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Posted: Mar 16 2006
by tosk

There must have been some other change. Point (original) charts do not work with 1.90.438.735 using global server. Chart will display "waiting for connection" forever. They do work with 1.90.435.775.


No auto Update

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by momentum
I am using 1.90.410.880 beta and when I open MC, it checks for a new version but does not find one.

How do I upgrade



Posted: Mar 17 2006
by Alex Kramer
Dear momentum:

you can download the latest version from ... charts.exe

Please take care to cave your relevant workspaces, then use the Control Panel->Add/Remove programs to uninstall the existing version.

After uninstall completes, make sure no files are left in folders:
Program Files\TS Support\MultiCharts
Program Files\Common Files\TS Support

hen reinstall MultiCharts using the distributive from the link above

Users: Caution

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by trader39
I recommend that users check some of the individual posts below re bugs in this release before installing.

My feeling is that version 1.90.440.760 is very buggy and many users would be happier staying with their existing release. In particular, 1.90.440.760 will not successfully compile many previously debugged custom indicators.

Posted: Mar 20 2006
by ScottB
When trying to add a symbol from the IB data source, I get timed out repeatedly and never am able to add a symbol. Is anyone else having this problem and if so, did you get by it?

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by Stanley Miller
A new version (1.90.442.1230) is now available, the problem with studies not compiling has been addressed in it. The download link is, as always: ... charts.exe

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by Stanley Miller
When trying to add a symbol from the IB data source, I get timed out repeatedly and never am able to add a symbol. Is anyone else having this problem and if so, did you get by it?
Dear Scott,

Have you been able to review the online tutorial below and follow its steps accurately? Please review it and let us know if you still have the problem. ... rokers.htm

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by ScottB

The dll that Alex posted for the IB datafeed fixed the problem. Everything works fine with the exception of the time on the chart. I am on exchange time no matter what I do.

I have created custom sessions, session templates, all to no avail. I can adjust my studies so it is no big deal but it would be nice to know what I am doing wrong.

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by Alex Kramer
Please right-click the chart and select Format symbol (see screenshot attached). This is where the actual chart time zone is controlled.

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by Guest

Thanks, that worked. I must have looked at that screen 10 times without seeing that. You may not be familiar with the American cartoon character Homer Simpson but he has an expression for this - D'Oh (pronounced dough like what you make bread from)