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Using 90-95% CPU resources??

Posted: Apr 18 2006
by pipsqueek
Any tips for alleviating CPU utilization? My system hangs while calculating LMT labels and Ergodic with Trader Logic studies. Task manager shows TSServer and MCAtiveX ustilizing 90-99% cpu resources. I have 1.5 GB ram installed. Will a Dual core CPU help at all?


Posted: Apr 19 2006
by Alex Kramer
The TraderLogic LMT and Ergotic studies are very resource-intensive indicators, and as MultiCharts has top priority, its processes will create a full CPU load.
If the system is running out of memory, it will lead to a crash - 1,5 gigabytes can get filled quite easily.
A dualcore processor gives a visible performance boost, we can see it on our test systems.

Posted: Apr 19 2006
by neurotrader

I do see it use up to 97% at times.

In one situation, loading up workspaces.

For example, I have a work space with 3 charts I no longer load up. It plots a 15 min, a 60 min and a daily chart on QQQQ. There are about 3 studies per chart.

When I load it up, IB takes forever to load even though data is in database.

I try and close workspace prior to loading up and I see that tsserver hangs. I need to use task manager to close since it continues to use up resources.

Closing the TSserver manually, meant I needed to close MC and re load all workspaces again.

Tough during trading hours.

Posted: Apr 19 2006
by Alex Kramer
If you are able to reproduce this situation steadily whenever you repeat those actions, please contact us - we'd like to watch this happen.

In such a case please call us at 888-817-6385 Monday-Friday from 6:30am till 2:00pm ET. We'll use remote desktop connection to research and fix your issue.

Before that please go to, download the HelpDesk program, save it to your desktop and run it when we start the phone conversation. Double-click directly on the “Internet support” inscription.

Posted: Apr 20 2006
by geoffm

I had a similar problem to the one you describe and have overcome it in the following way.

When loading a workspace with 4 charts and LogicErgPrimaryTrend study on each chart, the CPU usage goes to 100% until the workspace is fully loaded and then the usage goes back to 'normal'.

Then depending on the activity on the chart the CPU usage varies and often gets to 100% when many ticks are received in a short time. With very little activity CPU usage stays around normal.

When each chart loads, the status line in the chart displays Calculating... until the study has completed calculating and is displayed.

On one of my charts which was set to 16807 Volume bars, I did not have enough data and therefore not enough bars for the study to comlpete its calculation and the status bar continuously displayed Calculating... and the study was never drawn on the chart.

The other 3 charts were smaller Volume bar charts but in each case the data I had was sufficient to display the number of bars (I don't know how many) to allow the study to complete its calculation and be displayed.

The solution was to remove the study from the chart with too few bars and the CPU usage is now normal at all times after the workspace has initially completed loading. (There was no point in displaying the study anyway on that chart because there is not enough data for the study to work on and so it is of no practical use.)

Of course, if you have sufficient data for all your studies to be displayed correctly, then you do not have this problem and I cannot offer any other solution.


Posted: Apr 21 2006
by Alex Kramer
Thanks for the detailed example, Geoff - there's a discussion going in another topic ( that is related to charts with too few bars to calculate a study.

By the way, we've reworked this approach and this shouldn't be a problem in the upcoming versions.