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max number of tickers has been reached

Posted: Jul 27 2011
by siscop
I have a problem regarding the max number of strategies that I can autotrade.
Presently I have 57 strategies (all charts that are open are on autotrade and in total 57) on autotrade but on the last 4 strategies I activated it gave me a warning “max number of tickers has been reached”.
Since IB allows 100 stock to tricker the 57 shouldn’t be the problem – but it obviously is.
Is there any solution to this?

Re: max number of tickers has been reached

Posted: Jul 27 2011
by JoshM
I don't know if this is relevant, but in the past I've experienced that the quote lines in the TWS itself also count toward this limit.

You've probably already looked into this, but do you perhaps have some IB symbols in QuoteManager set to 'collect without RT data plotting'?

Re: max number of tickers has been reached

Posted: Jul 27 2011
by siscop
Your customer care just told me that opening 10 charts with the same symbol would create 10 tickers from the 100 symbols I have from IB.
Changing the 10 charts symbols to 10 different symbols would add another 10 symbols from the 100 symbols and the 10 (old symbols) are not released.
So having only 10 charts open I have occupied 20 symbols and only 80 left.

Since MC does not save the broker settings for autotrade and your default settings can not be used for autotrading with gateway I have to do the workaround threw copy/paste chart.
Considering that the symbols of the org. chart are not released the max number of charts useable on IB with MC is 50.
After the 50 charts I have to restart MC since MC does not release the tickers I can not open new charts.
You have to do something.
- Make broker settings possible to save as default
- Or release the tickets when symbols are not active open anymore.

That PC is only for live trading... Nothing else is done on this PC... No collecting or anything else.
I have another PC and another MC licenze for testing and collecting with another IB username.

Your customer care also told me that this limitation is from IB and the tickers can only be released with a restart of MC.
That CAN NOT be the solution.

Hope you can fix this.

Re: max number of tickers has been reached

Posted: Jul 28 2011
by Dave Masalov
Dear siscop,

Opening 10 charts with the same symbol should not create 10 tickers. It should be one ticker. So one symbol name equals one ticker. I apologize for misinformation.

Please have a look at the attached file. These are the symbols that were requested during the session when we have collected the logs from your PC - 96 requests

Unfortunately it is not possible to release the tickets when symbols are not actively open anymore, as the calculation is done on the IB TWS side. We are not able to cancel these requests.
Make broker settings possible to save as default
We already have a correlated feature request. Please vote for it: ... _no=MC-453

Re: max number of tickers has been reached

Posted: Jul 28 2011
by siscop
Unfortunately it is not possible to release the tickets when symbols are not actively open anymore, as the calculation is done on the IB TWS side. We are not able to cancel these requests.
Thank you Dave & Henry for your help and information on that issue.
I was just wondering why the release of the tickers is so complicated. You wrote that this release thing is something from IB and not MC. Then I was wondering why a restart of MC would be the solution since it would release the tickers then. IMHO it sounds like it would be possible to solve that issue on MC side or else a restart of MC wouldn’t help as well.

I hope you guys will give it a try to solve this. Don’t get me wrong I like your software and your support on user problems. I wouldn’t bother you guys on this when this wouldn’t be important for my trading.

Re: max number of tickers has been reached

Posted: Aug 04 2011
by siscop
I am sorry to bring this up again but I keep on reaching the limit even though I only have10 charts open... My MC is running 24/7 and I don’t want to restart it since the open orders will be without a exitstrategie.

To the problem
Restarting of MC helps but since I don’t restart TWS or Gateway that is really a hint that MC stills holds tickers. So under my understanding this is not an IB thing – it is a MC thing or a restart wouldn’t help. A restart of MC wouldn’t change anything on IB side.

IMHO this is clearly a bug.

Re: max number of tickers has been reached

Posted: Aug 16 2011
by Henrik
Unfortunately it is not possible to release the tickets when symbols are not actively open anymore, as the calculation is done on the IB TWS side. We are not able to cancel these requests.
With NT you can scan 100 symbols with IB, delete these 100 symbols in scanner, and after that you can scan another 100 symbols, and again and again.
So it's possible to release the tickets when symbols are not actively open anymore without a restart of MC or the IB gateway.

MC-Team, please solve this problem with high priority!

I can not work as with MC. I can not restart MC again and again because of my live strategys.
Thank you very much!

Since MC does not save the broker settings for autotrade and your default settings can not be used for autotrading with gateway I have to do the workaround threw copy/paste chart.
Oh yes, please fix this, this is not a feature, this is also a bug! Because the button "as default" is missing! ^^

Re: max number of tickers has been reached

Posted: Feb 11 2012
by Henry MultiСharts
When you plot a chart and turn on auto trading in MultiCharts– it occupies only one ticker in IB TWS. TWS calculates the tickers for all connected applications; please make sure that only MultiCharts is using TWS or you are using the same symbols from MultiCharts and the other application.

If you are running charts/scanner with tick bars (seconds or N-tick), then the realtime request will be active until MultiCharts close. This caching feature helps to start a new chart for the symbol faster.

If you are running minute and daily charts then you can release the tickers of closed charts/scanner symbols by disabling the option “Utilization of cache for real-time price data” in Quote Manager->Tools->Data sources->IB-> Settings. To make this setting come into effect you need to restart MultiCharts and all of its applications.

The opposite side of changing this setting is a slight slowdown in receiving historical data, which will be requested from TWS (there is a limited amount of requests for 10 minutes).

Please make sure that the option “Utilization of cache for real-time price data” is disabled in the data feed settings, the symbols are added correctly from the data source, symbol mapping is correct and only MultiCharts is accessing TWS tickers.