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To users of Multicharts 1.9 - bugfix

Posted: Mar 16 2006
by Alex Kramer
Dear customers, if you're having problems with MC ver. 1.90.438.735, we suggest you download and install the new version.

MultiCharts 1.90.440.760 can be downloaded from ... charts.exe

Please back up your workspaces and studies, uninstall the previous version using Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs and install the new version.

Posted: Mar 16 2006
by neurotrader

I was using version 1.90.438.735. All works very well with this version, I have had no errors all my studies work well, Fantastic.

My curious self decided, to uninstall and try the version you just mentioned 1.90.440.760, ..there appears to be bugs with the PL Editor.

First of all, after importing all my custion indicators and compiling them, one would not compile for some reason .. was a simple CCI custom of mine. Ok, all other 15 or so compiled ok.

When I opened my workspaces, none of my custom studies would show on charts even though they were compiled.

I gladly uninstalled ver 1.90.440.760 and re installed ver 1.90.438.735, I am up and all is working well again.

1.90.440.760 is very stable and I like it.
I learned my lesson when all is working well and curiosity hits .. lol

Market Profile by sir trade

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by cashagy
I like new 1.9 except my Market Profile by sir trade does not work in 1.9and it was ok in 1.8


Posted: Mar 17 2006
by Alex Kramer
Dear neurotrader, a couple questions:

You opened the saved workspaces and just saw there are no studies, right? Were the studies present in the list when you selected Format Studies? Could you see them in the Insert Study list? You information will be most appreciated.

Cashagy wrote:
>Market Profile by sir trade does not work in 1.9
We will fix this in the nearest version, due out the next week.

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by Guest
Alex, I did it twice to make sure. I did a fresh uninstall through windows. Then I went back and deleted all files and folders except for databased.

I previously saved studies, databases, and workspaces.

I then installed the version you posted. I then imported the custom studies. They all imported. I then compiled "all uncompiled. All compiled except for a couple.

I then pasted my workspaces back.

Now when I opened my regular worspaces I use everyday, non of my custom studies appeared in any of my workspaces. I am talking about all the custom studies that "were compiled" not just the two that did not compile. They showed compiled but did not appear in any of my workspaces. Studies that were not custom did show on the workspaces.

NOW, I repeated exactly the above uninstall procedure and exact same steps and put back the version 1.90.438.735 and all was well. All studies imported back and all compiled and all showed on my workspaces.

Alex, After installing the version you posted and seeing the studies bug, I did not stick around too long to test it, I wanted to get it out fast and put back the one that works, since I use and need it for trading through out the day.

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by neurotrader
Alex, the above post was from me, neurotrader. I was not logged on and it shows guest

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by Alex Kramer
We've received reports about some studies not compiling in the new version, but the studies not appearing in workspaces is news :(
Were you able to see those studies in the Insert Study list, tried adding them again manually before returning to the previous version?
hanks for infoming us, we understand you have trading to do and cannot afford to play around with our bugs all day, need a working version.

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by neurotrader
Alex, As soon as 1) some studies could not complie, 2) When loaded up my workspaces I could not see my studies that were in the PL Editor and were complied, I just decided to uninstall and re install my previous which all is working well.

I did not play around with anything else.

If you really can not reproduce I can send (email) you "One"of the workspaces .. Some of my studies on that workspace (including the ones that could not complile with that version) and you can try and reproduce. I do not want to chance intalling it again as it does not work for me.

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by neurotrader
One more thing, some of the studies that compiled in the PL Editor were also paint bars, those compiled but would not show when opening the workspaces ...

As for checking to see if they were there and re inserting, I did not go that far. They were in PL Editor and were complied.

When going back to 1.90.438.735 all was there and working perfect again.

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by neurotrader
Thinking outloud here, a couple studies did not compile and all other custom studies did compile, could it be that even though PL Editor shows that those custom studies compiled, they infact did not compile?

If that was the case it would explain why they did not show.

Cause as you mentioned if there is a problem with compiling, perhaps those that show complied in PL Editor may infact not be?

Just a thought and my 2cents worth :?

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by Super GUEST
One issue after another. When will all these crazyness end?
Since I bought MC outright, I feel, I should only look at it after v3.999

If you know what I mean - QC.

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by neurotrader

These bugs are growing pains. But their final release of 1.90.438.735 works like a charm.

Omega went through these growing pains too with their development and release of TS many years back, as another member here pointed out.

Custom studies would not compile

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by trader39
I found NONE of my custom studies would compile in version 1.90.440.760. Rather I just get a "compiled with errors" error message and no object code results.

Please fix this as soon as possible.

I have had relatively few problems with intermediate build 428.1091, and will return to using it for now, but strongly prefer using a standard release rather than an intermediate build such as this.

In my opinion, however, build 428.1091 is far superior to 1.90.440.760 and many users would find it preferable as a version 1.9 release if you cannot easily debug the critical issues in 1.90.440.760, in that 428.1091 compiles all previously developed user custom studies without difficulty.

Posted: Mar 20 2006
by Alex Kramer
A new version (1.90.442.1230) is now available, the problem with studies not compiling has been addressed in it.

The download link is, as always: ... charts.exe

Posted: Mar 20 2006
by neurotrader
I am using version 1.90.438.735 curently and seems to work well, what will be my benifit to go to 1.90.442.1230? What has been fixed in 1.90.438.735 to warrent going to 1.90.442.1230

Is version 1.90.442.1230 the 1.90 final or is it a beta?

Thanks :)

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by Alex Kramer
We'd like it to be the final 1.9 - we fixed the issues that caused complaints in it, so we're asking all forum visitors for feedback on it.

If the feedback is positive, then we'll disable auto-update and this version can be considered the official1.9 release.

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by ScottB
I am using the 1230 release and it works great with the exception of the chart time (which I posted in the 1.9 release thread by Stanley). All my custom studies compiled and I have had no problems at all once I got the updated IB datafeed dll off the forum (71.71)

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by neurotrader
Quotemanager seems to have some problems. This happened with previous version this morning and new current release. It generates errors when you open quotemanager. Once opened no data is there. You reinstall and all data is back. I sent the bug report.

The difference from last few days is that I set databases to On demand for all workspaces.

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by ScottB

I had the same experience with the databases. The good new is that once I figured that out (with your help from previous posts) everything works great. Additionally, MC now loads very quickly as opposed to the previous version where I would start MC and go make coffee waiting for the charts to load. At this point, I am very happy with MC.
