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Why so few brokers available on MultiCharts ? (Dukascopy)

Posted: Jun 03 2010
by StratMan
Some traders use MultiCharts with Dukascopy, because they paid for the development.
Dukascopy uses the FIX API, used by many other brokers.

Why these connections are not available for all in the selection of Broker plug-in???

Posted: Jun 04 2010
by Tresor
Your post is well-timed. I just sent (2 minutes ago) an e-mail to Duka about this :P

Their MT4 is not ready yet so this is a good opportunity for MC.

Posted: Jun 04 2010
by StratMan
and if the connection with Duka was available, then the connection with dbfx should also be operational because the two use the same FIX API.
But if the connection to Duka is a development that tss has sold to a customer, then it is likely that this connection will not be available for free for some time ... ;-)

Posted: Jun 04 2010
by Tresor
Just between us I hope that Andrew's:

''We also have some exciting news we are going to announce soon... We have quite ambitious plans of MC7 that we will discuss later.'' ... highlight=

means not only (i) manual orders but also (ii) MC's expansion among brokers, Dukascopy inclusive.

Damm, I want to win their watch :twisted:

Posted: Jun 04 2010
by StratMan
this message has already more than two months ... :?

Posted: Jun 04 2010
by Tresor
this message has already more than two months ... :?
Let's hope Duka is not run out of their watches by the time DOM is implemented in MC 8)

Posted: Jun 04 2010
by Tresor
and if the connection with Duka was available, then the connection with dbfx should also be operational
Be careful with dbfx. I myself once thought this could be a good choice but it appears dbfx is a rebranded fxcm (market maker / video game / non-ECN): ... adid=75287

Deutche Bank is a major player on forex (for institutional clients), but for retail clients there are better options elsewhere.

The below two claim to be full ECN brokers and have small funding requirements:

1. Duka seems to be a good choice for retail clients from Europe ($ 1k funding requirements): and you can win a precious watch, if you are lucky

2. PFG for American clients ($ 0.5k funding requirements): and you can win a world cup in trading, if you are good.

Of the two above Duka has better (lower) commission.

Posted: Jun 04 2010
by StratMan
Thank you for this information!
So I would wait impatiently for 'MC' connects to 'Duka'

Meanwhile, MC came once more time to crash with volatilization of workspace ... :cry:

Posted: Jun 04 2010
by Tresor
Thank you for this information!
So I would wait impatiently for 'MC' connects to 'Duka'
I asked Duka to contact TSS to connect their feed to MC.

Let's hope this thread is interpreted by TSS as MC users' wish for TSS to contact Duka to connect MC to Duka's feed.

Now it's up to Duka and TSS to try to make friends.

Posted: Jun 14 2010
by Tresor

Bad news on my end. Below is the answer I was given by the person who takes care of contacts with me, after I have suggested that Duka should contact Andrew and get their data feed and execution connected to MC:

''Hello ...............,

thank you for the information, however we prefer to upgrade our existing products and platforms rather than using third party technical solutions.

Kind regards,

Now it's your turn to use your charm and try to persuade Duka that:

(i) they should not abandon their External Service Providers programme ... providers/ as it can increase their client base;

(ii) MC would fit their External Service Providers programme very well.


Posted: Jun 14 2010
by StratMan
Hello Tresor,

TSS has already developed and sold the connection between MC and Dukascopy.
In fact, it's TSS that could tell us what we must do to benefit their development.
And we should know how Duka 'sell' their FIX API ...


Posted: Jun 14 2010
by Tresor
Hello Tresor,

TSS has already developed and sold the connection between MC and Dukascopy.
I didn't know that.
And we should know how Duka 'sell' their FIX API ...
It is stated on Duka's website ... _accounts/ that any client who has a deposit of at least $100k will be given access via FIX API.

It is my understanding that those clients who deposited less than $100k can trade via brigdes between JForex and their applications. I looked at Duka's forum and people are quite actively using NT with JForex bridge.

I think it would be nice if MC availed to its users two options:
(i) MC - Duka via MC - JForex bridge, and
(ii) MC - Duka via FIX API

Posted: Jun 14 2010
by Tresor
I googled ''Muticharts Dukascopy FIX API'' and indeed it seems that such thing exists. The cost was $1k ... edback.htm

I think the developer can sell it for $100 now.

MC JForex bridge should cost around $10.

Posted: Jun 14 2010
by StratMan
TSS can also provide it for free ;-)

Posted: Jun 14 2010
by Tresor
TSS can also provide it for free ;-)
I have been a user of MC for a few years now. During this time a number of data feeds were removed from MC for different reasons, e.g.
- Transact / Infinity / AGN data feeds were removed because of the bad quality of these data feeds;
- Opentick was removed because this vendor went bankrupt.

If there were any data feeds to be placed instead of those above to compensate for the loss, Dukascopy would come to my mind.

Posted: Jun 14 2010
by StratMan
Personally, I use IQFeed for datas.
But for the automated trading on the Forex market, MC offers few solutions in comparison to NT ...

Posted: Jun 14 2010
by Tresor
Personally, I use IQFeed for datas.
It is a solution. MC bulids the candles on IQFeed bid. But if you wanted also to draw the ask line to see the real spread of your broker, IQ will be of no use.

This is the reason to have a data feed from your broker (to see the real spread).
But for the automated trading on the Forex market, MC offers few solutions in comparison to NT ...
I did what I could. Let's wait for TSS to comment on Duka.

Posted: Jun 14 2010
by StratMan
It is a solution. MC bulids the candles on IQFeed bid. But if you wanted also to draw the ask line to see the real spread of your broker, IQ will be of no use.

This is the reason to have a data feed from your broker (to see the real spread).
And if you use the data feed from fxcm, the broker, then you must use the Universal DDE data source which does not provide a status line (so no bid & no ask) which makes the calculation of the spread trickier...

Posted: Jun 14 2010
by Tresor
So it is a necessity to have the data feed of the broker via which you trade.

TSS can we have your comment on Dukascopy please?

Posted: Jun 18 2010
by Andrew Kirillov
Hi Tresor,
Yes Dukascopy data feed and execution gateway will be available in MultiCharts 6 release.

Posted: Jun 18 2010
by Tresor
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Jun 18 2010
by tcat
For those who completly missed the story about Dukascopy:

1) I have no link to that company, be that clear to who ever wonder.
2) This company is the only company to bring ECN level in Switzerland.
3) As of this week, this company has been granted Swiss Banking License.
4) Duka has a monthly performance contest with a worthy price and public exposure (in case you look for exposure and recognition...)
5) Would you care about Swiss franc, it appears that the money is not backed up by a huge amount of debt (think euro or us$).
6) When dealing with FX, be very cautious about leverage and allocation.

Thanks Andrew for taking care of this request.


Posted: Jun 18 2010
by Tresor
Duka also organizes monthly contests for algo traders. Here you can see the codes of the winning EAs: ... /may-2010/

Posted: Jun 18 2010
by StratMan
What date is scheduled availability of MultiCharts, which will connect to Duka??

Posted: Jun 25 2010
by Dave Masalov
What date is scheduled availability of MultiCharts, which will connect to Duka??
Dear StratMan,
Yes Dukascopy data feed and execution gateway will be available in MultiCharts 6 release.
MultiCharts 6 release version will be released before the end of July.

Posted: Jun 25 2010
by Tresor

Please make MC programmers aware of two types of integration with Duka:

1. JForex API - for clients who deposited less than $100k: ... x/library/

2. FIX API - for clients who deposited more than $100k: ... i/fix_api/

It would be ideal to have both.

Posted: Jun 27 2010
by Andrew Kirillov
DS via FIX API will be available.