Suggestion for a better Autonaming Image Feature

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Sep 17 2009

I have a suggestion for autonaming the images, when you save them in Multicharts:

- give the option to add the Date automatically as prefix of the filename (could be turned off)

- then the program automatically adds a number to the date,
where the number would be the number of images you created that day so far and you can specify an additional name behind the number.

For example it could look like this:
20090917-03 for the third picture of the day or 20090917-03-MyNameHere

MD for example has a similar feature and it's really useful in my opinion.

On top of that you could give the option to upload the image to an ftp of user's choice directly out of MC (like esignal, MD or Ensign do). That would be very useful for people that share images to other trader's on a regular basis (like in a chatroom).

I encourage other users to share their opinion about the suggestion or share ideas to make the suggestion even better.



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Sep 17 2009

Long time ago I have made suggestion for auto-filename... it was "promised"... I guess it is not a top priority.

I use ScreenHunter for screen shots. They have a very good auto-filename method.
I have attached a screen shot of their configuration screen for your perusal.
Auto-Filename options
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