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MC Charting performance - lack of

Posted: Mar 25 2006
by fundjunkie
The slow drawing of charts with MC has been pointed out elsewhere but I want to spell it out as I've just realised how chronic the problem seems to be. Previously, i'd assumed that the problem was caused by retrieving data from the vendor (IB) to pad out the history in QM.

However, I just pulled up a chart of ES in offline mode. Unfortunately, I accidentally pulled it up with weekly bars and reset the timescale to minutes. I then sat there for 9 1/2 minutes waiting for the chart to redraw. This is while accessing local data on my HD! And my system isn't lacking in CPu power, memory or HD capacity or speed....

I expect you guys have been looking into this behind the scenes. Have you made any discoveries? Because this is a problem! During a day's trading if Multicharts needs restarting - can happen if i try and fail to open another workspace then I can write off reopening the intraday charts during that trading day - that's how slow it can be. Instead I rely on the charts from TWS, hardly ideal.


Posted: Mar 26 2006
by trader39
Fwiw I have not had your problem. Make sure you were not trying to get weeks worth of minute bars, that could explain it.

Posted: Mar 26 2006
by fundjunkie
Fwiw I have not had your problem. Make sure you were not trying to get weeks worth of minute bars, that could explain it.
If i was pulling it from a feed I'd agree. But this is from my local HD and should be faster.

Posted: Mar 29 2006
by Alex Kramer
If this issue persists, please email us, we'll need to study this in detail. This looks serious - it definitely should not take several minutes to load from local storage.
Does it finally load after this wait, by the way?

Posted: Mar 29 2006
by fundjunkie
If this issue persists, please email us, we'll need to study this in detail. This looks serious - it definitely should not take several minutes to load from local storage.
Does it finally load after this wait, by the way?
Yes. I'm on a 7 day trial with the DTN.IQ feed btw. Last night i tried charting the mini-dow for June (with 4 other IB charts in same workspace) and that was taking a while too. In fact I closed Multicharts as I didn't have time to wait around for it to complete! How long would you expect, generally speaking, for that to take with the IQ feed?

I'll give this another go tonight as I need to update my data.