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TS data chunks missing in Multicharts

Posted: Jan 29 2010
by klmullins
I'm running Multicharts with a TS datafeed and have had a problem with missing data on several occassions across all the currency pairs I monitor.

Multicharts closes with an error - something along the lines of "unable to compress data" and there is a whole chunk of data missing from the charts. For example I had one gap from 27th Jan 04:00 until 28th Jan 03:05.

Note: This does NOT appear to be a problem with TS's datafeed as I downloaded and installed the MultiCharts Version 6 Beta on a different machine, running Windows 7 and the data missing data was there. Gaps then began to appear (going forward) on this new machine.

Has any of you encountered this problem?

Is there some way I can reload the missing data via Multicharts? All attempts at re-importing / refreshing, short of complete reinstallation haven't worked for me.

Any help greatly appreciated.
