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Posted: May 02 2006
by worx
Everytime I open the symbol ZB June 06 after restarting the computer
MC is downloading the same dates for the symbol from the IB TWS. Every time the whole day of the 14th April (for example) is downloaded like the database is not keeping this data from previous downloads. It always takes a while to open this chart.
What can I do?

Thank you!

Posted: May 02 2006
by momentum
I have this with IB also, see post below Re Data Cache Reload Problem - mine is with DAX. I worked around this using ONLINE mode but am not certain that I have not missed data.

Posted: May 02 2006
by Guest
I See this too with DAX and ES though its not all days.

With DAX for example I leave my computer running through the whole of the session everyday yet when I start up in the morning there is hlaf an hour of loading.

Any ideas if there is anything we can do to get round this?

Posted: May 02 2006
by neurotrader
A work around that I do, (if you have all the data) specially on indexes from IB is to set preferences from "On Demand" to "On Line" for my workspaces with indexes.

Works for me, after uploading that particular index workspace, I set the preferences back to On Demand.


Posted: May 02 2006
by worx
I have to be sure that I dont miss any data,
that is why you cannot call this a workaround. When your computer is down for 5 minutes you have to download this 5 minutes of data.

But the data is already downloaded from the IB TWS. But for some reason MC is ignoring this. Not for the whole Dataseries but for some Days within the dataseries (or some hours,minutes)....

Posted: May 02 2006
by Alex Kramer
Please send the logs from Quote Manager Event Log (right-click ->Send log), we'll research the issue, your input will be most appreciated.

Posted: May 02 2006
by momentum
My email to the default address is getting bounced:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: QuoteManager log
Sent: 02/05/2006 16:48

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

'' on 02/05/2006 16:48
None of your e-mail accounts could send to this recipient.

Posted: May 03 2006
by momentum
A work around that I do, (if you have all the data) specially on indexes from IB is to set preferences from "On Demand" to "On Line" for my workspaces with indexes.

Works for me, after uploading that particular index workspace, I set the preferences back to On Demand.

Does this toggling of the Preferences change the ONLINE back to ON DEMAND for all open charts or only for charts that are opened after the change?

Posted: May 03 2006
by Alex Kramer
To enable a different dataserver mode for an already opened chart, it must be reloaded (Ctrl+R). Charts opened or created anew after the mode change are by default in the new mode.

Please try sending the logs to, I'll make sure they're forwarded to relevant developers.

Posted: May 03 2006
by TraderJ
A work around that I do, (if you have all the data) specially on indexes from IB is to set preferences from "On Demand" to "On Line" for my workspaces with indexes.

Works for me, after uploading that particular index workspace, I set the preferences back to On Demand.

I do mine differently... (please tell me if I am doing this right)
I would first start MC with no workspace.
I then turn on the On Demand mode...
Open the quote manager... and let it run for a few minutes.
The On Demand mode supposed to check for and download missing data.
After a few minutes... and seeing that the quote manager has received a few quotes... then I switch back to On Line mode.
I would then open the workspaces... and the graphs will come up quickly.

I shut off the computer at night. I assume this way the On Demand mode would catch up all the trades I missed during the night (which I think amount to only few hundred contracts). Am I correct?

Posted: May 04 2006
by momentum
OK, so if I was up to date on, say, DAX, from IB last night, but want to open a chart this morning, say, 30 minutes AFTER the open, what should I do to avoid having to wait hours for MC to completely download AGAIN my 30 days of data to create the Range Bars I need to trade??

This is a major problem.

If I have ALL the charts I MAY need open (because I don't know what will be active), then my CPU is maxed out and the charts get behind, but if I wait to open a chart when I need it then I cannot trade because it takes holurs to get uptodate.

Guys, what is the answer?

Posted: May 04 2006
by Guest
Hi momentum,

it is defenitely a bug that needs to be fixed. I am sure there is no workaround you could use. Using an other connection mode always leaves the danger that you will trade on uncomplete chart-data.
Besides that if you trade range bars you are placing your beds on
incorrect chart data. Range Bars needs to be fixed as well.
This leaves just one alternative: hope they will fix both problems soon.


Posted: May 04 2006
by Guest
Is it possible that the incorrect Range Bar charting is forcing the database problem?

Posted: May 04 2006
by momentum
Hi Guest

I got the same IB problem with tick bars.

Yes, both problems need to be fixed URGENTLY but I don't think they are related except that CPU is being used to calculate the bars.

For me, the IB reload problem is the biggy as I use multiple time frames and its killing me.

Posted: May 11 2006
by Guest
Happens with minute based charts too. I use multiple time frames and it is killing me too, bordering on unusable.

Posted: May 11 2006
by Alex Kramer
We are putting a lot of effort into all those issues related to repeated data downloading/slow performance/high CPU load that occur especially with IB.

Thanks for attention - but there is no missing an issue this big... and for your patience, everybody.

Posted: May 18 2006
by Guest
Good to hear!

Are you OK for logs and such?

It seems that the problems are there all the time so should be easy to re-create (and hopefully fix).

If you require any testing done holler I'm sure that people that are suffering with the IB feed would be happy to help out to get things resolved.


Posted: May 18 2006
by Alex Kramer
Feedback is appreciated, please send logs of cases when you're having issues with IB.