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Data Manager Errors

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by neurotrader
I have recently recieved data manager errors. In the past, I used online and not on demand since I had all data to end of day. What happens is that data mangaer generates errors on start up and sometimes when MC starts up it notes the errors and if I want to send report which I have.

I disabled esignal but I see that datamanager tries to connect? See attached screen shot.

Since I do not use esignal, would there be an advantage to delete all esignal symbols that come with the install.

Is datamanger trying to connect to esignal and could this generate problems since I recently set to on demand (but I use no esignal symbols in my chart)

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by Alex Kramer
If you're concerned about these errors, you can send us QuoteManager logs; if you just don't want to see those agging messages, I suggest you go to Quote Manager, in the main menu select Tools->Data sources and Deactivate eSignal.

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by neurotrader

The messages do not bother me. The crashing of data manager does. A few times what has happened was when loading data manager an error occurs and all your symbols are gone. You need to reinstall MC to get them back.

The log on that error(s) has been sent to you.

As for Deactivate eSignal did that some time back as you can see. The reason I posted screen shots was to see if the crash of data manager was related to those messages.

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by neurotrader
Here is somethjing of interest, ok, e signal is deactivated. I also deleted all e signal symbols that came with MC on install, but when you load up Data Manager, it still generates in the data manager the event log as posted above.

Once again, these messages do not bother me as long as it is not related to data manager crashes and losing all symbols.

Why does data manager initialize e signal when its deactivated and all e signal symboles have been deleted?

I am just grasping here as to why Data Manager crashed a few time earlier.

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by Alex Kramer
Thanks for the detailed report, the developers will analyze this tomorrow.

Posted: Mar 21 2006
by neurotrader
A little more info that may help. I had one workspace set for EOD index data and used yahoo (free) for the historical to merge with realtime IB.

Its only since I added a few more yahoo index historical charts like ^VXO, ^NDX etc that data manager started crashing.

The problem started this morning with previous version and then I loaded the new version and same had happened so its not version related.

I also noticed that yahoo historical does not work all the time.

Now I deactivated yahoo (Free quotes) now use free from elsewhere ie $NDX.X, $VXO.X etc.

I have exited MC re started MC, started Data Manager, exited a few times and no more crash or errors.

Could this have been related? .. Since data manager never gave any problems before, started this morning at same time as historical from yahoo free quotes stopped working.

Just passing on observations that may help.

I am using latest version you posted and all (other than what I posted before) works well.

thanks :wink:

Posted: Mar 22 2006
by Alex Kramer
Well, we still try to connect to eSignal even when it's deactivated, sorry if that is nagging you.
Thank you for the information on crashes with Yahoo free data, glad you no longer have it but we need to research this issue to prevent it from happening again.

Could you please send the logs and workspaces where that happened directly to me ( Thanks.

Posted: Mar 22 2006
by neurotrader

I have sent it yesterday but re sent again to the address you gave me.

FWIW, since I took out yahoo as free source, (unchecked) no more data manager problems. I am on version 442.1230 and all seems well.

The crash log was sent as for workspaces I deleted them, but you can re create them, just add 2 charts one with ^GSPC as data one, add ^VXO as data 2 (historical) then merge IB realtime. Add rsi indicators for for both. Add a couple ma's 50 and 200.

On the second chart in workspace just add ^NDX (historical) merge IB as realtime. Add an RSi, Sto, Rice OSc. Add a couple ma's 50 and 200.

I am now using $SPX.X , $NDX.X, $VXO.X for daily historical and seems to work fine.. The data has a lot of missing bars in it but I just use it for a quick glance through out the day, not to trade.

For $ symbols, is MC getting it from prophet historical data? The yahoo I know is with ^.

Posted: Mar 22 2006
by Alex Kramer
thanks for the additional info, hope it helps the devlopers.