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ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 04 2010
by Tresor
Hello TSS,

I am writing this post because I want to congratulate on MC's integration with Dukascopy. Dukascopy is probably the best retail Forex broker at the moment:
(i) tight spreads that MBT's clients can only dream of
(ii) low commission that MBT's clients can only dream of
(iii) liquidity probably higher than that of Interactive Brokers
(iv) data feed better than that of Interactive Brokers
(v) no yearly tax forms to report ... etc.

The title of this post contains the phrase ''almost perfect integration''. The key word is ''ALMOST''. What I mean by this is:

(i) of the two data feeds offered by Duka, TSS chose to incorporate the one that does not backfill - only scalpers who do not care for gaps would use this data feed (maybe 1-2% of MC users);

(ii) of the two trading gateways offered by Duka, TSS chose to incorporate the one that can be used by traders who deposited not less than $100k with Duka - that would make maybe 1-2% of 1-2% of MC users.

Given the number of MC users who would use this solution (not more than 0.41 persons per 1036 users registered in the Forum), I was wondering if TSS could consider supplementing this ALMOST perfect solution in a way to arrive to a FULLY perfect integration that could be of interest to a mainstream trader and MC user.

Solution: There is JForex API available from Duka that:
(i) backfills historical data - then any type of trader could use this data feed, not only scalpers
(ii) requires depositing only $1k - then any trader could afford to benefit from MC- Duka integration.

Question: Will TSS consider supplementing the present ALMOST perfect solution with JForex integration to arrive to a FULLY perfect solution?


Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 04 2010
by beck donald
I have not tried the feature and do not have time today to check it....

Would a chart merge work fore you? Historic data from source1 and live from source2.

Where did you get the specific Dukas setup information from?


Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 04 2010
by Tresor
Would a chart merge work fore you? Historic data from source1 and live from source2.
The problem would be with backfilling the data. if you had an internet failure for 5 minutes or a power failure for 10 minutes during your trading, you would need a second source to fill the gaps. And your computer would need to be on 24/6 in order not to miss a tick.

Dave wrote today that the current MC - Duka integration does not backfill data. I checked that on Duka's website - indeed their API does not provide historic data :?

Whenever I though of a FIX API I always thought it was a high-end solution. I erroneously assumed that when a trader is required to put $100k he may expect not only historic data but also ... pre-historic data.

What a misfortune :mrgreen:
Where did you get the specific Dukas setup information from?
I applied for the demo set up info at Duka, but I didn't get it (yet). Maybe they are waiting for the $100k deposit or the lady at Duka who takes care of me is on her summer holiday - I don't know.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 04 2010
by beck donald
A long shot maybe...

But it might be possible that esignal or dtn offer Dukas as a contributor? I will research it tonight.

In the case of MBT Trading, they are listed as EFXG on DTN.

Take care,

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 04 2010
by Tresor
A long shot maybe...

But it might be possible that esignal or dtn offer Dukas as a contributor? I will research it tonight.

In the case of MBT Trading, they are listed as EFXG on DTN.

Take care,

DTN offers:
(i) Tenfore,
(ii) FXCM (which offers a rebranded eSignal for historic backfill in FXCM), and
(iii) Barclays.

There is an advantage of having data feed from the broker that executes your trades:
(i) you know the spread,
(ii) you can easily document a complaint in case the price goes up and down your StopLoss or TakeProfit or your orders and you do not get filled.

I don't think any third party vendor offers Duka's dat feed.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 04 2010
by beck donald
I am posting the DTN and eSignal contributors. You can either have a composite symbol or get data from just a contributor. Unless Dukas has another name similar to MB Trading, I don't see them.

DTN Contributors

ABBA TenFore Average Best Bid/Ask
AIBK Allied Irish
BARC Barclays Bank
BDBI Mercantile Bank
BLLI Leumi Bank
BLTA Leumi Bank
BROK Broker Snapshot
CITA City Bank
CMC Currency Management Corporation
COMP TenFore Composite Symbol
DRES Dresdner Kleinwort
DSTI Delta Stock Inc.
ECBF European Central Bank
EFXG MB Trading
EUAM TenFore Synthetic Symbol
FIBI First International Bank of Isreal
HAPI Poalim Bank
IDBT Discount Bank
IGBK Investec Bank
MDBI Mercantile Bank Isreal
MFXM Macedonian Fx Market (Central Bank of Macedonia)
MIGF MIG Financial SA
MIZI Mizrahi Bank
MRIT Merita Bank
OZAR Otzar Ha Hayal Bank
POTA Poalim Bank
RADA Rada Forex
RTFX Realtime Forex
SAXO Saxo Bank
TUBD Trinkaus
TUTF Tullet & Tokyo
UBII Union Bank Isreal
WBLT Winsor Broker

Esignal Contributors
AAAL Saudi Hollandi Bank, Riyadh             
ABAA ABN-Amro, AMS                           
ABCJ Arab Banking Corporation (Jordan)       
ACMB Asit C Mehta Forex P Limited, Mumbai    
AD Allied Irish, Dublin                    
ADBB Antwerp Diamond Bank NV, Mumbai         
ADCB Abu-Dhabi Commercial Bank Ltd, Mumbai   
AKBK Akbank, Istanbul                        
ALIB City Credit Investment Bank             
AM Akmos Trade, Moscow                     
BARB Bank of Baroda, Dubai                   
BBAA British Bankers Association, Ldn        
BBME HSBC Middle East Limited, Dubai         
BCAN Bank of Canada, Ottawa                  
BHSB HSBC Thailand                           
BKCH Bank of China, HKG                      
BKMP Bank Mellat, Tehran                     
BL Barclays, LDN                           
BMCB Bombay Mercantile Co-op Bank Ltd        
BMIL BMIL Ltd, Dubai                         
BMIS Banque MISR, Cairo                      
BMJI Bank Markazi Jomhouri Islami Iran       
BMNB Banco Metropolitano, Havana             
BMUS Bank Muscat, Muscat                     
BNAC Bank Nederlandse Antillen               
BNBS Bulgarian National Bank                 
BNPA BNP, Bahrain                            
BOMB Bank of Maharashtra, Mumbai             
BOTH Bank of Thailand, Bangkok               
BPAH Banco Popular de Ahorro, Havana         
BPBI Bulgarian Postbank                      
BRBI Reserve Bank India                      
BRJB Bank of Rajasthan Limited, Mumbai       
BSAR Audi Saradar Private bank SAL, Beirut   
BSFR Banque Saudi Fransi, Riyadh             
BSNB National Bank of Serbia                 
BSUI Calyon, Bahrain                         
CC Bank Of Communications, Hong Kong       
CCBP Natixis, Paris                          
CCMI Cougar Capital Management, NY           
CDAB Danske Bank, Copenhagen                 
CDKN Danmarks Nationalbank                   
CM CMC, London                             
CNFB Canara bank, Mumbai                     
CNIS China National Interbank Funding Center 
CTI  Cantor (Indicative), NYC                
CTR  Cantor (Live), NYC                      
DENB Emirates National Bank, Dubai           
DO Den Norske, Oslo                        
DS Dah Sing Bank, HKG                      
ECBR Central Bank of Russia                  
EECB GTIS sourced from European Central Bank 
EEFG Polbank EFG, Warsaw                     
EEPB Eesti Pank                              
ELDE Deutsche Bank, LDN                      
EMBR  MR Bank S.A., Warsaw                    
ENBP Narodowy Bank Polski, Warsaw            
EQXM Equinox Composite, Chennai              
EUNI Unicredito Tiriac Bank S.A. Bucharest   
EWBA Sanpaolo IMI, Bucharest                 
EWMC Wallich & Matthes Czech Republic, Prague
FXCM Forex Capital Markets, New York         
FXDD FX Dealer Direct                        
GAIN Gain Capital, Inc.                      
GAVM GA Vasanth, Chennai                     
GCNB Czech National Bank                     
GEBB Fortis Bank, BRU                        
GFT  Global Forex Trading                    
GGLO OTCD Rate Input                         
GGUB Bank of Guyana                          
GT OTCD New York                           
GULF Gulf Intl Bank, Bahrain                 
GVPX GovPX Indicative Prices                 
HAZB ANZ Bank, HKG                           
HBZU Habib Bank, Karachi                     
HC OHV, Amsterdam                          
HFH  Hong Kong Forex Investment Limited      
HFRC Finansraadet, Copenhagen                
HH H S B C, HKG                            
HKBA H S B C, Sydney                         
HSBC HSBC, NYC                               
HSBI HSBC, Istanbul                          
HSBK H S B C, Karachi                        
HSBL HSBC, LDN                               
HSFX HotSpot FX - Interbank Rates            
HSSG HSBC, Ho Chi Minh City                  
IBAT  The Banks Association of Turkey         
IMFW International Monetary Fund             
INBB IndusInd Bank, Mumbai                   
IOBM Indian Overseas Bank, Chennai           
JBSA  Bond Exchange of South Africa           
JISR Bank of Israel                          
KCBK Central Bank of Kuwait                  
KHBM HSBC Malaysia                           
KOMX  OMX Group Stockholm                     
KZ Kantonalbank, ZUR                       
LACR Bank of Latvia, Riga                    
LBAR Cater Allen, Ldn                        
LBNP BNP Paribas, LDN                        
LBRA Banco do Brasil                         
LCOB Commerzbank, Ldn                        
LCSF Credit Suisse First Boston, Ldn         
LGHB L Gansham (LALA), Mumbai                
LH  Lee Fung Hong, HK                       
LHLF Halifax Bank plc                        
LIAV Bank of Lithuania, Vilnius              
LICP Icap, Ldn                               
LLBM  London Bullion Market Association       
LMLI Merril Lynch (Bank of America), Ldn     
LOYD Lloyds TSB Bank , London                
MANE Magyar Nemetzi Bank Budapest            
MASH Mashreq, Dubai                          
MAZB ANZ Bank, MEL                           
MLJC  Makan Lal Jalan & Co, Kolkata           
MR Nordea, Helsinki                        
NAZB ANZ Bank, Ho Chi Minh City              
NBBU National Bank of Romania                
NBCB Banco Central do Brasil                 
NBHK Norges Bank, Oslo                       
NBOB National Bank, Bahrain                  
NCET CETIP Custody & Settlement              
NGP  Restricted data from Netgociando        
NICP Garban Derived, NYC                     
NW Natl Bank of NZ, Wellington             
ODAB Fokus Bank, Oslo                        
ODSE ODL Securities                          
OESE S E Banken, Oslo                        
OH Pohjola Bank                            
OIBB Oman International Bank SAOG, Mumbai    
PAZB ANZ Bank, Singapore                     
PCKC Piggot Chapman & Co, Kolkata            
PCPB CPR Billets, Paris                      
PFG  PFG Retail, Chicago                     
PFGP PFG Institutional                       
PYIB Prebon Yamne (India ) Limited           
RANB Arab National Bank                      
RBNZ Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Wellington 
RBOL Royal Bank of Scotland, LDN             
RF Rada Forex, NYC                         
RIBL Riyad Bank, Riyadh                      
RTG  Real Time Forex Geneva                  
RZBS Raiffeisen Bank, Sarajevo               
SAMB Samba Financial Group, Riyadh           
SANZ ANZ Bank, Shanghai                      
SAZB ANZ Bank, Fiji                          
SBD Saxo Bank, Copenhagen                   
SB Svenska Handelsbanken, NYC              
SBIN State Bank of India, Bahrain            
SCBD Standard Chartered, Dubai               
SEBL S E Banken, London                      
SEBS S E Banken, STK                         
SF SHK Financial, Hong Kong                
SGBT Raiffeisen Bank, Tirana                 
SHSB HSBC, Singapore                         
SISL Central Bank of Iceland                 
SRCR South African Reserve Bank              
SYFB Syndicate Bank, Mumbai                  
TANZ ANZ Bank, Tokyo                         
TDFX 3Dfx                                    
TF Taipei Forex, TAI                       
TGBA Turkiye Garanti Banka AS, Istanbul      
TL Tullett Prebon, London                  
TRKD Hi Trak LLC, Dubai                      
TU Trinkaus, DUS                           
UBSL UBS AG, London                          
UFBE Federal Bank of Europe                  
WY Westpac, SYD                            
ZUBS UBS Investment Bank, Zurich             

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 04 2010
by Tresor

Thanks for your help.


For ages humanity have heard that ''nobody is perfect'' or that ''nothing is perfect'' and noone to my knowledge was ever able to prove these statements wrong.

You made a great effort to integrate MC with Duka which resulted in ALMOST perfect thing (still not fully perfect, but very very close to perfect).

I wonder now if you would like to falsify the ''nothing is perfect'' rule by adding an MC - Duka integration via JForex (to the existing integration via FIX API) thus creating jointly a ''perfect thing'', thus falsifying the old statement that nothing can be perfect, thus contributing to the development of the humanity, thus contibuting to the happiness of present and future MC users.



Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 11 2010
by Tresor
I got Dukascopy data feed to work finally :mrgreen:

Indeed there is no backfill, which makes non-scalpers very unhappy :?

I closed MC for 20 minutes and opened again; the gap was not filled.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 11 2010
by Tresor
Probably incorrect volume on Renko bars (both charts are set to build volume on ''trade volume'').

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 11 2010
by Tresor
I am now 100% sure the volume on time resolutions (e.g. 1 minute) is correct. Please see the picture.

Therefore, the logical conclusion is that volume on Renko resolutions is being displayed incorrectly in MC (it is roughly 10-20 times lower than on times resolutions for a given period of time).

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 11 2010
by Tresor
There is an issue when one wants to export Dukascopy data directly from MC (not from QM).

Exporting data isimpossible.Picture attached.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 11 2010
by Tresor
Checking the quality of data feeds has become my fetish - not a very exciting one.


When it comes to Dukascopy, does MC receive only (i) tick data or does it receive also (ii) 1 minute data?

I compared both 1 tick and 1minute data that I exported from QM and:
(i) I am very happy with 1 tick data (top-notch data - only a few forex brokers report traded volume)
(i) I am very unhappy with 1 minute data (lots of missing data)

I am attaching two screenshots + a comparison file of 1 tick vs. 1 minute data in Excel (with comments).

Coming to the question above:
(i) If MC receives only tick data from Duka, then MC incorrectly presents minute data in QM (but correctly plots minute data in MC)
(ii) If MC receives both tick and minute data, then Duka offers faulty minute data.

I will appreciate the answer to the above question.


Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 12 2010
by Tresor
Hello TSS,

This is getting serious.

Either (i) Duka sends 1 minute data that mismatches their tick data or (ii) MC misprocesses Duka's tick data and builds incorrect minute bars.

Please look at the picture. I will appreciate your comments before I talk to Duka.


Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 12 2010
by janus
I don't understand the fascination with the near-perfect integration with Dukascopy to give scalpers a near-perfect solution. So, does MC allow a scalper to submit a market order at any time, even before the next tick update is received? There are several other traps for scalpers, some of which I mentioned in other threads. If none of these are fixed, MC is no where near the ideal solution for scalpers - there are better alternatives. Dukascopy may or may not be the best data feed for scalpers - I don't know as I don't trade FOREX as yet. If the trading package can't act like in a direct and real-time fashion as a manual trader would act then it's not the ideal solution for high frequency and heavy duty scalpers, no matter how good the data feed is. I'm working towards scalping techniques on stock index futures using MC but I am working around some of the drawbacks, and the rest don't matter that much. For example, the delay in submitting an order until the next update tick is not that important except during very quiet periods - then it becomes very annoying. However, most times it's not too quiet so it's not a frequent issue. In any case, it does demonstrate a major weakness in MC for true scalpers, as compared to other platforms I've examined. By the way, I would have thought this major but subtle weakness could be rectified very easily. All that is required is an order to be submitted immediately rather than waiting for the next tick update (for studies with IOG enabled). For example, instead of saying

sell 10 contracts next bar at market;

would could say

sell 10 contracts now at market;

If this is already achievable and I didn't know about it, then I'd be shocked but also very happy to know. Even so, this is not enough. We need to have the option to make a study run continuously so decisions can be conducted and orders can be placed at any time even when there are no tick updates. That's how a real trader works. I realise the difference is subtle especially when the market is very active but it can be important at times.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 12 2010
by Tresor
I don't understand the fascination with the near-perfect integration with Dukascopy to give scalpers a near-perfect solution.
My first preference is to use a carrot (fascination) instead of a stick (scolding) when I try to motivate others. Sorry, that's how my brain is programmed :D
Dukascopy may or may not be the best data feed for scalpers
Their tick data is very good for any type of traders, in my opinion. Never saw better forex data.
it does demonstrate a major weakness in MC for true scalpers
True, MC is not for scalpers unless they are masochists.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 13 2010
by Dave Masalov
Probably incorrect volume on Renko bars (both charts are set to build volume on ''trade volume'').
Dear Tresor,

Regarding the volume on Renko bars:
- For Renko bars Up Volume is filled if the bar is going up . Down Volume - if it is going down.
- Up and Down Volume = number of ticks used to build this brick.

This is how Renko charts work.
There is an issue when one wants to export Dukascopy data directly from MC (not from QM).

Exporting data isimpossible.Picture attached
The engineers have confirmed that it is a bug. It will be fixed in the next build.

As for the difference between minute and tick data, the engineers are testing this at the moment.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 13 2010
by Tresor
This is how Renko charts work.
Thanks a lot. There will be much to learn for me once I'll finally trash MT :wink:
The engineers have confirmed that it is a bug. It will be fixed in the next build.
As for the difference between minute and tick data, the engineers are testing this at the moment.

I talked to a person from Duka's IT dept. I was told Duka sends only tick data, which indicates MC might be at fault.

Please have a look at another picture: 60 sec resolution is compared to 1 min resolution. Although the ''time interval'' is the same (60 sec = 1 min) the bars (sometimes) have different shapes and different volumes.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 13 2010
by Tresor
I also compared:
(i) 3600 sec vs 1 h, and
(ii) 86,400 sec vs 1 day

Hourly and daily resolutions are incorrect.

I suspect that weekly, monthly, quaterly and yearly bars would also be incorrect.

Picture attached.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 14 2010
by Tresor
What I am post about is either a bug or a blessing (?). Peculiar thing :D

Because Duka does not send historic data to MC, no backfilling of gaps is possible (I closed my computer for 20 minutes and no backfilling followed after I restarted the computer and MC ). I checked that it is impossible in MC to backfill gaps on Duka's data feed.

However on Point resolutions, MC creates bars that artificially backfill gaps without data. I am posting the picture because I would like to know whether the ''backfill'' in Point resolution is:
(i) an intended or unintended feature, or is
(ii) a correct or incorrect functioning of MC.

Any ideas?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 14 2010
by Tresor
A continuation on Point resolution, but from a different perspective. See the picture.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 15 2010
by kiasom

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 15 2010
by kiasom
What I am post about is either a bug or a blessing (?). Peculiar thing :D

Because Duka does not send historic data to MC, no backfilling of gaps is possible (I closed my computer for 20 minutes and no backfilling followed after I restarted the computer and MC ). I checked that it is impossible in MC to backfill gaps on Duka's data feed.

However on Point resolutions, MC creates bars that artificially backfill gaps without data. I am posting the picture because I would like to know whether the ''backfill'' in Point resolution is:
(i) an intended or unintended feature, or is
(ii) a correct or incorrect functioning of MC.

Any ideas?
Looks like you're using renko bars? Then this is a 'feature' of how Renko bars are calculated in MC. It fills voids in the data with bricks. It might look nice and tradeable in the chart, triggering many an indicator, but it's all just an illusion... will make renko backtesting even more unreliable.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 15 2010
by Tresor
Looks like you're using renko bars?
Point bars (not Renko). Please look at the upper left of the chart (status line!): resolution: 10 Points.

To be frank, I do not know if it is a bug or not. I have not used MC for more than 1 year and forgot many things, and my alzheimer has been only worsening since then with time :D

This peculiarity may very well result from my potentially incorrectly typped in settings in QM for forex.

BTW, It would be nice to have a sticky on QM settings or a post on QM settings for forex in MC FAQ. Some brokers / data vendors report 4 digits prices like 1.2345 and yet others report 5 digit prices like 1.23456.

Just in case I set the Price Scale to 1/100000.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 15 2010
by Tresor
Previous tests with Point resolution were run based on the following (incorrect) settings:
(i) Min. Movement 1, and
(ii) Price Scale 1/100000

I now downloaded Duka's JForex to check their tick (pip) size which is 0.00005 (except for .../JPY which is 0.005) and I ran the tests again (cache was cleared prior to testing).

The QM settings are as per attached xls file (red columns):
(i) tick size for a majority of pairs is: 0.00005 (therefore Min. Movement is 5, and Price Scale is 1/100000)
(ii) tick size for .../JPY is: 0.005 (therefore Min. Movement is 5, and Price Scale is 1/1000).

I hope the above settings are okay. Please let me know if you think I used incorrect settings.

The artificial backfilling on Point resolution is still there 8)

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 16 2010
by Tresor
I am not sure whether what I am to post about is a bug or not:

QM is set to collect both Bid and Ask on constant basis. And I can easily plot both Bid and Ask.

The catch is when I stop plotting Ask and resume plotting Ask after a few minutes, then QM does not seem to save Ask data it had received from Duka and I see a gap on a chart.

It is better explained in screenshots.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 16 2010
by Tresor
In this post I would like to make a small review on Dukascopy.

There are 33 pairs tradeable via this broker. Dukascopy is working to add 14 new ones. The list of the 33+14 pairs is attached in this post.

Also I like the spreads very much. They are extreemely tight indeed :mrgreen:

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 18 2010
by Dave Masalov
I talked to a person from Duka's IT dept. I was told Duka sends only tick data, which indicates MC might be at fault.

Please have a look at another picture: 60 sec resolution is compared to 1 min resolution. Although the ''time interval'' is the same (60 sec = 1 min) the bars (sometimes) have different shapes and different volumes.
also compared:
(i) 3600 sec vs 1 h, and
(ii) 86,400 sec vs 1 day

Hourly and daily resolutions are incorrect.

I suspect that weekly, monthly, quaterly and yearly bars would also be incorrect.
Dear Tresor,

The engineers have confirmed that it is a bug. It has been added to our fix list.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 18 2010
by Tresor
Dear Tresor,

The engineers have confirmed that it is a bug. It has been added to our fix list.
Dave, many thanks. This is a good news the engineers were able to confirm it.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 19 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Tresor,

You are welcome.
I hope the above settings are okay. Please let me know if you think I used incorrect settings.

The artificial backfilling on Point resolution is still there
Yes these settings are correct. The artificial backfilling on Point resolution is correct MultiCharts behavior.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 19 2010
by Dave Masalov
I am not sure whether what I am to post about is a bug or not:

QM is set to collect both Bid and Ask on constant basis. And I can easily plot both Bid and Ask.

The catch is when I stop plotting Ask and resume plotting Ask after a few minutes, then QM does not seem to save Ask data it had received from Duka and I see a gap on a chart.

It is better explained in screenshots.
Dear Tresor,

Could you please precise if you had QuoteManager on and if the data collection was on at that moment (symbol was connected in QM)?

If not, than it is normal that you had a gap. If yes, please come to our Live Chat so we can connect to your PC remotely and analyze the situation.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 19 2010
by Tresor
Could you please precise if you had QuoteManager on and if the data collection was on at that moment (symbol was connected in QM)?
Only MultiCharts was open on my computer at that time (for charting). QuoteManager was not activated although was set to collect both Bid and Ask.

It was my understanding that when only MC is on:
(i) data goes first to QM (which is not open, but works ''in shadow'' or its processes work ''in shadow''), and then
(ii) data goes from shadowy QM to MC.
If not, than it is normal that you had a gap. If yes, please come to our Live Chat so we can connect to your PC remotely and analyze the situation.
Dave, I will run the test tomorrow with MC and QM open simultaneously and will post the findings.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 20 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Tresor,

Quote Manager should be open to collect data (and the symbol should be connected of course).

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 20 2010
by Tresor
Dear Tresor,

Quote Manager should be open to collect data (and the symbol should be connected of course).
Hi Dave,

Yes, I confirmed the above with the tests I ran today.

But I personally think this should be changed. When MC is running, QM should invisibly work in a background (not open) and collect all the data requested in QM (for further use in MC when needed by a trader).

I am surprised noone (to my knowledge) suggested the change in MC - QM relationship.


Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 20 2010
by Tresor
I ran another test today.

1. First I opened QM.
2. Then I opened MC.
3. Then I closed MC for 36 minutes - QM remained open (for collecting the data).
4. I opened MC after 36 minutes and the data that QM was collecting during these 36 minutes were not available to MC.

I attach the screenshot.

Dave, do you think it can be changed? - so that once QM is open and running the data it collects will be available for MC?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 23 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Tresor,

Is the collect data option on in QM at 3?

We have tried to reproduce the problem whith the collect data option on in QM - there is no gap.
If the collect data option is off in QM - there is a gap and this is logical.

If you have the collect data option on in QM, please come to our Live Chat so we can connect to your computer and analyze the situation.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 23 2010
by Tresor
Dear Tresor,

Is the collect data option on in QM at 3?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 24 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Trezor,

Please come to our Live Chat so we can connect to your computer and analyze the situation.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 25 2010
by Tresor
Dear Trezor,

Please come to our Live Chat so we can connect to your computer and analyze the situation.
It will not be possible to analyze the situation because my Dukascopy demo expired on Monday.

I will renew the demo when a new MC version is released (hopefully with identified bugs fixed). Then we can make the excercise via live chat.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 02 2010
by smashthepound
Did you manage to connect MC with JForex API to trade automatically? I refer not to the datafeed because I could use a different one. I am just interest in the automated execution.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 02 2010
by Tresor
Did you manage to connect MC with JForex API to trade automatically?
Connection via JForex API is not supported in MC. Maybe it will be supported in the future or it won't - don't know this.

Connection via FIX API is supported in MC - I have not tested automatic order execution via FIX API though.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 02 2010
by smashthepound
Thanks Tresor.

A message to the MultiCharts Team:
It feels a lot of customers would be delighted if JForex API will be supported my MC.
Could we have an opinion of an MC representativ if this is something they would consider for the future. Thanks.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 02 2010
by swz168
Dear MC User,
please reply here if you'd like a connection via JForex API. I hope the more users who want that, the more likely the MC-Team will implement that.

I can only say: I want it too :) Thanks!

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 03 2010
by cdf
Yes, connection via JForex API. please
I want it too.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 05 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Sirs,

We will consider JForex API support in the future.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 05 2010
by Tresor
Dear Sirs,

We will consider JForex API support in the future.
Dear Dave,

Please consider considering it now. There is no need to wait for the future.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 05 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Trezor,

I have forwarded your suggestion to the developers.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 05 2010
by Tresor
I have forwarded your suggestion to the developers.
This is good news. Thanks a lot.

Your post shows how quick and effective MultiCharts' crew is in internal communication (compared to other software vendors).

E.g. if you browse NT forum, you'll learn that NT guys have not been able to do for years what you just did in one day.

We really appreciate this :)

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 06 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Tresor,

You are welcome.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 06 2010
by Henrik
I need it too (API).
Thank you!!

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 31 2010
by Tresor
Traders who want MC to be integrated with Dukascopy's JForex (minimal deposit: $1k + backfill of data) are kindly asked to vote for this feature in Multicharts Project Management:

You will need to register.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 02 2010
by Tresor
After one day of being displayed on Multicharts Project Management the feature request: MC integration with Dukascopy via JForex is most voted feature (ex aequo with cumulative volume delta). I hope this suffices for this feature to be implemented.

But if it is not enough to soften the hearts of MC's developers then I have another proposition:

Dear NT / MT / tradevec / ensign / noeticker / TS / AB / SC User!!!

For sure you want Dukascopy to be implemented in your platform. I as well as you do not think the developers of your platform will be able to help you.

I know that you monitor this thread at Multicharts forum in hope to dump your platform and switch to Multicharts. I know it from multiple forums.

There is a solution: please buy Multicharts now and vote for JForex integration into Multicharts.

Thank you.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 03 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Tresor,

At the moment we can integrate JForex only as a custom project. However, we may add it in the future if there is sufficient demand.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 03 2010
by Tresor
However, we may add it in the future if there is sufficient demand.
How do you quantify / measure demand? - by number of votes in the Project Management?

Can you please define ''sufficient''? - how many votes / how much demand if measured with other method than votes?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 03 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Tresor,

The number votes in itself does not mean that we will do it. For us it is just the indication of interest.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 03 2010
by Tresor
Dear Tresor,

The number votes in itself does not mean that we will do it. For us it is just the indication of interest.

How do you define 'suffiecient demand' then?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 03 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Tresor,

We evaluate the demand using our subjective criteria. It is a complex process. We do take the number of votes into account, however it is not a major factor.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 03 2010
by Tresor
We do take the number of votes into account, however it is not a major factor.
On one hand as an MC user I of course regret that MC takes this complex approach. This feature is the most wanted one in the feature request ranking, so one would logically assume that priority would be assigned to MC-Duka integration.

On the other hand and from my own experience I know that votes should not be a decisive factor. It is good to base the future of product on 'tangible' evidence, but it is even more important to use subjective criteria in a complex process.
We evaluate the demand using our subjective criteria. It is a complex process.
I lack the knowledge of what these subjective criteria are. I am pretty sure that if I asked for them, you wouldn't reveal them to me, as these may be top secret stuff.

When I think of possible criteria a few ones come to my mind. Let me concentrate on the most important one for me:

Since 18 Oct 2010 (please correct me if I am wrong) new regulations by CFTC have governed US forex brokers and US forex traders and non-US traders who use US forex brokers. Basically the allowed leverage is significantly reduced. Traders no longer can trade 100:1 on exotic pairs but 20:1. Traders no longer can trade 100:1 on majors but 50:1. This is a substantial reduction of financial freedom. These regulation do not apply to banks and banks' clients.

Because Dukascopy is a bank these rules do not apply to its US clients (these rules of course do not apply to its non-US clients). Duka's US and non-US clients can enjoy 100:1 leverage. I expect a shift from US brokers to European brokers soon (Dukascopy Bank, MIG Bank and others). The shift has actually started. Brokers like FXCM and MBT simply lose clients who vote with their feets and open accounts at banks.

Source: ... ed-to-150/

I think the above should be considered by MC along with other subjective criteria during the complex process of evaluating the demand for MC-Duka integration via JForex.

Just look at this thread: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7093

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 03 2010
by Tresor
1. Dear forex trader who uses MC for charting and a US broker for trading (FXCM,MBT, Oanda, FXDD and others). You got screwed by your regulator and you no longer can enjoy the leverage you liked so much. Please change your broker and show demand for MC - Duka integration via JForex*.

2. Dear forex trader who uses NT / AB / TS / ensign / others for charting and a US broker for trading (FXCM, MBT, Oanda, FXDD and others). You got screwed twice: (i) by your regulator who cut your leverage and (ii) possibly by your charting vendor who is not prepared to offer similar financial freedom that you enjoyed for years. Please change your charting platform, join MC community and show demand for MC - Duka integration via JForex*.

* By using MC and Duka you will stil enjoy 100:1 leverage on majors and exotics - but first you MUST show demand.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 03 2010
by Tresor
Another reason why MC should have Dukascopy or rather why Dukascopy should have MC:

1. MT4 sucks. It sucks a lot!!! - I hope we can agree on this. I use MT4 everyday and it sucks.

2. People flood Dukascopy with inquiries when MT4 will be available in Dukascopy. Just a few examples from one little forum:

(i) I trade with Dukascopy, SWFX platform. I also use MT4 (so far demo only) and looking forward to Dukascopy finally finishing the Beta testing of MT4.

(ii) Any hint when the MT4 platform at Dukascopy will be going live?

(iii) Dont' know... I'll ask them again.

(iv) In case anyone is interested in trading with Dukascopy but dislikes Duka's trading applications, Dukascopy has been recently integrated into MultiCharts platform:

(v) In the meantime I got a response from Dukaacopy, seems like we won't see MT4 live there...
'Thank you very much for your e-mail and for your interest in Dukascopy Bank SA. Unfortunately, MT4 is only available in Demo version and, due to quite many technical problems to adapt our data to the platform.'

next page:
(vi) Just wanted to add I had the same response back from Dukascopy about the MT4 platform.
'I regret to say that Dukascopy isn't intending to offers its clients MT4 for live trading as it goes against our ECN ideology.'
Shame as I was hoping to use them!

3. Dave, please download JForex. You will see that JForex sucks even more than MT4 - yes, I know it's hard to imagine, but it's true. That's why people in all possible forums bitch and moan about MT4 not being available in Dukascopy and give up setting account in Dukascopy.

4. Now imagine the market potential and demand for MC when it gets connected to Duka... (and when it finally gets manual order capabilities!)

5. As you saw in example (iv) traders are quite excited about possible MC-Duka integration.

6. MC-Duka is even discussed in non-English trading forums. Example (you can use Google Translation): ... &start=390

7. MC don't let us down.

8. MC don't let yourselves down - it's an opportunity that should not be wasted! There is a huge demand for a high quality platform at Dukascopy. This is a potential for you.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 04 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Tresor,

Thank you for your suggestions. We completely understand your point. When we say that we are not going to implement something right now, it does not mean that we won't do it at all. Let's just wait for more feedback from other users.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 04 2010
by Tresor
Let's just wait for more feedback from other users.
Good idea. I feel kinda overloaded. Would be nice if other folks discharged me in this thread.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 04 2010
by geizer
Since this is the only thread where the subject of "number of votes" ever surfaced, I would like to bring your, and developer's attention to the following fact:

It is possible to vote for the same issue more than once in the project manager... In other words: vote results can be skewed, distorting the real picture, whether accidentally or not. I found this fact accidentally, but of course, I don't imply that anyone would try to affect voting results on purpose.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 04 2010
by Tresor
Unfortunately I was not able to recreate this useful feature.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 05 2010
by Dave Masalov
It is possible to vote for the same issue more than once in the project manager...
Dear Pavel,

We failed to reproduce this issue. Even though you can click on "Vote" button several times, your vote will be registered only once.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 05 2010
by Tresor
Time for some statisctics and conclusion:

Number of posts in this thread:
(i) Tresor - 38 including this one (this guy seems to be interested in MC - Duka integration, he even tested the current integration via FIX API and reported bugs);
(ii) Dave Masalov - 15 posts (MC staff is keen to listen and react);
(iii) smashthepound - 2 posts (not bad);
(iv) other guys who claim to interested in the feature - 1 post (you guys showed no sincere interest in the feature and provided no arguments to show the demand for this feature).

How should your agruments have looked like? See the attached file.

MC user count:
(i) on the day the thread started: 1036
(ii) today (after 4 months): 1134
(iii) on average 25 new users per month.

1. There is no much sense to implement MC - Duka integration just for one guy (who already paid for his licence). There is no economic sense for MC to devote their resources for a month or two just for one guy, if they can earn:
(i) in one month: 1 x 25 users x $1,500 = $37,500 (by not implementing this feature)
(ii) in two months: 2 x 25 users x $1,500 = $75,000 (by not implementing this feature).
2. There is no way one guy can convince MC to do anything.
3. The way I look at this thread is: we failed to provide valid arguments for this feature. No wonder: none of you seems to care and I am tired.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 06 2010
by cdf
3. The way I look at this thread is: we failed to provide valid arguments for this feature. No wonder: none of you seems to care and I am tired.
that is not ture, Tresor.
surely we want to have the interface eagly.

to have an account in Dukascopy need more dollars deposit before,
and <= 5000 now.

More Dukascopy users will be MC users also if the integration can be perfect. no doubt there.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 06 2010
by swz168
Thanks Tresor for providing all the arguments why Multicharts should have Dukascopy JForex API integration. I couldn't have said it better.

Now I have tried to understand why MC Team doesn't want to integrate it now. Is it because that JForex API provides good historical backfills, which could endanger the MCFX product? I understand the worries. But I could live very well if the hostorical backfills are limited with the JForex API integration.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 09 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Tresor,

We understand your frustration. It often happens that one user really wants a feature, while others are not really keen on it. We can see that would benefit from it, but as you outline above, it does not make sense to make this for jsut one person. There is clearly a lack of demand for integration of MultiCharts with Dukascopy via the J-Trader bridge.

cfd -
More Dukascopy users will be MC users also if the integration can be perfect. no doubt there.
Currently we see no proof that can back up this estimate. If we take this thread is any indication of public intrest - there are only 5 posts which are not made by Tresor.

Tresor - To prevent you from further frustration and because of the lack of declared demand, we decided to kill the feature.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 09 2010
by Tresor
To prevent you from further frustration and because of the lack of declared demand, we decided to kill the feature.
Dear Dave, you could help me overcome my frustration by confirming the bugs that I found in the present not perfect integration with Dukascopy and that I reported in project management here: and labelled:
- Candles are incorrectly displayed /calculated on M / H / D / W / M / Q / Y resolutions with event-based data feed
- Volume is incorrectly displayed /calculated on M / H / D / W / M / Q / Y resolutions with event-based data feed

Dear silent and non-contributing and non-cooperating MC user (who hopes to have Dukascopy implemented in MC with no or little effort from his or her site), ever wondered (i) why your volume based strategies may underperform or (ii) why your 2 minute candles may look different than 120 sec candles with event (tick) based data feeds like Dukascopy, OEC or IQ feed? Of course you never wondered. Of course you never ran tests to confirm / falsify the bugs I reported. But at least you can vote, can't you?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 10 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Tresor,

The issues have been confirmed.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 10 2010
by Tresor
Thank you, Dave.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 10 2010
by Tresor
integration of MultiCharts with Dukascopy via the J-Trader bridge.
Dave, as a matter of clarification, we do not want the integration via a 'bridge'. Bridging would be a second-class type of integration.

Quote from Duka's website:

'JForex API provides the possibility to develop custom software applications using Java programming language. API client library can be linked to customer systems. It communicates directly with Dukascopy Bank trade servers over secure and authenticated Internet sessions. It’s not necessary to run JForex platform at the same time.'

Source: ... providers/

We want the type of integration that Dukascopy suggest above for third parties' software.

As far as I am aware the following bridges (JForex must be turned on) are available between JForex and:
(i) MT4 - people are not very happy with this solution (but have no other choice except for the one mentioned below), and
(ii) NT - nobody uses it - it was coded by an enthusiast and doesn't work properly.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 14 2010
by Tresor
Now I have tried to understand why MC Team doesn't want to integrate it now. Is it because that JForex API provides good historical backfills, which could endanger the MCFX product.
I don't think so. Look what is happening to NT - gain capital/ partnership due to newest CFTC regulations (NT will no longer be free for live trading at GAIN): ... cement.php

If by any chance the same rules are to be applied to MultiCharts - FXCM relationship, then MCFX product (business model) will be dead sooner than you think.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 17 2010
by Tresor
To prevent you from further frustration and because of the lack of declared demand, we decided to kill the feature.

More than a week lapsed since the above post.

I expected at least one person to buy an MC licence during this time. I expected at least one person to come to this forum and announce he / she bought the licence to get Dukascopy integrated into a quality platform like MC.

I feel rather disappointed the above did not happened. Now I tend to share your position and I understand the reason for your not being enthusiastic about the feature.

To Dukascopy or not to Dukascopy? That is the question.

I say MC should not implement this feature unless 25 new licences are bought :)

Wil I have 25 traders?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 18 2010
by StratMan
If this feature existed, maybe that more than 25 Dukascopy traders would be interested to buy MC?? ;-)

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 19 2010
by Tresor
If this feature existed, maybe that more than 25 Dukascopy traders would be interested to buy MC?? ;-)
I was thinking of a different scenario: 25 traders who are not Dukascopy's present clients will buy MC to show demand..


In one of my earlier posts I proved that a number of traders reject this broker simply because this broker offers only a low quality platform* by the name of JForex.

These traders (which I proved with links) would open an account in Dukascopy if this broker had MT4 which is a medium quality platform. I myself am such a trader.

My hope was that a considerable number of new traders would open an account in Dukascopy if there was a high quality platform (MC) available to trade with Duka.

* there is one more platform that allows to trade with Dukascopy: PT Multistation. I tested this platform. It is slightly better than JForex but still this is a low quality software.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Nov 21 2010
by tcat

This topic is becoming weird and out of subject. Why would you think that increase in sales (for which no one has visibility by the way) could lead to the support of the Jforex API?

MC could definitely appeal to those looking to assess more complex strategies without looking to spend time thinking in Java or C+ (Jforex or MTx), as stated by Stratman. Even for people currently using the Fix API, having the Jforex API would allow to download recent historical data (practical backup in case of disruption).

As swz168 noted, the historical backfeed might be the cause of the delay, as it could conflict with tssupport's current definition of their business model.

Now as traders, what should always be a priority is:
1) A Low fixed cost model (data feed, applications, infrastructure)
2) A Low cost transactions model (including spread, slippage and fixed cost) in association with a reliable broker (in case you want to withdraw your money!).
3) A reliable data feed. (Duka's data feed is way more reliable then Barchart's forex according to several spikes issues I have encountered in the last months).
4) Appropriate trading strategies (entry, exit, allocation and max exposure rules). Once you get familiar with easylanguage, assessment of ideas, indicators and strategies becomes straight forward.

A reliable combination of MC with the JForex API would provide a self-explanatory sales scenario that should convince any existing or potential customers of the adavantage of this approach, compared to other's currently on the market.

Note that, even if I do not follow your last sales forecast against features, I do however appreciate the time you spent identifying the current bugs and highlighting the benefits of this approach for tssupport and its customers.


Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 01 2010
by Roumeau

I am searching for a good broker with LOW spreads in order to run my FX strategy.

All my conclusions seems that Dukas is the best broker for me.
I think that MC is the best "autotrading" software.

So please, like Tresor, it will be so cool if you develop this feature (connection with jForex).

Thank You!

PS: yes I think, like Tresor, that the more "connectivity"(with brokers, with C2 for example...) MC will have, the more people will buy it!

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 09 2010
by Tresor
Today I downloaded JForex platform, for the seventh time during last 12 or so months. All of my previous six atttempts aimed for getting to like this platform failed.

But guess what? The seventh attempt is a success. Sure there are problems with the quality of JForex platform, e.g. it shows different pivot points depending on the resolution selected - peculiar bug :)

But it has also many cool and well designed features, like dockable order and postion tracker or trendline magnet - the latter is a fantastic tool! However by far the best feature of JForex that no other platform on the planet is capable of is: it is integrated with Dukascopy*.

I will complete the account set up documents tomorrow and will wire funds when required. You guys should do the same - there is no much sense to wait any longer.

* being integrated with Dukascopy is no longer a very cool feature for guys. Dukascopy's monthly prize is no longer a virile CHF 15,000 Quinting watch. Starting from this month they offer a cheap EUR 4,500 Cartier for sissies.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 09 2010
by Roumeau
Jforex platform is for me horrible in order to concept and write strategies...
I think that MC is the best software to auto-strategy conception.

JForex is Java Based, many bugs...

The only thing which is cool is:
- spread
- execution speed
- liquidity
- minimal account is affordable for many people

So I think that MC + JForex Dukas is the best solution (better than MC + Fix Api Dukas; hey guys, I'm not Soros! lol)

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 09 2010
by Tresor
Jforex platform is for me horrible in order to concept and write strategies...
I am a discretionary trader. It took me 7 attempts to like JForex. In your case I estimate the number of attempts at 27.
JForex is Java Based, many bugs...
It only adds the flavour. LOL!

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 09 2010
by StratMan
It might be interesting to know why TSS does not wish to develop the connection Dukascopy-Jforex??
Maybe their justifications are relevant and understandable?

So please, TSS, if it is not a strategic secret, could you please tell us why you do not do this quite small implementation?

Thanks in advance !

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by smashthepound

If you would read through the 81 replys on this topic you might simply come to the conclusion:

- not enough interest from MC users for the integration: the dialog was between Dave Masalov, Tresor and one or two other users including me. Where were you at the time? - We were missing your help.

- the Jforex integration seems to be more complicated then the FIX based API integration which is already implemented. It would mean a lot of work for TSS and they will not being compensated for this at the moment. Also I understand that they are working on MC 7.0 which means they put a lot of resouces into the new version.

So if someone would compensate TSS or there is an overall interest from MC users or if TSS would deem they could sell a lot of additional licences I am sure TSS would implement.

Unfortunately none of this is true so it will take some time until it might be implemented.



Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by tcat
Tobias, does your opinion reflect the one from tssupport?

One way of doing it, which would meet both end users expectations and tssupport need for cashflow would be to offer this service through owndata. This approach would not conflict with fxcm and allow for all parties to benefit.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by smashthepound
It is my opinion. But I try to understand the commercial aspect that might drive TSS in their decision making process.

The interest have to be well aligned. I do not understand your argument with owndata because TSS already did implement Dukascopy integration based on the FIX API.

I am sure if TSS could integrate J-Trader bridge at a klick of a buttom they would do this.

Since they do not it must be something which is more time consuming ...

By the way - did somebody ever ask Dukascopy to pay for the integration of MC via J-Trader bridge? It is in the interest of Dukascopy to integrate as many platforms to increase their trading volume.



Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by Roumeau
The problem for the connectivity of MC with JForex must be thought in a "developement" scheme.

Take MT4, the "leader" in autotrading; how many brokers can you connect with?
Answer: a great great great number.

Other question: how many forex brokers can you connect to MC...? Not much....

So I think that MC has to develop a plan in order to make the connection easy to many brokers, and many add-on (myfxbook, C2, tradency, rentasignal etc....)

Strategy conception is a good thing but you've got to finalize the process...

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by smashthepound
In my opinion MT4 is driven by the Sell Side (the brokers). You can even buy systems for MT4 and do autotrading. But I did not see many systems for MT4 which are profitable in the long run. By providing MT4 for free you get a lot of investors to generate turn over. This is what the Sell Side wants.

I consider MC users to be more experienced. They know there is no free lunch in buying a system for a few Dollars and to expect this system to perform well in the long run.

Most of them seem to develop their own systems and they have chosen MC because it is independend from the Sell Side.

TSS has integrated quite a few Forex brokers. But it is hard for them to integrate all Forex brokers. Do not forget that Forex brokers did spring up like mushrooms in the past few years. But not many of those brokers will survive in the long run because more regulation is to come which will be negative for the trading volume.

But let me ask one question: is there a general interface to MT4 which all brokers use or does every broker do its own integration to MT4? Please advise.



Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by StratMan

If you would read through the 81 replys on this topic you might simply come to the conclusion:

- not enough interest from MC users for the integration: the dialog was between Dave Masalov, Tresor and one or two other users including me. Where were you at the time? - We were missing your help.
Hi Tobias,
I have read all this topic and another published before it ;-)
but I was wondering, now that the MC7 is well advanced, if tss could not reconsider the implementation of Dukascopy or Oanda ...
In any case, it would always be possible to group together to pay the xx K$ that tss ask for the development of an private API :-)

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by Roumeau
-> smashthepound

I think that you ask yourself too much question; for me, I don't care if it is the sell side which makes MT4 popular, or if 99% of the systems are not profitable... I don't care.

I want to:
- make strategies (profitable, i try, lol)
- trade with it and with a broker with the lowest spreads/commissions
- why not sell it through add-ons like C2
- track my trades through add-ons like fxbook

(If you want make this for living I think that this not the best, but maybe the step before money management or making a fund.)

So, yes most of systems are not profitable but well, making systems is also a business-core for MC, and if you aim to make systems through MC, you will want to trade with it and why not, sell/rent it, this is logical no? So you will make this with the best partner.
Now, partners for MC are 2/3 brokers with not so good spreads (open ecry for example, forex part provided by, pwaaa), and 0 partners to track/sell your system so...

I make systems with MC but I translate them in MQL4 in order to work, simply...

This is a pity because MC is better better better than MT4 but, what can I do??? I don't make a system in order to print it, frame it, and put it on the wall and say: "that's a very nice system!" lol

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by smashthepound
-> StratMan

So let's do a little fund raising to end this discussion.

I am willing to pay USD 1k to TSS. But I understand that costs are much higher to reimburse TSS.

So who is going to join me to ask TSS for custom integration?



Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by smashthepound
-> Roumeau

I understand your point. But I understand also the commercial aspects which drive TSS in their decision making process.

So go and ask Dukascopy to pay for it. They are the ultimate beneficiary.

If Dukascopy has no interest, well ...

join me with the fund raising.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by StratMan
if there are only 10 people who each contribute 1 K$, I think it should take account ;-)

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by smashthepound
StratMan - are you gonna join me?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by StratMan
StratMan - are you gonna join me?
of course yes !
And I'll pay 1 K$ more for the Oanda API...

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by smashthepound
Great StratMan - Thanks for this.

Who else is willing to join us?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by tcat
Once again, doesn't anyone think that having an appropriate feedback from tssupport could help?

I definitely think there is a fine line between trading and speculating and in this case, all I see is on the speculation side. It always takes a couterparty for the trade to happen though.

Dave, could you provide any official feedback regarding what would be required for tssupport to integrate the Jforex API to MC, so as to support the data feed and the transactions?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 10 2010
by Tresor
Who else is willing to join us?
Don't count on me mate. Since yesterday JForex is my platform.

But feel free to try to convince me to change my mind.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 13 2010
by Dave Masalov
Dear Sirs,

The development of the JForex API is potentially interesting to us to attract more business and more clients. However, the interest in the API right now seems marginal, and, therefore, of lower priority than other developments we are currently performing. For example, we feel that manual trading will bring a lot more customers on board, so it is the number one priority right now. At some later point in time, we may develop this connection.

There are other possibilities, though. If someone were to purchase MultiCharts Pro and request this data feed to be added for the custmoization portion, we would be forced to set other projects aside and make the connection right away becuase of the commitments, we give with that product. If that person wanted to the data feed to be included with the general release, for everyone's benefit, we would not object.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 13 2010
by smashthepound
Thank you Dave.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Dec 14 2010
by Tresor
Do we have a trader from Joulupukki or at least from Finalnd who would assume responsibilities and pleasures of being a Santa Claus and would purchase the pro version?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Apr 29 2011
by Tresor
This thread seems to be dead or almost dead.

If it's not dead yet, then let's put a final nail in its coffin. Have a look at page 06: ... review.pdf

Frankly I thought Dukascopy was bigger - I thought they ranked 3rd - 5th; but it turnes out that Dukascopy is only 7th largest forex broker for retail traders in the world.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Apr 29 2011
by khalaad
In my humble opinion only Interactive Brokers, MB Trading, PFG Best, OANDA, Go Markets, and perhaps one or two other (non-bank) retail forex outfits -- Dukascopy amongst them -- even deserve to be called brokers.

Caveat emptor.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Apr 29 2011
by StratMan
Bigger is not better ;-)
Dukascopy has a much better reputation among professional traders than fxcm...

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: May 01 2011
by asyx
I also would be happy if we see an integration Dukascopy via JForex. Sure Oanda has at the moment the biggest volume among retail market makers (Forex Magnates). I had been with them for some years. First they were quite ok in regard to cost-effectiveness. They have always been cheap and that is probably the reason why they became so popular in the meantime. Many others and me myself have recognized that Oanda adapted it´s behavior to other market makers in some instances, unfortunatelly.

That is why I would always prefer an ECN-solution like Dukascopy for forex trading. There you have a broker which stands not in your way like a market maker.

I bought Multicharts partly because I assumed that trading via Dukascopy is possible without limitations. I have to admit that I did not make sufficient inquiries on this topic upfront, so I blame nobody for my ignorance. Nevertheless I´m a little bit dissappointed now.

Multicharts is my first choice because of its capabilities. I´m not keen on learning Java or mt4 stuff because my time is scarce and the few time I have I want to spend on market-research, not on learning programming languages. Therefore the focus logically is on Multicharts.

Diversification is without doubt a crucial part to trading and investing success. That´s way I hope that more and more (potential)Multicharts-followers discover forex-trading and see that Multicharts and Dukascopy (via JForexAPI) make a perfect fit.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Jul 17 2012
by t-rader
Hi MC,

Any chance we can get an update on this? I'd really like this :D


Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Jul 18 2012
by Henry MultiСharts
Hello t-rader,

We are currently focused on the implementation of some other important features.
Please contact Dukascopy if you are interested in adding this functionality to MultiCharts in the future.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Jul 19 2012
by t-rader
No disrespect to MC as you guys do a good job but this thread was started 2 years ago. It was mentioned above that the priority was manual trading and now that's implemented something else has taken priority. I understand you have to do this for business reasons I just feel this well never get done.

From the list of supported fx brokers I think fxcm is the only other broker that provides a decent amount of historical tick data that you can also trade through that has back fill although I'm not sure if this is just for the discontinued product mcfx... this does make me wonder how fx trades are back testing on tick data and trading live from the one and the same broker? Atm I have to backtest via dukascopy and then trade live via mbt which brings all sorts of issues when migrating my system from dukascopy to mbt such as time zone and session start and finish times etc... thus making back testing even more unreliable....

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Jul 26 2012
by Henry MultiСharts
T-rader, we understand your point. We will consider adding such functionality.

You can also use MultiCharts Forex Data (same as in MCFX) for trading at FXCM broker.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 06 2012
by champski
Dear MC,

I'm with t-radar on this one. This outstanding request has hung around for waaaay to long without action. How do us auto-traders stand a chance when we have to test with one lot of data and trade with another???

When will it be time for this continually recurring request to be next on the 'to do list' for MC?

Best Regards
Champski (double MC lifetime license holder)

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 07 2012
by Henry MultiСharts
Hello Champski,

Unfortunately we are not able to allocate enough resources at the moment to implement the connectivity to all of the brokers we would like to have connected and available for our clients. Nowadays brokers should be more interested in keeping their customers and providing the best technology for their connection. We suggest our Dukascopy clients to contact the broker directly and raise this question as a highest priority one. The broker can either develop the connection on their end or hire us to do that.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 07 2012
by Tresor
Henry, my two cents:

1. This thread was started 2 years ago. I think it shouldn't come as a surprise someone will riot from time to time :) given no fruitfull results have been produced so far.

2. FYI I contacted MIG Bank (also from Switzerland) a few months ago - they knew nothing about MC although MIG Bank was listed as a supported broker at that time. I contacted MIG Bank a week ago. Again the customer support knew nothing about MC. After I had insisted that MC was nonetheless supported the tech department said the integration ... was not ready. You have been listing them as a supported broker for months and the integration is not ready?

3. While your product development is first-rate the connectivity expansion is simply lagging. A person from this forum issued a feature request for DivisaFX once. You did nothing and now look, your competitor (cTrader*) jumped in:

4. It should however be acknowledged that you added Lmax, which is very positive.

* cTrader is a truly low-quality platform

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Aug 10 2012
by Henry MultiСharts
FYI I contacted MIG Bank (also from Switzerland) a few months ago - they knew nothing about MC although MIG Bank was listed as a supported broker at that time. I contacted MIG Bank a week ago. Again the customer support knew nothing about MC. After I had insisted that MC was nonetheless supported the tech department said the integration ... was not ready. You have been listing them as a supported broker for months and the integration is not ready?
Tresor, MIG Bank connection is currently in development. Availability is expected in MultiCharts 8.1

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Mar 29 2013
by eto
what happen to this integration ?

is it solved with Jforex api .. because of this issue i have been not using Multicharts for almost 3 years ..

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Apr 01 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Hello Eto,

Nothing has changed since 07 Aug 2012. See my reply in post #110 above.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Apr 02 2013
by JoshM
Have the people that currently still request Dukascopy looked into LMAX, which is already supported by MultiCharts?

The arguments for Dukascopy in this thread (ECN-solution, not acting as a market maker, under Swiss regulation) also largely apply to LMAX.

In more detail:
LMAX operates a MTF trading facility (what you would call under American regulation an ECN) and all orders are posted by LMAX’s general members (meaning that LMAX is just operating the exchange itself).

LMAX is regulated by the UK FSA (which I think is as good as Swiss regulation), and in case of insolvency the accounts are protected up to 50.000GBP*.

The average execution latency is less than 3 milliseconds (see here) according to their own data, which is noticeably quicker than MB Trading for example.

Trading through MultiCharts can be done in mini-lots (1000 units).

There are fixed commissions, so no mark-up in the spread.

And personally speaking, LMAX’s support is helpful and quick to respond and, in comparison to brokers like MB Trading, not afraid to help with MultiCharts related questions.

No, I’m not affiliated with LMAX in any way, I just wanted to point out that there are good forex non-market maker brokers available for MultiCharts. It’s not like Dukascopy is the only ECN non-market maker broker in the world. In my personal opinion, there's no reason why you can't use MultiCharts when wanting to trade forex, or why you would have to revert to MT brokers.

*: Don’t take my word for it, but do your own research.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Apr 02 2013
by Tresor
Have the people that currently still request Dukascopy looked into LMAX, which is already supported by MultiCharts?
I looked. But only at Lmax demo. It is a bad data feed when compared to that of Dukascopy and Oanda. By bad I mostly mean queer volume. When one compares shapes of volume histogram of a given pair between Dukascopy, Oanda, Alpari and others to the volume of Lmax, all the volume histograms look similar, except for Lmax. This deterred me from Lmax. In my trading I look for price patterns accompanied by specific volume characteristics (spikes, bowl-shapes, etc.). Lmax demo data feed was useless for my purposes. I did not try the real data feed.
LMAX is regulated by the UK FSA (which I think is as good as Swiss regulation), and in case of insolvency the accounts are protected up to 50.000GBP*.
1. Having an account in UK (EU) is not as good as having an account Switzerland (non-EU) in my opinion.
2. Are there Lmax financial data available as are those of Dukascopy to assess the risk of potential insolvency?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Apr 02 2013
by JoshM
I looked. But only at Lmax demo. It is a bad data feed when compared to that of Dukascopy and Oanda. By bad I mostly mean queer volume. When one compares shapes of volume histogram of a given pair between Dukascopy, Oanda, Alpari and others to the volume of Lmax, all the volume histograms look similar, except for Lmax. This deterred me from Lmax. In my trading I look for price patterns accompanied by specific volume characteristics (spikes, bowl-shapes, etc.). Lmax demo data feed was useless for my purposes. I did not try the real data feed.
Yes, their demo feed is provided by a market bot and similiar (but not identical) of their real feed. The real feed does provide 1+ year of tick backfill for bid and ask, but no forex "volume" data.
1. Having an account in UK (EU) is not as good as having an account Switzerland (non-EU) in my opinion.
I'm not sure how much actual difference there is, since we're not comparing something like Cyprus to Switzerland, so the differences between these countries will be relatively minor. Besides that, I don't give the regulatory environment the biggest weight in choosing a broker, since I don't know of any regulator that did perform well in the past five years. For me, the FSCS guarantee is more valuable than my estimation of the competency of FSA employees.
2. Are there Lmax financial data available as are those of Dukascopy to assess the risk of potential insolvency?
I don't know what 'those of Dukascopy' entail, but no, LMAX doesn't publish their financial statements themselves. But I don't know if they provide these on request, and otherwise the UK business register will have these.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Apr 02 2013
by Tresor
Yes, their demo feed is provided by a market bot and similiar (but not identical) of their real feed. The real feed does provide 1+ year of tick backfill for bid and ask, but no forex "volume" data.
Lmax demo feed provided traded volume at the time I tested it. Anyway I applied only ''tick count'' on Lmax symbols and it plotted nonsense. I did not investigate whether the nonsense 'tick count volume' resulted from:
- the feed being a low quality demo or
- a potential bug in MC.

The demo feed / the way it was plotted in MC did not encourge me to open a real account.
Besides that, I don't give the regulatory environment the biggest weight in choosing a broker, since I don't know of any regulator that did perform well in the past five years.
I know of no regulator that ever performed well in their entire history. However I fear Swiss politicians less than I fear British ones. If given a choice, I prefer Swiss jurisdiction.
I don't know what 'those of Dukascopy' entail, but no, LMAX doesn't publish their financial statements themselves. But I don't know if they provide these on request, and otherwise the UK business register will have these.
Having something like this ... 811180.pdf with regards to Lmax would be helpful for the purpose of assessing the risk. It is reasurring to know (based on the financial data) that your broker is run by smart people.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Apr 02 2013
by JoshM
I understand your position Tresor since you clearly quite keen on Dukascopy and the Swiss regulatory environment, but what do you propose then?

This thread is already 2.5 years old and no progress has been made. MultiCharts already said they don’t want to (fully) pay for it, Dukascopy apparently don’t want to allocate resources either, and most (if not all) MultiCharts customers also don’t want to pay for it. And while I also would like to see more brokers added to MultiCharts, it seems to me that this Dukascopy connection isn’t going to happen.

It’s impressive that you, and the other people in this thread (of which some even abandoned MultiCharts for this), maintain such a high golden standard, but at the end of the day, how much opportunity costs have these people incur waiting on their perfect broker connection?

That’s why I tried to make a helpful suggestion about LMAX (in case other people in this thread haven’t noticed that relatively new connection), but apparently compared to Dukascopy other brokers pale in comparison. Perhaps rightfully so, but we can’t trade with Dukascopy in MultiCharts, so a compromise has to be made somewhere I suppose. Hence my suggestion in my first reply in this thread to look if LMAX is a good broker for you guys.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Apr 02 2013
by Tresor
I understand your position Tresor since you clearly quite keen on Dukascopy and the Swiss regulatory environment, but what do you propose then?
There are two options:
- you trade with Dukascopy and use their crappy software - this is what I do (I also use an alternative MT broker); this is only a proposition for dicretionary traders like myself,
- you use MC with other brokers (IB is a reasonable choice in terms of risk - they had sound financial standing 1.5 year ago when I investgated or Lmax for reasons outlined by you).
This thread is already 2.5 years old and no progress has been made.
Yes, this thread is dead :) No further substantial effort should be put in it.
It’s impressive that you, and the other people in this thread (of which some even abandoned MultiCharts for this), maintain such a high golden standard, but at the end of the day, how much opportunity costs have these people incur waiting on their perfect broker connection?
I devoted and therefore wasted 50 - 60 hours to test the MC - Duka API connection and to write posts in this thread. This was my cost of arriving at the disappointing conclusion of this thread being dead.

If there are people who waited 2.5 years and did not took other opportunities (like trading MC with other brokers or trading Duka while dumping MC) then it's their rather unimpressive business.
That’s why I tried to make a helpful suggestion about LMAX (in case other people in this thread haven’t noticed that relatively new connection), but apparently compared to Dukascopy other brokers pale in comparison. Perhaps rightfully so, but we can’t trade with Dukascopy in MultiCharts, so a compromise has to be made somewhere I suppose. Hence my suggestion in my first reply in this thread to look if LMAX is a good broker for you guys.
Your input is appreciated! BTW, I do not claim Lmax is a worse broker than Dukascopy when it comes to real trading. I tried Lmax demo and didn't like it - that's all. Lmax may even be better than Dukascopy in real trading - who knows?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Apr 03 2013
by t-rader
I've started looking into LMAX as another broker to use and didn't want to continue to hijack this thread but I don't think its going anywhere anyways so here comes the hijack.

LMAX do not allow hedging and do not have sub accounts so how can you go about running multiple strategies?

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: May 01 2013
by imoneyfish
About 4 years has passed, just wondering MC changed their mind to make a connection with Dukas to get history data or not? LMAX good spread and execution but not suit for swing traders because their connection with MC has limitation that limit the stop lost and take profit price no more than 5% away from current market price. I am using Dukas FIXAPI at the moment I hope we got enough demand to interest MC to get something better going with Dukas as well.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: May 02 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
LMAX do not allow hedging and do not have sub accounts so how can you go about running multiple strategies?
Hedging is not supported in MultiCharts. You can run multiple strategies on the same symbol/account. Here is how it works.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: May 02 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
About 4 years has passed, just wondering MC changed their mind to make a connection with Dukas to get history data or not?
Nothing has changed since 07 Aug 2012. See my reply in post #110 above.
LMAX good spread and execution but not suit for swing traders because their connection with MC has limitation that limit the stop lost and take profit price no more than 5% away from current market price.
Take Profit and Entry limit orders can only be set 2% away from the current market price at the moment.

Stop entry and stop loss orders do not have this limitation.

There is one solution

Posted: Aug 27 2013
by antlomb
It seems to me quote astonishing that in more than 4 years a solution has not been identified.

Ok, Multicharts does not want to pay developper's time for building the japi connector, and the reason it's quite obvious (IMHO): the availability of dukas history data in MC would mine their FXCM data offerings ....

Ok, Dukas does not want to spend money in a custom project to build the connector as they're sponsoring their platform ....

We could still build the connector by ourselves, raising money and paying developpers. I've been working in the IT industry for 15+ years, and a crowdsourcing project is surelly possible. But we need the SDKs, which costs many keuro. But MC could offer the SDKs for free and without spending a penny they could add japi integration to their offering.

MC, what's your point on this proposal ?

Re: There is one solution

Posted: Aug 27 2013
by imoneyfish
It seems to me quote astonishing that in more than 4 years a solution has not been identified.

Ok, Multicharts does not want to pay developper's time for building the japi connector, and the reason it's quite obvious (IMHO): the availability of dukas history data in MC would mine their FXCM data offerings ....

Ok, Dukas does not want to spend money in a custom project to build the connector as they're sponsoring their platform ....

We could still build the connector by ourselves, raising money and paying developpers. I've been working in the IT industry for 15+ years, and a crowdsourcing project is surelly possible. But we need the SDKs, which costs many keuro (more than 20k if I well remember). But MC could offer the SDKs for free and without spending a penny they could add japi integration to their offering.

MC, what's your point on this proposal ?

Like to see that happened.

Re: There is one solution

Posted: Aug 27 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
It seems to me quote astonishing that in more than 4 years a solution has not been identified.

Ok, Multicharts does not want to pay developper's time for building the japi connector, and the reason it's quite obvious (IMHO): the availability of dukas history data in MC would mine their FXCM data offerings ....

Ok, Dukas does not want to spend money in a custom project to build the connector as they're sponsoring their platform ....

We could still build the connector by ourselves, raising money and paying developpers. I've been working in the IT industry for 15+ years, and a crowdsourcing project is surelly possible. But we need the SDKs, which costs many keuro. But MC could offer the SDKs for free and without spending a penny they could add japi integration to their offering.

MC, what's your point on this proposal ?
Hello antlomb,

Selling our API is a part our business model. We cannot provide it for free to a crowdsourcing project. We can sign an agreement and sell it to an individual person.

As Dukascopy did not see the significance of this request, we can recommend the following.
Gather a pool of interested persons and make a collective petition to Dukascopy. It will raise the importance of the project and prove that it's economically justified. The resources invested by them in the development can be returned and multiplied thanks to the clients.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Sep 27 2013
by victoryong
I just spoke to the Support Team in Dukascopy. All accounts under Dukascopy are entitle to use JForex API, this includes account size starting with USD100 (Dukascopy Europe). So the minimum is USD100, which makes it very attractive.

Re: ALMOST perfect integration of MC with Dukascopy

Posted: Oct 25 2015
by arian_gh
Dukuscopy is one of the best and most reliable brokers in Forex and I have thought that Multicharts is one of the most professional trading software out there. But now with their negligence towards this important issue, they are damaging their reputation.