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Customer number changes from computer to computer

Posted: Apr 03 2006
by reitberg
I am a registered user of Multicharts. I have found that when I write an indicator for an MC user ID, the User ID changes from computer to computer.

When I installed MC on my new computer, I registered the version of MC, and I installed my custom indicators, and the indicators did not work. When I checked to see what the User ID was on the new computer, the ID was DIFFERENT!!!

This is going to be a major concern for authors of indicators for Multicharts. This issue needs to be investigated immediately. Thank you.

Posted: Apr 04 2006
by Alex Kramer
The User ID is MEANT to be unique for every computer, being based on the OS image and the serial numbers of hardware components.

The GetUserID function returns a different value on any computer, as the purpose of UserIDs is to protect indicators for unsanctioned copying to other machines.
If you're interested in automating the process so the users won't write/call you every time they reinstall the OS or upgrade hardware, it's possible to use a registration system where the user sends to you his UserID and a key for the indicator is generated from it.

Posted: Apr 04 2006
by swisstrader
The User ID is MEANT to be unique for every computer, being based on the OS image and the serial numbers of hardware components.

The GetUserID function returns a different value on any computer, as the purpose of UserIDs is to protect indicators for unsanctioned copying to other machines.
If you're interested in automating the process so the users won't write/call you every time they reinstall the OS or upgrade hardware, it's possible to use a registration system where the user sends to you his UserID and a key for the indicator is generated from it.

Hi Alex,
this is exactly what I'm looking for. I need this automating process for all my customer codes.
Where I can request this tool and what is the price for it. If you want you can send me an PM or an email.
Thank you.


Posted: Apr 04 2006
by Chris
The User ID is MEANT to be unique for every computer, being based on the OS image and the serial numbers of hardware components.

The GetUserID function returns a different value on any computer, as the purpose of UserIDs is to protect indicators for unsanctioned copying to other machines.
If you're interested in automating the process so the users won't write/call you every time they reinstall the OS or upgrade hardware, it's possible to use a registration system where the user sends to you his UserID and a key for the indicator is generated from it.
Are you sure that formating the harddrive doesn't change the user id? After formating my harddisk and a fresh install of the OS and MC some protected studies locked on the user ID didn't work any more.

If that's the case, this should be changed immedeately.

Thank you,


Posted: Apr 04 2006
by Kaos
Hi Alex,

Maybe you might be able to have 2 functions in Multicharts.

GetUSERID will be based off the Registration name and number and unique to every customer

GetCOMPUTERID will be based off the OS and unique to every computer

That way if some software vendors want to licence to the individual - they can and not have to worry about customer requests for new ID when they change computers.

If some software vendors are concerned about the one user installing on multiple computers then they can use the GetCOMPUTERID function and lock customers to only one machine.

Hope the idea helps a little


Posted: Apr 04 2006
by Chris

that is is a great suggestion.


Posted: Apr 05 2006
by Alex Kramer
Thanks, we'll consider this.