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IB Gateway "Connection to Interactive Brokers as been lost"

Posted: Feb 10 2011
by arjfca

I'm testing IB Gateway and nearly every nigth ( New-York time) I'm experimenting a lost of connection with IB Gateway server

In my "Order and Position Traker" window, I got these messages

2011-02-10 00:22:57 The connection to InteractiveBrokers has been lost
2011-02-10 00:22:58 The Automated Order Execution mode as been turned off due to a settingchange

Anyone experimenting the same problem?
Is it just for paper trading? Same problem in live trading?
Any work arround for the problem?

I'm trying to get infor from them, but the service with email is not good at all.

Re: IB Gateway "Connection to Interactive Brokers as been l

Posted: Feb 10 2011
by Lara
Which versions do you use for IB and for Multicharts?

Re: IB Gateway "Connection to Interactive Brokers as been l

Posted: Feb 10 2011
by arjfca
Hello Lara

MC: 6.1 release 3605

IB Gateway
Built 311.3 Non 2010
Jolt build 1.17 sept 9 2010
Nia Build 1.7.7 aug 6 2010
ModelNav Build 1.1.29 Oct. 5 2010

Java version 1.6.0_22
OS Windows 7 amd64,6.1

Hope is they informations that you asked for?


Re: IB Gateway "Connection to Interactive Brokers as been l

Posted: Feb 10 2011
by ventus
i've been running MC with gateway for some time now without any hiccups, both in live and paper trading. i do see that gateway loses connection almost every night at midnight but it immediately reconnects.

make sure your autotrading connection setting is set to "disable auto trading after 86400 seconds on the connection loss".

you may also want to check with your internet service provider to see if they're doing any resets on their side.

Re: IB Gateway "Connection to Interactive Brokers as been l

Posted: Feb 10 2011
by arjfca
Hello Ventus

Thanks for your input
make sure your autotrading connection setting is set to "disable auto trading after 86400 seconds on the connection loss".
- Where do I foud this option?
- From what time zone are you working?

I found that I may have may use the IB Asian server. The reset time is arround 5pm Montreal time. I have asked them to switch me to it. I still don't know if it will induce big lattency

Also, I found an application from If i understand, they are an interface between you and IB. Their system should resolve the broken connection problem.

Big question: But why isn't Multicharts that deal with that. :)



Re: IB Gateway "Connection to Interactive Brokers as been l

Posted: Feb 10 2011
by sptrader
"make sure your autotrading connection setting is set to "disable auto trading after 86400 seconds on the connection loss".
This option is found by going to - format signals, properties, autotrading, select broker plugin, settings, connection settings.

Re: IB Gateway "Connection to Interactive Brokers as been l

Posted: Feb 10 2011
by arjfca
OK thanks

I will try it tonigth. Hope it resolve the problem


Re: IB Gateway "Connection to Interactive Brokers as been l

Posted: Mar 03 2011
by siscop
hey Martin,
does it work with you now? I have the same problem
see viewtopic.php?f=1&t=8288
the timeout of 86400 did not help.
It would be nice if you could share the solution if you have solved that problem.

Re: IB Gateway "Connection to Interactive Brokers as been l

Posted: Mar 03 2011
by arjfca
Yes System is one 24/24 without interuption from IB

I use IB Gateway
In the Signal property i have set the delay before time out to 600 secondes

Have you set the port to 4001 for
- Quote Manager
- Signal property under the Autoexec tab
- Ib Gateway port configuration

What is not working exactly?
Have you tried to chat with MC?

Good luck

Re: IB Gateway "Connection to Interactive Brokers as been l

Posted: Mar 03 2011
by siscop
The strategy deactivates at 6:08 in the morning german time (GMT+1) with the same error msg you had.
I have placed the timeout to 86400 and it didnt help.
Trading with Gateway and QM and autotrading is placed on port 4001

Re: IB Gateway "Connection to Interactive Brokers as been l

Posted: Mar 03 2011
by arjfca
Hello Siscop

Wish I can help you more, but I can't find a solution

Best bet is to chat with MC to see if there is something they can do.

- Try to set de delay to 600 sec. instead of the huge delay that you are using.
- Do you have the latest version of MC and IB TWS

Out of these, IM out of idea. If I got a flash, I will PM you

Good luck again.