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Dumby nooby question

Posted: May 08 2010
by Mobiius
Hi all,

What is the #/# bar that is beside my 'authorized' button on the lower right hand side?

Right now it says 97780 q / 1294 (and i can't see the rest) and it is red.

Usually it has some numbers pop up now and then but it is has been green.

Multicahrts has no 'page layout' which describes everything.
What does this signify? Should I be concerned?


Posted: May 08 2010
by Mobiius
well now I tryed to open a custom future and nothing happened so i double clicked on another standard future in quotemanager and it had an Application error and it gave me all these options to send a report error.

then I tryed to close my MC and it froze... maybe something to do with the red section?

Posted: May 08 2010
by GSATrader
Mobiius, those numbers you are seeing, when they are not green, it means some ticks/quote/prices are in the cache to be processed. Which means your charts are at that particular moment not Updated. It dont usually takes more than a sec for the computer to process all the ticks and update the charts back to normal.
