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Design of Contract Bars

Posted: Mar 17 2006
by Chris

first I have to say that I like the way MC creates the Contract Bars very much.
My only concern is that MC seems to reset the Contract Bar at the end of the session(or start of the next session). In my opinion that should be changed, because it's just not correct to cut the Bar before it is filled completely wether you need some contracts from the next session or not.

That would be the last step to perfect Contract Bars.

Thank you,


Posted: Mar 18 2006
by trader
If you are aware of "lost packets" and the need to reload intraday charts it may be beneficial to construct the Contract bars based on session breaks as is currently the case. A request for a one day(etc) reload would be more seamless when reconstructing the database based on a defined starting point. However, I may be incorrect.

I would like to have the ability to define the days back prior to requesting a chart 'reload' from the drop down menu. i.e. 1day,2days......8days.

Currently it is very cumbersome to format symbol/change the start calendar date to 1 day back ,,,reload,,,format starting date back to its original start day.


Posted: Mar 18 2006
by Guest

from my understanding of MC the Contract Bars are build from the tick database - where the actual trades are stored as they come in. A reload of one day might then affect the other day, that is true. But I don't see a problem here, because the whole chart is build new when you reload.

Where the current design of the Contract Bars will lead to confusion is when the Volume is low (or the increment of the Contract Bars is high respectively). Imagine a market with a Volume of 500-800 Contracts a day and you are charting a 1000 Contract Bar Chart. So you will have a bar for every day - that doesn't make much sense.


Posted: Mar 18 2006
by Guest
When you are dealing with Volume Bars you should keep one thing in mind - they are not dealing with time, only with Volume. Regardless of a session brake or whatever. It's only Volume that is of concern.


Posted: Mar 18 2006
by Chris
By the way the design of Tick charts should be the same.


Posted: Mar 21 2006
by Chris
Any feedback would be appreciated.

Thank you,


Posted: Mar 21 2006
by Alex Kramer
There are 2 issues here:

1. Ideological - with your proposed approach it would not be possible to create two identical charts if the start date is different.

2. Technical - found out it was too complicated with our existing QuoteManager architecture; considering the underlying ideological issue we decided not to try further.

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by Chris
1. Ideological - with your proposed approach it would not be possible to create two identical charts if the start date is different.


I have totally overlooked this.

Thank you for the update.


Posted: Mar 21 2006
by Alex Kramer
Thanks for giving us a reason to consider the theory. We need to do this every once a while :lol:


Posted: Jan 11 2007
by Best regards
Check this:


Posted: Mar 23 2007
by f


Posted: Mar 23 2007
by f

hello !

Posted: Jun 01 2007
by Best regards
hello !