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[[Category:Managing Data‎]]

Revision as of 11:40, 18 July 2024

Historical Data Download Scheduler allows downloading the historical data from the data provider automatically on a scheduled basis according to the set of rules specified by user.

Opening Historical Data Download Scheduler

Historical Data Download Scheduler is accessible from QuoteManager. To create a new schedule for data downloading:

  1. In the QuoteManager main menu select Tools and then click Historical Data Download Scheduler or select the corresponding icon in the toolbar.
  2. In the opened Historical Data Download Scheduler window сlick Add to add a new schedule. The Edit Task Historical Data Download Schedule 0 window will pop up.

Application Settings Tab

  1. In the Add symbols to download historical data section click Add to add the symbols that you need to download. Multiple symbol selection is possible. To highlight multiple symbols, use one of the following methods:
    • Click on the symbol to begin with and while holding SHIFT key click on the last necessary symbol. All symbols in the range between these two will be selected; or:
    • Use CTRL in combination with the mouse to select/deselect symbols one by one. While holding CTRL, a single click will select the symbol and second click on the same symbol will deselect it; or:
    • While holding SHIFT use the UP ARROW and the DOWN ARROW keys to select a group of neighboring symbols; or:
    • While holding CTRL, use the UP ARROW and the DOWN ARROW keys in combination with the SPACE key to select symbols.
    • Using the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut to select all symbols.
  2. To delete a symbol from the list, click on the red cross next to the symbol or click Delete. To delete all symbols, choose Select all and click Delete.
  3. Selection of Data range and Time zone is common for all symbols.
    • In the Data range section click the top radio button to use the days/weeks/months back request.
      • In the text box enter the number of days/weeks/months back to be used.
      • In the drop-down list box choose Days, or Weeks, or Months back.
      • In the From combo box, your computer's system date is set up by default; if required, enter another date or use the drop-down calendar.
      • Click to save the data range and disable auto adjustment to the current date.
    • In the Data range section click the bottom radio button to select the range of dates.
      • In the From combo box enter the starting date or use the drop-down calendar; your computer's system date is set up by default.
      • In the To combo box, your computer's system date is set up by default; if required, enter another date or use the drop-down calendar.
      • Click to save the data range and disable auto adjustment to the current date.
    • Select Local or Exchange in the Time zone dropdown list.
  4. Selection of resolutions and quote fields is done individually for each symbol. Click on the symbol and check the required checkboxes for it in the Select resolutions for each symbol section. To select/deselect all available fields use Check all/Uncheck all buttons.
  5. The resolution and quote field selection can be done for all instruments simultaneously by using Select all button. Select none option will cancel the selection of symbols.
  6. Data removal options section allows to specify the types of data for the selected symbols to be removed from MultiCharts database during downloading the historical data. See more details below.

Data Removal Options

From the drop-down list choose:

  • Refresh to request the historical data for the selected data range, resolution and quote field from the data feed. If the data is received from the provider, the new data replaces the data that was stored in the database before for the selected interval and type. If new data is not received from the provider, it remains the same.
  • Delete only the data of the selected type and time interval to delete the symbols’ historical data for the selected data range, resolution and quote field and request new historical data. Data backup is automatically created. If the data is received from the provider, the new data is saved in the database. If the data is not received from the provider, there will be a gap in the data of the selected type and time interval.
  • Delete the data of the selected type completely to delete all the historical data stored in the database for the selected symbols and download historical data for the selected data range, resolution and quote field.

If data removal option Delete only the data of the selected type and time interval or Delete the data of the selected type completely is selected, a data backup is automatically created. The number of backup copies is limited, maximal allowed number is 99, default number is 3. Use Store … backup copies control to select how many backups to store for this task. When saving a new automatic backup, a number of backups created earlier for this task will be deleted. When the task is performed, the number of backups will match the selected value.

Schedule Settings Tab

  1. Click on the Name (in blue) to change the name of the schedule.
  2. Select the frequency of downloading from the available options: One time, Daily, Weekly, Monthly.
  3. Specify the Start task date/time (PC time) in the corresponding field.
  4. Check Enabled to activate the schedule.
  5. Click Ok to save the schedule.
  6. Click Cancel to abort the changes.

After a new schedule is created it is possible to Edit it by clicking on the gear icon or Delete it by clicking on the cross icon.

Windows Task Scheduler

It is possible to access Windows Task Scheduler from the Historical Data Download Scheduler window. To do that click on the Open Windows Task Scheduler button. From the opened window it is possible to view and manage the list of existing MultiCharts Historical Data Download schedules. The folder that stores saved schedules is called as the application and can be found in the left part of Task Scheduler window under the Task Scheduler Library.