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Easy Lang Study not working

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by sinrswim
I am trying to use the Easy Language indicator VolumeUpDown, however when I place it on a chart, it plots nothing. My only guess is DailyVolumeUp and DailyVolumeDown must be coming from TS, which I am no longer using as a feed. I am using Esignal as my feed.

Here is the TS code.

DiffOrRatio_1or2( 1 ) ; // set to 1 for Up-Dn difference, 2 for Up/Dn ratio

UpDivDn( 1 ),
UpMinusDn( 0 ) ;

if GetAppInfo( aiRealTimeCalc ) = 1 then { real-time tick - not on bar in history }
if DiffOrRatio_1or2 = 1 then
UpMinusDn = DailyVolumeUp - DailyVolumeDn ;
Plot1( UpMinusDn, "UpDn" ) ;
Plot2( 0, "Baseline" ) ;
else if DiffOrRatio_1or2 = 2 then
if DailyVolumeDn <> 0 then
UpDivDn = DailyVolumeUp / DailyVolumeDn ;
Plot1( UpDivDn, "UpDn" ) ;
Plot2( 1, "Baseline" ) ;
RaiseRunTimeError( "DiffOrRatio_1or2 input must be 1 or 2." ) ;
end ;

Posted: Mar 18 2006
by Chris
This is taken from the code header:

{ Plots the difference or ratio (user choice) of the cumulative up and down volume
for the day so far. For use with "live" market data only (the server fields used in
this indicator do not have stored history so will not be plotted on historical
bars). }

Maybe this is the problem - no live data. If I aplly the indicator to TS now, I don't see any results, too.


Posted: Mar 18 2006
by sinrswim
Yes, this has to be run in a live market, but it does not work during the trading day.

Posted: Mar 20 2006
by Alex Kramer
A new version (1.90.442.1230) is now available, the problem with studies not compiling has been addressed in it.

The download link is, as always: ... charts.exe

Posted: Apr 05 2006
by sinrswim
Hi Alex,,,

I tried using this study with version 1.90.442.1230 and it still does not work. I get nothing but a flat line for the indicator. I am using esignal as a feed. Any ideas why it is still not working?


Posted: Apr 06 2006
by Alex Kramer
Sorry for disappointing you, but the functionality of DailyVolumeUp - DailyVolumeDn has not been implemented yet in MultiCharts.