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Data Cache Reload Problem

Posted: May 02 2006
by momentum
Yesterday, I brought my chart up to date from IB for the symbol FDAX 200606. I closed the chart and immediately re-opened it and the chart appeared without any delay. The market did not trade yesterday. This morning, before the market opened, I reopened my workspace and its been over 30 minutes and no chart.


Posted: May 02 2006
by momentum
After an hour, I exited and recreatede the chart using ONLINE mode for data and the chart came up. As I am using range bars, I'm not sure whether I am missing data. What is the difference between ONDEMAN and ONLINE modes?

Posted: May 02 2006
by Guest
I would like to know this (differenece between Online and OnDemand) the descriptions sound quite similar.

I guess Online does data feed first and if it misses any data there it will look in the chache?

I guess Ondemand does cache first and if it can not find data there it gets it online?

I presume both remain connected to the feed and fill in the cache with new real time data?

Could you spell out exactly what happens with each mode for us slow guys :-)

Posted: May 02 2006
by Alex Kramer
In On-Demand mode MultiCharts, when a chart is created, looks up the data already stored for the symbol, checks for any gaps in this data up to the current date/time, downloads data to fill gaps and then connects to realtime.

In Online mode the stored data is used as is, without checking for gaps so Multicharts can connect to realtime datafeed at once.

Posted: May 02 2006
by momentum
So why does MC sometimes download ALL the data requested rather than only the missing in ON DEMAND?

Posted: May 02 2006
by Alex Kramer
Could you please send the logs from QuoteManager (in Quote Manager Event Log right-click -> Send Log).
We'll see if MultiCharts requests all the data again (also please indicate for what symbol, in waht resolution and fro what period of time you had that data already cached).