Events - Page 5


Dear MultiCharts users, Trade2Win has once again begun their annual voting to find out which trading software you like best. MultiCharts is participating in several different nominations. We have won awards there for the past two years (MultiCharts was named the Best Professional Trading Platform), and would like to keep up this tradition. If you …

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Traders Expo 2010 in Las Vegas

The MultiCharts booth at the recently completed Traders Expo in Las Vegas before the doors opened and you canactually see the booth display. This picture shows MultiCharts’ Jeff Jenkins listening intently to a question from one of the many attendees who stopped by the MultiCharts booth for a first look at our new manual trading …

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Traders Expo – Las Vegas

You can spot MultiCharts at Traders Expo show. Caesars Palace, November 17 – 20, 2010 Presentations & Speakers: Sunny Harris (MoneyMentor, Sunny Harris Enterprises) – Haps and Hazards of Backtesting: Finding and Testing Profitable Trading Systems with MultiCharts Jeff Jenkins (MultiCharts) – Getting an Edge: Trading with MultiCharts

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