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Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 04 2011
by Tresor
What I dislike about current Feature Management:

1. Voting virtually doesn't count at all:
- features with as little as 1 vote are targeted for implementing: ... _no=MC-139 while features with 17 votes are not targeted for implementing: ... e_no=MC-38
This is pure non-sense and leads to frustration.

2. MC claims that while selecting features for implementation they are ''using our subjective criteria. It is a complex process. We do take the number of votes into account, however it is not a major factor'' - I suspect MC emplyees might even internally disagree of what their subjectve criteria are.

3. Implementing features takes ages!:
(i) even those which I consider unimportant for myself
(ii) even those which other traders consider unimprtant for themselves.

This state of (i) non-effectiveness and (ii) selecting unimportant features cannot go forever.

Proposed changes to Project Management:

MC, in order to help you sort out the correct order of feature implementation I come up with an idea:
1. You put a reasonable price tag for each feature.
2. Traders will or will not commit to pay the price.
3. Traders' (sponsors') name are publicly visible to ensure transparency.
4. Once the comittment hits 100% of the price you wait 2 weeks for the commited funds to be transferred to your account.
5. Once you receive 100% of the price, you start coding.
6. A trader (sponsr) who contributed the most funds for a particular feature will have a right to decide on the final shape of the feature, e.g. if a feature is ''implementing key shortcuts'' the trader will decide on the shortcut combination.

This is voting with money. Features with higher % of funding will have a higher pririty.

This idea is explained by the attached picture. This idea is copylefted and copywronged by Tresor and can be traded to you in exchange for implementing ONE of the three features: ... e_no=MC-70 ... e_no=MC-87 ... e_no=MC-97

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 04 2011
by swz168
Tresor, that's a great idea.

However, I see one potential problem:
a conflict of interest could occure for important features, if you can't get fast enough sponsors. E.g. MC waits until 100% fund target has reached, whereas without this system, maybe they were implenting certain important feature earlier.

So I think it is better to regard your system as a speed up incentive. Multicharts could spend more resources for certain feature, if 100% target has reached.

I think it is also imortant to consider the votes. But at the current state, it is no applicable. If you look at the PM and the votes, you will realize that the voting system is not really used by MC users. Either most of the users are not aware of that or just too lazy to go voting. If it is the first problem, MC hast to promote more the vote feature. If it is the second problem, then the voting system is useless.

Edit: And how many are willing to pay for feature requests? I have no idea how much features could costs. It will greatly depend on Price and no. of participants.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 04 2011
by Tresor
a conflict of interest could occure for important features, if you can't get fast enough sponsors.
If you can't get fast enough sponsors = your feature is objectively, measurably, unquestionably less important then features that can get sponsors. Easy and simple.
E.g. MC waits until 100% fund target has reached, whereas without this system, maybe they were implenting certain important feature earlier.
If they (MC) would have implemented a certain important (for you or important for them?) feature earlier, they might become a co-sponsor as well.
So I think it is better to regard your system as a speed up incentive.
I think it is better to regard this system as a draft proposal for solving current problems. I hope we can agree we have a problem in setting the correct feature request priorities.
I think it is also imortant to consider the votes. But at the current state, it is no applicable. If you look at the PM and the votes, you will realize that the voting system is not really used by MC users.
I am not surprised that voting system is not widely used by MC users. And you shouldn't be surprised either. The very first feature scheduled for implementation was MC-25 Add Cumulative Volume Delta capabilities which was submitted by an owner of a trading forum, and which at that time had less votes than MC-38 Feature request: MC integration with Dukascopy via JForex.

Yes, money (cheaper advertising) talks! Votes do not count. That's the reality.
Edit: And how many are willing to pay for feature requests?
Let's check it.
I have no idea how much features could costs.
I have no idea either. My suggestion is MC estimate the cost and then divide the cost by 10, to arrive at the feature price tag.
It will greatly depend on Price and no. of participants.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 04 2011
by swz168
I think it is better to regard this system as a draft proposal for solving current problems. I hope we can agree we have a problem in setting the correct feature request priorities.
Completly agree. If I have some ideas pop up, I will let you know.

I'm curious about MC representatives and other traders opinion.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 04 2011
by geizer
I think it is also imortant to consider the votes. But at the current state, it is no applicable. If you look at the PM and the votes, you will realize that the voting system is not really used by MC users.
I am not surprised that voting system is not widely used by MC users. And you shouldn't be surprised either. The very first feature scheduled for implementation was MC-25 Add Cumulative Volume Delta capabilities which was submitted by an owner of a trading forum, and which at that time had less votes than MC-38 Feature request: MC integration with Dukascopy via JForex.

Yes, money (cheaper advertising) talks! Votes do not count. That's the reality.
The voting capabilities are not used by users. Whether we like it or not, it serves no purpose. Although it could be a useful tool, shall TSS decide to promote this tool to users. Stan, Dave, and Andrew could just create a standard signature for their accounts (Example: "Did you know you can vote for features of your choice? Go to PM and vote. Because your vote counts!"). Until that happens the voting system is useless. Yet its flawed. Everyone can vote twice for the same issue. Just pick the issue, go to PM as a guest and cast your vote. Then login under your name and vote for the same issue again. I reported once, and the response from the TSS was: we tested it and there is no problem found. I next, tested and found that there was indeed a problem. So I reported the issue again, and received no specific response whether they are going to do anything about it. So we are where we are, whether we like it or not.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 04 2011
by Tresor
The voting capabilities are not used by users.
And it is understandable. Voting results are not being taken into account by MC. So why bother?
Whether we like it or not, it serves no purpose.
Voting alone is meaningless. Voting + committing funds make more sense.
Stan, Dave, and Andrew could just create a standard signature for their accounts (Example: "Did you know you can vote for features of your choice? Go to PM and vote. Because your vote counts!").
Geizer, the reality proves that your vote doesn't count!

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 04 2011
by geizer
Geizer, the reality proves that your vote doesn't count!
I've learned to live with this.

Although I know I could make them listening by venting my frustration here on this forum and start expressing myself in somewhat more open and straight language, through emails, phone calls and what have you, but I also know that more people will be stressed, I am going to get stressed as well. I know the result will be there, but at what price? I just don't want Andrew to drop their schedule and produce bugs as the result of jumping from one issue to another. The developer will be pissed, employees will get stressed creating even more bugs. All other clients who were made to wait in line to get their wishes come true will be pissed. We are not going to get anywhere. It's a zero sum game, I suppose. Whatever resources TSS has would be deployed more efficiently if we could be more efficient when communicating our issues to the developer. And that what, I think, the 'Project Management', and this forum was made for. These tools are not perfect, but it is a step forward from where we were 2 years ago. That perhaps all I wanted to say. I wish everybody to have a good time trading markets and don't take losses to hard. There will be more winning trades ahead for everybody.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 04 2011
by Tresor
All other clients who were made to wait in line to get their wishes come true will be pissed.
Why would they be pissed?

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 05 2011
by geizer
obviously because others would wait too long to get their feature requests implemented while watching other features getting done. Never mind, I'm just speculating.
I mean TS Support sets priorities. Whatever they implement and in what order, we have to live with.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 05 2011
by rondot samuel ws

sometimes some features require just 30mn, than other require many weeks work and maybe to communicate with 3rd party which didn't answer or delayed...


Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 05 2011
by snoop
Comment regarding voting:

Though the project management board is a nice step forward, it is not very elegant.
1. It is slowwwwww. What is this database running on??
2. Not certain what the list is sorted by default, but it's not useful to me and it's a multi step process to do so. It would be nice if there was an option to display new issues since last visit.
3. I can create a search but it doesn't seem to save to my account nor does it act as a starting point despite the option being selected.
4. Why I'm on this, discussion board should have a time stamp with the date, and sort by newest post imo. Option of new posts since last visit is also a must for a good board. Did they build this themselves? Why not use a third party bulletin board software?

Until the project board is easier to use, you can't expect anyone to vote or even look at it.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 05 2011
by Tresor
obviously because others would wait too long to get their feature requests implemented while watching other features getting done.
Let's consider this. If I understand correctly you basically claim:
1. that there is a group of MC users who want features to be implemented in chronological order of request submitting and are willing to wait in a queue. If chronological order is not preserved these people get pissed. Let's see if the chronological order is being preserved now. I glimpsed at Project Management and: No, it is not being preserved. If your claim is true then I would assume that these people are already pissed right now and the plan proposed by me should not change their position of not being in the control of feature implementing process and being pissed more then they already might be. Your claim was invalid.

2. I think there is also a group of MC users who want features to be implemented in order of highest number of votes received (I am such a user). Again, this group of users is unlucky too. The order of implementing features based on the voting system is not preserved right now. Should these people have the right to be pissed too?

As you might have guessed MC users are not in control of order in which features are implemented! The system I proposed would give MC users control over feature implementation order. Why would this hurt anybody?
I mean TS Support sets priorities. Whatever they implement and in what order, we have to live with.
And I say let's have a shift. Traders should set priorities and MC has to live with it.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 05 2011
by geizer
"Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know." --Donald Ramsfield
2. I think there is also a group of MC users who want features to be implemented in order of highest number of votes received (I am such a user). Again, this group of users is unlucky too. The order of implementing features based on the voting system is not preserved right now. Should these people have the right to be pissed too?
I agree that things should be implemented in accordance with the highest number of votes. I'm that user too! But the facts are: People aren't voting. Votes we see might not be statistically significant. Why people aren't voting? I don't know. Everyone makes their own decision whether to get pissed or not. It's a choice. I tend to think its not the best choice.
As you might have guessed MC users are not in control of order in which features are implemented! The system I proposed would give MC users control over feature implementation order. Why would this hurt anybody?
And I say let's have a shift. Traders should set priorities and MC has to live with it.
Let's have the shift. I want to see TS Support to explicitly ask users to vote for the features of their choice


Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 05 2011
by Tresor
Why people aren't voting? I don't know.
The reason why people don't vote in this particular case may be interesting for sociologists. The catch is whether they vote or do not not vote, votes do not count in setting prorities for feature implementation order.

So, the very basic reason or incentive why people choose to vote (to change, to be heard, whatever) is non-existent here. In my opinion pursuing the voting system in PM is sensless.
Let's have the shift.
And this is for MC LCC to decide, not us.
I want to see TS Support to explicitly ask users to vote for the features of their choice
Just curious, there is a ''Vote for this issue'' button. Little QUIZ: do you think this button is:
(i) placed by MC to encourge users to vote for features of users' choice (which would be in line with your wish)?
(ii) placed by MC to deter traders from voting?
(iii) placed not by MC, but by e.g. space aliens?
(iv) intended to encourage traders to vote for the features of not of their choice?
(v) there is no such a button, only an optical illusion of a button.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 09 2011
by Tresor
MC team,

What do you think about the idea?

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 14 2011
by eto
MC team,

What do you think about the idea?
why there is no answer by MC team . I believe it will be answered within 24 hours since it is fully monitored by staff members as written outside of the forum for paid member.

I eagerly want to know about the progress perfecting connection to dukascopy via jforex api.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 15 2011
by arnie
What is an important feature?

Something that is important for me, might not be important for you, or not even be important for TSSupport.

Pay for a feature has it's issues.
TSSupport will always be the one to decide which ones go to be voted since they are the ones that will put a price tag on it.

And then imagine that we customers go crazy and bid for all features that are available and they hand up with 20 features to be implemented? Which one go first? There are features that can take weeks and months to be implemented. Customers that paid for their feature will not be happy waiting to long for it to be applied.

Project management isn't perfect, I agree, but there we can request a feature.

What TSSupport could do, is to grab a bunch of those features, lay them here in the forum, and submit them for voting.

They could have an ETA for the next version release and say something like, OK, we have 6 months until the next release in which we believe we're able to introduce the following features... Which ones should be included?
And we would vote on the ones they submitted.

One other problem regarding the pay per feature would be the payment itself, or rather, how would we guaranty it.
OK, I bid for a specific feature and it wins. Unfortunately I thought more about it and I think it's to expensive, or discover that the feature will not resolve my problem. I don't want it after all. If all bidders paid $100, and I'm out, TSSupport is $100 short of their price tag. What then?

You could resolve this by paying upfront, but then again, what if that feature ends up not grabbing the needed attention, and the bid for it fails? TSSupport make a refund? That makes no sense.

Since the PM voting is not grabbing the necessary attention by customers, the best way is to move that voting into the forum.
Customers go to PM the request it and them, when the time comes, they are voted in the forum. I thinks this is the best way.


Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 15 2011
by Tresor
What is an important feature?

Something that is important for me, might not be important for you, or not even be important for TSSupport.
My proposistion indicates that the most important feature is the one that gets the neceassary financing from traders first.

The current system indicates that the most important feature is the one that MC LLC think is the most important one.
Pay for a feature has it's issues.
It is rather ''pay for a place in the queue'' since traders would only pay a certain % of the cost of a feature implementation.
TSSupport will always be the one to decide which ones go to be voted since they are the ones that will put a price tag on it.
It is the weak point in the system. MC team could seek to continue their influence over the system by putting unreasonable price tags on features they don't want and by putting dumping prices on features they want.

At the moment feature request list consist of ca. 200 feature requests. When the number hits 1,000 even MC team will have problem to set priorities.
And then imagine that we customers go crazy and bid for all features that are available and they hand up with 20 features to be implemented? Which one go first?
If clients go crazy, then it means that either (i) they really after particular features, proving the current system of assigning priorities by MC team is incorrect or (ii) MC put too low trice tags.
Which first? The one that received 100% financing by sponsors first - easy and simple.
There are features that can take weeks and months to be implemented. Customers that paid for their feature will not be happy waiting to long for it to be applied.
Good point. MC team could also put in PM an estimated number of days or weaks for feature to be implemented, once they receive 100% financing.
Project management isn't perfect, I agree, but there we can request a feature.

What TSSupport could do, is to grab a bunch of those features, lay them here in the forum, and submit them for voting.
Why for voting??? MC team precisely stated in a separate thread a few weeks ago that votes do NOT count!!!
One other problem regarding the pay per feature would be the payment itself, or rather, how would we guaranty it.
OK, I bid for a specific feature and it wins. Unfortunately I thought more about it and I think it's to expensive, or discover that the feature will not resolve my problem. I don't want it after all. If all bidders paid $100, and I'm out, TSSupport is $100 short of their price tag. What then?
If you decide to become a father and you commit funds and time and other resources to raise your child and a day before the child is to be delivered you change your mind, you can be pretty sure that your family and your neighbours and friends will NEVER trust you again.

Would you risk losing your face on this forum for $100 or would you rather think twice before commiting to pay for a feature?
You could resolve this by paying upfront, but then again, what if that feature ends up not grabbing the needed attention, and the bid for it fails? TSSupport make a refund? That makes no sense.
1. Traders commit to pay 100% for feature / place in a queue.
2. MC team waits till 100% money is in their account.
3. MC starts coding when 100% is paid.
4. If no 100% funds are received then the bid failed and someone lost his face.
Since the PM voting is not grabbing the necessary attention by customers, the best way is to move that voting into the forum.
Customers go to PM the request it and them, when the time comes, they are voted in the forum. I thinks this is the best way.
Why would customers vote if votes do NOT count. What is the incentive for voting?

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 15 2011
by arnie
Notice that when I mentioned voting, I was referring to the fact that there would be a list of pre-selected features that can be included in the next release, but due to time restrictions, TSSupport creates a poll so their customers choose which feature will see daylight in that next release.

The main objective of PM is to facilitate TSSupport searching for a new feature to be added to MC.They really don't care about the one that is more requested because if that feature don't allow them to hit a certain "target", whatever that target might be, they will put it aside and choose the one more favourable to them. Don't forget that they are running a business that needs to be profitable because otherwise, what's the point?

Having a feature collectable right from their customers is priceless. This way they will always listen to their customers, but on their own time, not the clients.
Despite clients starting to complain and stuff, they will always be happy when their requests are attended.

Yes, having a bunch of clients paying for specific features would allow them to add some extra income, maybe a nice way to bypass the gains lost by the lifetime free upgrades.

Anyway, let's hope that TSSupport is able to deal with all features already requested, independently of how they choose to add them, voting or price tag.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 15 2011
by Tresor
Notice that when I mentioned voting, I was referring to the fact that there would be a list of pre-selected features that can be included in the next release, but due to time restrictions, TSSupport creates a poll so their customers choose which feature will see daylight in that next release.
I consider your proposition as your wish to get back to stone ages and use abacuses instead of calculators. There was already a poll system on this forum a few years ago and it didn't work.
The main objective of PM is to facilitate TSSupport searching for a new feature to be added to MC.
They really don't care about the one that is more requested because if that feature don't allow them to hit a certain "target", whatever that target might be, they will put it aside and choose the one more favourable to them. Don't forget that they are running a business that needs to be profitable because otherwise, what's the point?
Are you a spokesperson of MC LLC? If yes, then what you say contradicts what they wrote about voting:

''Voting is an important part of MultiCharts' Project Management. Vote for the issues that you feel should be addressed first, and the highest ranking issues will receive priority over the other ones.''

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 15 2011
by arnie
Is perfectly normal that what I say and think disagrees with the opinions and actions of others.

You gave your ideas and opinions. I gave mine.
You defend a payment method. I defend a voting method, independently of what TSSupport says or do.

We are merely giving our opinions, nothing more than that.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 15 2011
by geizer
I say we could TRADE IDEAS on the EXCHANGE.
The exchange is run by TS Support. It comes natural since all of us are traders.
It's fun, engaging, informative, visual. And it's free for the community of up to 148 users.
Public and private communities are facing a new challenge: their members are turning into demanding consumers of services, while participation is deteriorating.

Today, leading institutions are using of Web 2.0 methods to unleash the collective intelligence of their communities. Online collaboration tools re-generate participation with quality and level not imaginable before.
More here:
and here:
and here:

See the brochure (attached).

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 16 2011
by Stan Bokov
Dear traders,

Thank you all very much for engaging and participating in this thread. You are all dedicated and respected members of this community, and your opinion always matters.

We have not been replying as much in the past week, because we are very busy with fixing all the bugs we can find for the MultiCharts 7 release, which we want to happen in June 2011. From reading the posts, it appears to me that the general consensus boiled down to - "Voting does not count". Let me clarify.

Voting is a good indication which features are considered important by the community. They are definitely taken into account, however, they are not the only factor. There are other factors in decision making, which are weighted more when we decide to commit resources (time and money) to making something.
First is tactical factor. We are a for-profit organization that needs to make money in order to survive (and continue to offer improvements to the product that you use). We have to stay afloat with what our competitors are doing, and decide which features will bring us more users, so that we keep up the cash flow.
Second is the strategic factor. There are certain long-term goals in mind, a visual of where we want to see our platform in a year or two years, both in market positioning and in terms of the number of users.
Third factor is architectural. When we are developing something, it's a lot easier to make something along the same project, than it is to drop everything and to start working on some other part of the platform. If you are building a roof onto your house, it's a lot easier to finish the roof with some requested improvements along the way, than it is to drop everything and start working on building a basement.

If a feature request falls in line with some of the developments we think are needed (which is based on general market tendencies, desires of a large number of users, desires of strategic partners, or what the competitors are doing) - if it's not far off, we will make it. You can see the Confirmed feature requests in the PM - we will make these sooner than later. 'Postponed' status means we will reconsider them at a later date, but will likely make them available.

Project Management was never said to be the wish-list that is guaranteed to happen for everyone. These are suggestions from the community that we look over and take into account. It is for these reasons that the paid structure suggested here will not work. You may not like our prices (which would include opportunity costs), and we don't want to be obligated to drop everything once a price target is hit.

What traders CAN do to make their features available is to self-organize. We are not even looking for you to pay our development costs - there was a good example with the QUIK data feed and broker plugin. QUIK is a Russian platform which connects to many Russian exchanges. A group of Russian traders self-organized and came to us with an offer: 'We will buy 15 lifetime licenses, if you make this happen". We accepted the offer and the plugin is almost finished and will be available in the MC7 release.

Geizer, thanks for that last link with the information on idea sharing. I will read up on it, maybe there is something to it.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 16 2011
by Tresor
We have not been replying as much in the past week, because we are very busy with fixing all the bugs we can find for the MultiCharts 7 release, which we want to happen in June 2011.
Good. Bugs should be prioritized over anything else.
From reading the posts, it appears to me that the general consensus boiled down to - "Voting does not count". Let me clarify.

Voting is a good indication which features are considered important by the community. They are definitely taken into account, however, they are not the only factor. There are other factors in decision making, which are weighted more when we decide to commit resources (time and money) to making something.
Good. Voting does not count, basically.
A group of Russian traders self-organized and came to us with an offer: 'We will buy 15 lifetime licenses, if you make this happen". We accepted the offer and the plugin is almost finished and will be available in the MC7 release.
Good. Money counts, basically.
If a feature request falls in line with some of the developments we think are needed (which is based on general market tendencies, desires of a large number of users, desires of strategic partners, or what the competitors are doing) - if it's not far off, we will make it. You can see the Confirmed feature requests in the PM - we will make these sooner than later. 'Postponed' status means we will reconsider them at a later date, but will likely make them available.
Very sensible. Stan, please consider putting:
(i) reasonable price tags on features marked ''Confirmed'',
(ii) high price tags on features marked ''Postponed'', and
(iii) ridiculous price tags (gazzilions of dollars) on features marked ''Declined''.
What traders CAN do to make their features available is to self-organize.
Stan, please consider availing a price tag system (suggested by me) or something more sophisticated (suggested by Geizer). I think self-organizing to buy additional licences by existing users would not do. One already owned licence is a suffiecient number of licences for an average existing customer.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 16 2011
by Stanley Miller
I say we could TRADE IDEAS on the EXCHANGE.
The exchange is run by TS Support. It comes natural since all of us are traders.
It's fun, engaging, informative, visual. And it's free for the community of up to 148 users.
Public and private communities are facing a new challenge: their members are turning into demanding consumers of services, while participation is deteriorating.

Today, leading institutions are using of Web 2.0 methods to unleash the collective intelligence of their communities. Online collaboration tools re-generate participation with quality and level not imaginable before.
More here:
and here:
and here:

See the brochure (attached).
Just for the information and are the industry leaders in Idea Exchange apps.

Re: Put money where your vote is!

Posted: May 17 2011
by geizer
Stanley, thank you for your attention , it seems that Tresor achieved his objective when he opened the thread :);)
I'm not an expert in this.

However, I'm under the impression that the issue discussed in this thread is not lack of satisfaction, or lack of attention by the company to user's votes / issues.

I saw a problem in users not participating / not voting / not responding to the ideas posted in PM, hence followed my link which addresses precisely that - it engages people to participate in evaluating the ideas by placing bets in virtual $$$ on the virtual Exchange/Bourse. It's fun, and maybe traders will participate. Maybe.

/My apologies to all who can't read the script below./

В указанной ссылке Idea Exchange имеет смысл не Обмен идеями, а Торговля идеями на виртуальной бирже. Пользователи вместо скучного голосования покупают акции в идеях которые они считают важными, потенциально привлекательными. Потом смотрят на графики как идеи в которые они вложили свои деньги растут в цене, или не растут. Администрация имеет доступ думаю к некоторым производным результатам автоматического анализа популярности идей среди пользователей, в т.ч. известно время которое пользователи тратят на те или иные идеи.