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Error 1911

Posted: Apr 22 2006
by ProfessorLogic
Just got the "Error 1911" Could not register type library for file C:\Program Files (x86)/TS Support\PLEditor\PropObjects.dll Contact your support personal

What is a fix so I may install this version (468.865)

Posted: Apr 24 2006
by Alex Kramer
Could you please provide more information - when exactly did this happen, does the same happen every time, etc.? Any comments will be appreciated.

Posted: Apr 24 2006
by ProfessorLogic
Could you please provide more information - when exactly did this happen, does the same happen every time, etc.? Any comments will be appreciated.

Error 1911 "Could not Register Type Library"
Error 1911 "Could not register type library for file [2]. Contact your support personnel." during installation of one or more components on the target system. All dependencies are installed correctly, and the components that raise the 1911 error register properly when you use regsvr32 (dll/ocx) or the /regserver command-line switch (EXE). The components are set up correctly in Installshield.
The components that cause the error message are configured to use "extract at build" for their COM registration information. The problem only seems to occur after binary compatibility has been broken (as it often is, during development), and when you are using the same machine for compilation of the application object files and creation of the install set..
The "extract at build" functionality appears to be using the registry information for the wrong (old) versions, and is using the wrong interface identifier information/registry information. This is what generates the 1911 error.
Note: Error 1911 can also be caused by missing dependencies, locale-specific components, corrupted object files, and several other causes. It is a bit of a catch-all message for COM registration problems.
To avoid the problem unregister the components before you build the new version that is not binary compatible. If you already have outdated information in the registry of your development machine, run RegClean from Microsoft or a similar tool to remove the incorrect registry entries. Alternatively, create the install set from a machine with a fresh OS installation. RegClean can be downloaded from these locations: ... gcln41.exe or ... gcln41.exe
This problem das been reported for ISWI 1.x, IPWI 2.x and ISD 7.00.

Posted: Apr 24 2006
by Alex Kramer
Thank you very much for providing detailed information, the responsible developers have been informed.