ 6 gig of ram & Windows Vista 64 bit in MC?

Is it best to

1) Open 1 instance of MC and load all my charts in there?

2) Open a new instance of MC per chart to utilize the processor, ram and 64 bit?

Or does it not matter either way?


Posted: Aug 14 2009
by TJ
I have been using this computer for more than a year:
Vista Home Premium 64
2 monitors

I regularly have the following opened:
8~12 wsp
each wsp with 4+ charts,
each chart has 10+ indicators
some indicators have over 1000 lines of code.

in addition to MultiCharts, I also opened:
various utilities.

Here's what I have learned:

Memory utilitization: < 75%
CPU utilization: < 20%

note that I have the first generation Quadcore.

Posted: Aug 14 2009
by TJ
MultiCharts is multi-core/multi-CPU compatible. It will use ALL the CPU cores available. There is no need to open a new instance for each chart.

You can verify this with the CPU usage graph in the Task Manager.

p.s. MultiCharts is screaming fast when performing back test and optimization, you will see the CPU jump to 99% most of the time.

Posted: Aug 14 2009
by futurestrader019
Thanks for the reply! I wasn't sure if I needed to open a new MC for each chart in order to utilize the core 2 quad or not.


Posted: Aug 14 2009
by geektrader
You anyway can´t open MC more than 1 time. But it utilizes all available cores of the CPU, so all good:)

Posted: Aug 14 2009
by futurestrader019
You anyway can´t open MC more than 1 time. But it utilizes all available cores of the CPU, so all good:)

Umm... you can open MC multiple times...

Hence the reason for me asking the question to start with.

Posted: Aug 16 2009
by bowlesj3
I think the limitation of opening MC only once is a purchase license issue. If you have purchased a license for two you can open two (on another machine most likely since I think some want to have backtesting running on one machine while they are trading live on another machine)

Posted: Aug 16 2009
by bowlesj3
I have a dual core and I often think of moving up to 4,6,8 cores. I am in Canada. Does anyone have any suggestions for this. Anything (heat, noise, availability, costs, etc). I am running XP.


Posted: Aug 16 2009
by TJ
What is your CPU utilization right now? over 75% ?

That's a lot of horse power you have in mind...

My Q6600 is hot. It is the 1st generation quad core, using the 65 nm technology.

The newer CPU uses 45 nm tech, which runs faster, uses less energy, and dissipates less heat. ... ,1407.html

best Windows for MC

Posted: Aug 16 2009
by radekj
Take instead of Windows XP, Windows 7 x64 and the cpu usage will go from 50-75% to 10-15%.

with regards

PS: i have tested MC with Windows XP pro x32, Windows Xp pro x64 and
Windows 7 x64, best ist Windows7 x64

CPU: Q6600
Memory: 3GB (no need for more, MC can use only 2GB max)

Posted: Aug 16 2009
by radekj
The best thing is to open one instance of MC per workspace, each instance/workspace is on separate monitor.
It is stupid to open simultaneously more workspaces of MC in one instance , because you will see always only windows of current workspace !


Posted: Aug 16 2009
by TJ
The best thing is to open one instance of MC per workspace, each instance/workspace is on separate monitor.
It is stupid to open simultaneously more workspaces of MC in one instance , because you will see always only windows of current workspace !


There is no need to start a new instance of MC for each monitor.
You can detach a chart from the main window,
and drag the chart to any monitor you like.

the button is at the top right corner of your chart.
(the icon with an arrow pointing out of a box)


Posted: Aug 16 2009
by bowlesj3
Thanks Guys,

I will have to check the CPU usage tomorrow during trading and price some of your suggestions.


Posted: Sep 10 2009
by Andrew Kirillov
Dear Sirs,

MultiCharts uses multi-CPU capabilities as following:

- Indicator calculation on different charts is parallelized and distributed between available cores
- Strategy calculation (back-testing) on different charts is parallelized and distributed between available cores
- Optimization utilizes all available cores
- Calculations for different symbols within Scanner are parallelized and distributed between available cores