Missing ticks

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.
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Aug 31 2011

Hi, I am using build 4510, and interactive brokers as data provider.

The missing ticks I am talking about refers to the slight difference between the 5min charts I got from MultiCharts and broker's own charting. For example, the Low of the 2011/8/31 2:30am's CLV1 Comdty is 88.81 based on MultiCharts, but broker's chart shows the low is 88.80. These issues happen quite open. Not a big difference, but it impacts me on how I put orders which is sensitive to the accuracy of the bars.

I tried to reload Data in MultiCharts to solve this issue, but it seems the reload is not a real reload, the chart didn't change. In theory, doing a reload will make the MultiCharts chart and broker chart to be exactly the same.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!


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Aug 31 2011

I'm using the same version of MC (but it happens also with the previous ones) and IB as data feed and I have the same exact problem, as well with CL and some times with HG.

It seems that during fast market same ticks are lost.
KKhorse try with this workaround:

Open the Quote manager, select CLV1, then right-click and select "Edit Data".
Load the 1 minute history and change the low/high manually, then close that window and reload the CLV1 chart, you will find the right tick.

Happy Trading

Posts: 7
Joined: Jun 08 2010
Has thanked: 2 times

Aug 31 2011

Thanks ilt000 for ur reply! Good to hear that someone shares the same concern with me.

I am wondering if MultiCharts will have an official fix on this.

In addition, I am curious if this is an IB issue or a MultiCharts issue. I am wondering changing a data provider will do the fix or not.

