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Posted: Mar 17 2006
by Guest
Even the much awaited version 1.9 is not stable too.

Guys, Please make sure for each release existing working stuffs doesn't break. This is more important than adding new features !

It makes your customers lose confidence.

my sincere advice
Re: Disappointed with the recent beta

>Just look at the number of posts in the forum !
We don't "just look at the number of posts" - we answer them and in most cases help our users find a working solution.

>1. you guys to stop doing any enhancement and fixed all bugs first.
Have you seen the feature requirements thread? There's lots more people asking for enhancements.

>2. Do proper testing before you release it as official 1.9
We're NOT releasing the currently available 1.8 beta as the official 1.9, this is something you can be sure of.