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Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: Mar 23 2010
by duration
Dear All,

I am looking for a powerlanguage version of the following NT Swing Indicator. It seems to be based on Schaff Swing indicator. I could not find it in the lastes version of MC. Does anyone know if it is available in powerlanguage?

Many thanks,

Posted: Mar 23 2010
by TJ
do you have a chart?

Posted: Mar 23 2010
by duration
Hi TJ,

Thank you for your reply.

Here is the chart.

Posted: Mar 23 2010
by duration
I am also looking for Woodies Pivot, if available in powerlanguage.

Many thanks,

Re: Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: May 03 2011
by dddforum
Can you found indicators? Im very interesting too.

Thanks a lot!

Re: Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: May 03 2011
by arnie

Re: Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: May 03 2011
by dddforum
hmmm... Swing not work in MC6.
I coped/pasted, compiled, but result is strange.

Any Ideas?


Re: Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: May 03 2011
by TJ
hmmm... Swing not work in MC6.
I coped/pasted, compiled, but result is strange.

Any Ideas?

don't just say it does not work, or the result is strange.

you have to describe the observation, copy and paste any error messages, post a screen shot, etc.,

Re: Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: May 03 2011
by dddforum
hmmm... Swing not work in MC6.
I coped/pasted, compiled, but result is strange.

Any Ideas?

don't just say it does not work, or the result is strange.

you have to describe the observation, copy and paste any error messages, post a screen shot, etc.,
What I need to post, its nothing on the chart?
And Pivots show nothing too.
Its very simply, 30 sec to work. Open NQ 1 minute chart, copy/paste code in PL Editor, compile and apply.
If you realy want to see picture, i attached them. But I think its dont help me :-(

Re: Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: May 03 2011
by TJ
hmmm... Swing not work in MC6.
I coped/pasted, compiled, but result is strange.

Any Ideas?

don't just say it does not work, or the result is strange.

you have to describe the observation, copy and paste any error messages, post a screen shot, etc.,
What I need to post, its nothing on the chart?
And Pivots show nothing too.
Its very simply, 30 sec to work. Open NQ 1 minute chart, copy/paste code in PL Editor, compile and apply.
If you realy want to see picture, i attached them. But I think its dont help me :-(

what do you mean by "30 sec to work"?

what setting do you have for the plots? change the plot to thick lines would help you to see.

have you looked at the left side of the chart to see if there are any plots in the past?

have you tried different resolutions? eg. 15 min? 1 hr?

failing the above, you can try to post the question at , they might be able to help you with your specifics.

Re: Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: May 04 2011
by dddforum
TJ, I hoped topic starter or somebody help me with search working indicator.
Because its strange for me is out of Pivots in MC. Swing is not so popular.
I ask community to help me find working indicator and npt planned buil my own.


Re: Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: May 04 2011
by arnie
TJ, I hoped topic starter or somebody help me with search working indicator.
Because its strange for me is out of Pivots in MC. Swing is not so popular.
I ask community to help me find working indicator and npt planned buil my own.

What do you consider as a swing?
What do you consider as a pivot?

Many people consider them to be the same.
You need to plot all pivot indicators that you find in the traderxchange forum to see what they do.
This is the only way for you to know if any of them do what you want, or at least do some portion of what you want.

I remember of one indicator that I wanted, and I was able to put it together, taking parts of 4 separate indicators that I found in the forum.

Again, if you don't plot the indicators you will not know what they do. Don't trust their names. Sometimes they mislead us.

Plot it. Test it.

Re: Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: May 04 2011
by TJ
I remember of one indicator that I wanted, and I was able to put it together, taking parts of 4 separate indicators that I found in the forum.
That's impressive !

Re: Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: May 04 2011
by arnie
That's impressive !
Not really, we are talking about a simple bar counter, which plot the text with that same count and paint those same bars.

I didn't know how to make a counter, I didn't know how to plot text, and I didn't know how to paint bars.

OK, so it wasn't 4 indicators into one, it was only 3 ;-)

Re: Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: May 04 2011
by dddforum
TJ, I hoped topic starter or somebody help me with search working indicator.
Because its strange for me is out of Pivots in MC. Swing is not so popular.
I ask community to help me find working indicator and npt planned buil my own.

What do you consider as a swing?
What do you consider as a pivot?

Plot it. Test it.
Arnie, Duration at the top of topics showed screen shots from NT.
In the NT a have indicators named Swing and named Pivot.
I want to find the same indicators for MC, because I know how make backtest in MC. And I think its no good idea to study C# and NT backtest system, to test 2 indicators.
I used OEC and no problem in OEC with daily Pivot levels too. I don't know why MC not include Pivot with daily PP, S1-4, R1-4. I think its very popular levels.
Maybe I wrong.

Re: Swing Indicator & Woodies Pivots

Posted: May 04 2011
by arnie
Arnie, Duration at the top of topics showed screen shots from NT.
In the NT a have indicators named Swing and named Pivot.
I want to find the same indicators for MC, because I know how make backtest in MC. And I think its no good idea to study C# and NT backtest system, to test 2 indicators.
I used OEC and no problem in OEC with daily Pivot levels too. I don't know why MC not include Pivot with daily PP, S1-4, R1-4. I think its very popular levels.
Maybe I wrong.

What are the parameters of those NT swings?
I see in those swings, another swings on a lower frame, but that's me, that's the way I see swings.
You cannot request an indicator that do what NT does, without indicating how NT arrives to those highs and lows in each swing.
You need to say which parameters are need to arrive to that result.

Search in here:

There are a couple of hundreds of indicators for TS and MC.
Here you'll find the indicator that plots the S1, S2, R1, R2 pivots.
I remember having seen it. If I'm not mistaken, it was published by the user "TAMS".

Search it.

You really don't need to learn a program language to write your indicators.
There are people that offer (for a fee) that type of services to you.

ABC Trading is one of those services:

They are great. They programmed a couple of my indicators.
Thanks to them, I was able to get exactly the indicators that I wanted and at the same time, I learned a lot about EL because I knew exactly what each code line was doing, although, I confess that there are still areas that give me headaches when I look at them and try to figure out their function :oops: