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Setting Properties: Difference between revisions

From MultiCharts
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|'''Data Source'''
|Data Source
|Data source to receive the data for the symbol from. It is possible to have several symbols with the same underlying asset (name) fed from different data source.
|Data source to receive the data for the symbol from. It is possible to have several symbols with the same underlying asset (name) fed from different data source.
|'''Symbol Name'''
|Symbol Name
|Symbol name is the abbreviation of the underlying asset's name i.e. ticker name. Symbol names may vary for different data source. The same underlying asset may have quite different symbol names for different data sources.
|Symbol name is the abbreviation of the underlying asset's name i.e. ticker name. Symbol names may vary for different data source. The same underlying asset may have quite different symbol names for different data sources.
|'''Symbol Root'''
|Symbol Root
|Symbol root is the abbreviation of the underlying asset's name. The same underlying asset may have quite different symbol names for different data sources.
|Symbol root is the abbreviation of the underlying asset's name. The same underlying asset may have quite different symbol names for different data sources.
|Description is the full name for the asset. Usually it is a name of the corporation, financial entity or instrument that the symbol is based on.
|Description is the full name for the asset. Usually it is a name of the corporation, financial entity or instrument that the symbol is based on.
|Mutual Funds & Stocks
|Mutual Funds & Stocks
|CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) is a unique nine-character identification number, for each class of security approved for trading in the U.S., to facilitate clearing and settlement.
|CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) is a unique nine-character identification number, for each class of security approved for trading in the U.S., to facilitate clearing and settlement.
|Amount of money exchange requires to reserve as a deposit for futures trading.
|Amount of money exchange requires to reserve as a deposit for futures trading.
|'''Contract Month'''
|Contract Month
|Bonds, Futures & Options
|Bonds, Futures & Options
|Delivery/expiration month of a security.
|Delivery/expiration month of a security.
|'''Contract Year'''
|Contract Year  
|Bonds, Futures & Options
|Bonds, Futures & Options
|Delivery/expiration year of a security.
|Delivery/expiration year of a security.
|'''Expiration Date'''
|Expiration Date
|Futures & Options
|Futures & Options
|Date future or option contract expires.
|Date future or option contract expires.
|'''Expiration Rule'''
|Expiration Rule
|Futures & Options
|Futures & Options
|Expiration rules are quite different for different types of futures and options.
|Expiration rules are quite different for different types of futures and options.
|'''Expiration Status'''
|Expiration Status  
|Futures & Options
|Futures & Options
|Status displays if the contract is expired or not.
|Status displays if the contract is expired or not.
|'''Strike Price'''
|Strike Price
|Option strike price.
|Option strike price.
|'''Option Type'''
|Option Type
|Option type (Call or Put).
|Option type (Call or Put).

Revision as of 15:17, 3 July 2024

Every symbol has a set of parameters. If the symbol is added from a list provided by the data vendor, these settings will be automatically supplied by the provider. If necessary, symbol parameters can be modified in QuoteManager.

Editing Symbol Properties

Symbol settings can be edited in QuoteManager.
To open symbol settings:

  • Double-click the symbol.
  • Right-click the symbol → Edit Symbol.
  • Select the symbol and go to InstrumentEdit Instrument.
  • Select the symbol and click the Edit Instrument icon.
To select several symbols for editing, hold Ctrl button.
To select all symbols, click Ctrl+A or go to Edit → Select All.

Editing a New Symbol Properties

After filling information in the Add Symbol window the Edit Symbol window appears automatically making possible setting properties.

Important: The Category property can not be changed for a symbol.

Important: It is required to set the Symbol Root property.

Tip: Symbol Root for stocks is the same as the Symbol Root property.

Asset Class

Property Asset Class Applicable Description
Data Source All Data source to receive the data for the symbol from. It is possible to have several symbols with the same underlying asset (name) fed from different data source.
Symbol Name All Symbol name is the abbreviation of the underlying asset's name i.e. ticker name. Symbol names may vary for different data source. The same underlying asset may have quite different symbol names for different data sources.
Symbol Root All Symbol root is the abbreviation of the underlying asset's name. The same underlying asset may have quite different symbol names for different data sources.
Description All Description is the full name for the asset. Usually it is a name of the corporation, financial entity or instrument that the symbol is based on.
CUSIP Mutual Funds & Stocks CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) is a unique nine-character identification number, for each class of security approved for trading in the U.S., to facilitate clearing and settlement.
Margin Futures Amount of money exchange requires to reserve as a deposit for futures trading.
Contract Month Bonds, Futures & Options Delivery/expiration month of a security.
Contract Year Bonds, Futures & Options Delivery/expiration year of a security.
Expiration Date Futures & Options Date future or option contract expires.
Expiration Rule Futures & Options Expiration rules are quite different for different types of futures and options.
Expiration Status Futures & Options Status displays if the contract is expired or not.
Strike Price Options Option strike price.
Option Type Options Option type (Call or Put).


Property Description
Price Scale Returns a numeric expression representing the fractional portion of a full point move for a particular symbol. The PriceScale value is represented by a whole number. E.g. the PriceScale of the E-Mini S&P is100, which represents the fractional portion of a full point move for the E-Mini S&P.

Any stock would also have a PriceScale of 100. 1 / PriceScale = Minimum price increment.
MinMove / PriceScale returns the smallest increment between trades.
MinMove / PriceScale * BigPointValue returns the currency value of the smallest change in price.

Tip: MultiCharts can display prices in both decimal and fractional format.

Displaying prices in decimal format

  1. Double click on the symbol in QuoteManager. The Edit Symbol window will appear.
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. In the Settings Details section, select the appropriate Price Scale from the drop-down list. The following selections are available for decimal format:

As is

Displaying prices in fractional format

  1. Double click on the symbol in QuoteManager. The Edit Symbol window will appear.
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. In the Settings Details section, select the appropriate Price Scale from the drop-down list. The following selections are available for fractional format:

Fractions with integer numerator

The numerator of the fraction may have a decimal:

10 23.25/32
10 23.5 /32
10 23.75/32

Fractions with decimal numerator
1/32 and 10th of 32nd
1/10 and j of 10th
1/32 and j of 32nd
1/64 and 10th of 64th
1/32 and Ѕ of 32nd
1/64 and Ѕ of 64th

The "10th", "j", and "S" markings have special meaning.

Their definitions are laid out in the table below:

Marking Decimal representation in numerator Fractional Equivalent
10th 0, 0.1, 0.2, ... 0.9 1/10
j 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 1/4
S 0, 0.5 1/2

As shown,

"10th" means the decimal in the numerator can be in increments of 0.1.
"j" means the decimal in the numerator can be in increments of 0.25.
"S" means the decimal in the numerator can be in increments of 0.5.

In a user defined price scale range, it is also possible to input numbers in fractional format into the Maximum and Minimum fields. The numbers will be converted to decimal format when the dialog box is closed.

However, the price scale on chart will still be in fractional format.

Note: If the price scale of the symbol is already in decimal format and it is changed to fractional format, the chart must be reloaded for the fractional format to appear.

Daily Limit The maximum price movement allowed during a session (has been removed from MultiCharts).
Min. Movement Returns a numeric expression representing the minimum movement allowed for a particular symbol.

The MinMove value is represented by a whole number.
For example: the MinMove of the E-Mini S&P is 25, which represents the minimum price move of the E-Mini S&P which is .25.
Any stock would have a MinMove of 1, which represents the minimum price move of any stock which is .01

MinMove / PriceScale returns the smallest increment between trades.
MinMove / PriceScale * BigPointValue returns the currency value of the smallest change in price.

Big Point Value The currency value represented by a full point of price movement. In the case of stocks, the Big Point Value is usually 1, in that 1 point of movement represents 1 currency, however it may vary. For example, the Big Point Value for the S&P Futures is 250, where 1 point of price movement represents 250 of the selected currency. The Big Point Value for a stock such as JDSU is 1, where 1 point of movement represents 1 of the selected currency.


Learn more about Custom Session Templates.