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Firebird server crashes

Posted: Mar 29 2006
by neurotrader
A few times I have had Firebird server crash. I am new to this firebird system so I did some research and found that firebird system does have problems specially with some firewalls.

In the firebird log I get the message "C:\Program Files\Common Files\FireBird\bin\fbserver.exe : The guardian was unable to launch the server "

In the begining I thought it was the copying of databases folder to CD which I thought might cause a conflict. But the jury is still out on that one.

When a crash happens and guardian can not start firefird, all symbols dissapear on data manager and the only way to get them back is to do a re install of MC.

What I did find on system boot, is that Gaurdian was set to start Automatic and firefird to manual. I set Firebird to Automatic start up also.

I hope this resolves the problem. I rebooted PC a few times and seems to work ok so far. FBserver.exe runing now on boot up. And no problems yet.

If anyone has some input on firebird settings, it wouild be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :P

Posted: Mar 29 2006
by neurotrader
Some more info on Firebird and copying database files when firebird is running.

Below is a copy and paste from some info on web re firebird and databases.

"Please note that moving, editing or copying a live database file will cause database problems – even corruption"

If you need to move or copy the database file, before preceding you must:

• Ensure all programs users are not accessing

• Shut down any database related running programs (Event Generator, AyaNovaDP, etc)

• Open Control Panel -> Firebird Server Manager -> select Stop

The above were notes taken from web re firebird and datebase files which I think can probably apply to MC as well?

Posted: Mar 29 2006
by neurotrader
If the above copying of databases is infact a problem with MC as well, then perhaps in future a way to backup databases automatically would be advantages.

Posted: Mar 30 2006
by Alex Kramer
Being developers, we often have to copy databases and never encountered such a problem, so the warning message you posted is maybe prudent, but not really important.

In the future we plan to integrate firebird so it no longer is used as a system service, but works as part of Multicharts.

Posted: Mar 30 2006
by neurotrader
Thanks Alex,

The above was cut and paste from web re using firebird server and databases.

On my PC's it seems that on occasion Firebird and fbguard load on boot up most times, but every so often they do not. Its these times that data manager will crash and you lose all symbols.

This is not an MC problem, more a firebird server trying to load up on boot with other programs.

Now I know to check task manager to see if on boot up firebird is running. IF not I can start it manualy, but firebird does have settings you can set it to restart a second time if first time fails.

integrating it is a great idea.

You guys are #1 for support.

Posted: Mar 30 2006
by Alex Kramer
Thanks :D