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Optimization Report not copied with Window

Posted: Aug 19 2009
by MC_Prog
I'm sorry to see that that an existing Optimization Report is not copied along with the rest of the chart when you Copy/Paste a window.

I often want to "fork off" into a new workspace beginning with an existing chart AND its optimization report.

I also often want to have two or more charts in the same workspace, where the charts are derived from different optimized combinations.

Having done an optimization once, the user should be able to open an arbitrary number of charts, in any desired locations, and be able to pick the parameter setup for each chart from the opt results set.

The necessary condition for this is that the opt results copy along with the chart copy!

I hope you'll be able to add this useful behavior in a future release.

Posted: Aug 20 2009
by MC_Prog
And the Optimization Report is not saved with the workspace either!

If a user doesn't want the Opt Rpt to be discarded, it should not be.

The ability to apply an Opt iteration to a chart by clicking on it in the Opt Report is always valuable.

The clock and CPU time spent doing an Opt should never have to be spent twice (if not desired to do so for some reason).

Saving a workspace with the Optimization Report is the best, most complete, most convenient way to create permanent records of a testing campaign.

Sometimes it is explicitly desired to distribute an Opt Rpt to others (with click-and-reload capability).

To summarize, an Opt Report once generated needs to stay with its chart, through any chart copy or workspace save operations!

Posted: Aug 20 2009
by TJ
+1 vote

Posted: Sep 10 2009
by Andrew Kirillov
Dear Sirs,

We consider implementing these features in future.

Posted: Feb 12 2010
by MC_Prog
I note that this situation persists in MC 6.0 Beta 2.

This is one of several key items pertaining to real-world usage of the MC backtesting capabilities that needs/deserves completion/enhancement prior to (IMO) turning all development attention elsewhere (e.g. manual trading, etc.).

Posted: Feb 12 2010
by Tresor
This is one of several key items pertaining to real-world usage of the MC backtesting capabilities that needs/deserves completion/enhancement prior to (IMO) turning all development attention elsewhere (e.g. manual trading, etc.).
Disagree. Algorithimc traders like you can 1. test their strategies and 2. trade automatically with MC.

Non-algo traders can only 1. look at the charts. Wouldn't it be nice if discretionary traders enjoyed your capability of trading via MC?

Your bells and whistles are of no importance.

Posted: Feb 14 2010
by Bruce DeVault
Bug fixes and new developments should generally both be addressed in each new release. It is not necessary to focus attention solely on one or the other, nor is it helpful to post negative comments about others' suggestions. Simply express your positive support for what you think is important in the appropriate thread about those features you would most like to see. TS Support will receive the feedback they need on the relative importance of features through looking to see how many users chime in to support each idea and their expressed reasons for doing so, in the context of their own plans for taking the product further.

Posted: Mar 17 2010
by MC_Prog
I note further that the Optimization Report is destroyed under certain conditions even in it's original still-open workspace.

For example, if you have run an optimization, and then do:

Format Signals
Optimize ...
Exhaustive (just to take a look at your previous setup)
and then Cancel/Exit out of everything without running a new optimization, the prior Optimization Report is gone.

I can't emphasize enough how important it is that once created, an Optimization Report needs to copy with the window, and save with the workspace, and should never be destroyed without the user being prompted prior to such destruction.

The "about to destroy" prompt could be made optional (in case someone considers it annoying), but the default can and should be to "fail safe" and never destroy work without explict instruction from the user to do so.

Our current situation, where the Optimization Report, which may take hours or even days to generate is unavoidably lost on workspace closure and program shutdown is just an abysmal situation.

Please, please, please TSS, find a way to fix this ASAP.