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MC 1.9 Stability Issues - Generally Speaking

Posted: Apr 11 2006
by flmaxey
It seems as time progresses, that MC is becoming more unstable.

One version of 1.8, while inconvenient in some respects (it wouldn't automatically save desktops) seemed to be reasonably stable.

In this version of 1.9 (1.90.438.735);

- There are some fairly serious Video issues.
For example, I have 10 work spaces. When I click between them, I may (or may not) see the chart for the symbol in that work space. Sometimes, I see the chart info from the last page I was on. If I click around in the work spaces, minimize and maximize, etc., "eventually" I see what's supposed to be there.

MC crashes a LOT when I work with symbol data in quote manager. To explain: It appears that IB is not a "clean" data source for history and quote manager gets "confused" when requesting data for blank time frames. I've been fixing this by creating an additional symbol (a second ESM6 for example). Quote Manager fetches the last couple of months of data for the additional symbol, which is "clean". I then export this "clean" data to an ASCII file and import it into my normal ESM6, with the running history. (For the purpose of cleaning up the price DB.)

The problems experienced are;
- It seems that I can't export more than 1 day of minute data, no matter what interval I specify. I should be able to import and export years of minute data or even tick data, if I chose. (and will wait for the process to complete.)
- MC crashes with alarming frequency when doing any data import / export.
- In many cases, after an MC crash, a complete reboot is required to release my PC from MC's processes.
- In a good number of cases, even when MC has not crashed, I get the automated error reporting message on MC start up.

The bottom line;
Compared to 1.9, the stability of 1.8 wasn't all that bad. Could we clean up Easy Language, add the auto save for the work spaces, give us some print options that do not require printing a page with an entirely black background and "punt" back to the relatively stabile 1.8 engine?


Posted: Apr 12 2006
by Alex Kramer
Thanks for the detailed feedback. The problems you're reporting are serious, could you please give us a call so we studied them in detail?

Please call us at 888-817-6385 Monday-Friday from 6:30am till 2:00pm ET. We'll use remote desktop connection to research and fix your issue.

Before that please go to , download the HelpDesk program and run it when we start the phone conversation.

Posted: Apr 14 2006
by flmaxey
I just downloaded helpdesk. Is the program reasonably secure and (completely) removeable?

Posted: Apr 14 2006
by Alex Kramer
Deleting the HelpDesk file removes it completely. As to the security, our HelpDesk is actually a free open-source product called UltraVNC SC (SingleClick). you can read about it in detail at, it's a very widely used product for point-to-point administration and troubleshooting.