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Posted: Mar 16 2006
by Alexey Kramer
Your tests are not fair. You must use identical data on both charts.
See the attachment. It illustrates that simple MA works identical on both charts.
I don't have dma code I can't test it. Please send and I will compare.

Posted: Mar 16 2006
by neurotrader
Re charts not fair, Don't understand not fair. I was not trying to misslead. The data used was identical from the periods I posted. Both data used on my example was taken from yahoo. (^NDX)

It could be the way Supercharts calculation of the 200 dma? ..

It was just an observation for a check since all the studies of the Swing system I mentioned, uses the old Omega studies and these were imported but give slight different readings.

Its not a big deal for me, I just wanted to make sure MC was giving the correct reading.

I do like MC very much and appreciate what you guys are doing.

Posted: Mar 16 2006
by neurotrader
Dennis, Could you please repost those two charts using the period I mentioned and A "200 DMA" .. I just want to confirm that Supercharts may be incorrect?

A 200 Simple Moving average. The above you posted is ema and shorter frame I believe.

When you have time. Thanks.

I am now puzzuled as to why my older software has slight different readings, but agrees with other web charts.

I did shorter ma's like 50 etc and results seems closer, its the longer studies

Posted: Mar 16 2006
by Alexey Kramer
You shouldn't trust in data accuracy when you are working with free data sources until you check all data bar by bar. 1 missed or incorrect bar will change everything.
Please see 200 SMA screenshot of reliable TRAD data feed.

Posted: Mar 16 2006
by neurotrader
Thank You