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'''Status Line''' is located at the top of the chart and displays symbol information and market snapshots for the data series and studies being plotted.  Status Line Fields, Color, Font, and Style can be configured, or the Status Line can be hidden.
In '''Tracking Mode''', Status Line tracks the position of the mouse pointer.  The information is displayed for each series for only the single bar, corresponding to the pointer’s current horizontal position along the time scale.  If the mouse pointer is not positioned over the chart, or if the Tracking Mode is not enabled, information displayed is for the series’ entire current trading sessions.
In '''MultiLine Mode''', a separate Status Line for each of the plotted series or studies is displayed at the top of the chart.  If the MultiLine Mode is not enabled, all information is displayed in a single Status Line.
Data series and studies can be Linked, Moved, and Deleted by using the Status Line '''Management Controls'''.
== Status Line Mode ==
Status Line Mode is set from the '''Format Window'''window:
# Open the '''Format Window''' window.<br><span>{{FormatWindow}}</span>
# Select the '''Status Line''' tab.
# In the '''Enable Status Line''' section:
#* To enable the status line, check the '''Enable Status Line''' check box; uncheck the box to hide the status line.
#* To enable the Tracking Mode, check the '''Enable Tracking Mode''' check box; uncheck the box to disable the Tracking Mode.
#* To enable the MultiLine Mode, check the '''Enable MultiLine Mode''' check box; uncheck the box to disable the MultiLine Mode.
<div style="background-color: #E5F6FF;">Tip: To use these appearance settings for all new charts, check '''Use as Default''' check box.</div>
== Status Line Fields ==
Status Line Fields are configured from the '''Format Window''' window:
# Open the '''Format Window''' window.<br><span>{{FormatWindow}}</span>
# Select the '''Status Line''' tab.
# In the '''Enable Status Line''' section, select a field in the Status Line Fields scrolling list box.
#* To display a field in the status line, check the check box next to the field’s name, or select the field and click the '''Show''' button.
#* To hide a field, uncheck the check box next to the field’s name, or select the field and click the '''Hide''' button.
#* To change the order in which fields are displayed in the status line, select a field and use the '''Move Up''' or '''Move Down''' buttons.
<div style="background-color: #E5F6FF;">Tip: To use these appearance settings for all new charts, check '''Use as Default''' check box.</div>
== Status Line Style ==
Status Line Style is set from the '''Format Window''' window:
# Open the '''Format Window''' window.<br><span>{{FormatWindow}}</span>
# Select the '''Status Line''' tab.
# In the '''Status Line Colors''' section, select a color for each text or value type in the '''Color''' drop-down palette box.
# In the '''Font''' section, select status line font in the '''Font''' drop-down list box.
# In the '''Size''' section, select status line font size in the '''Size'''drop-down list box.
# In the '''Font Style''' section, check '''Bold''', '''Italic''', and/or '''Underline''' check boxes to select bold, italic, and/or underline status line font style.
<div style="background-color: #E5F6FF;">Tip: To use these appearance settings for all new charts, check '''Use as Default''' check box.</div>
== Status Line Management Controls ==
It is possible to '''Delete''', '''Move''' between SubCharts, and '''Link''' series and studies by using the Status Line.
=== Deleting Series or Study ===
Series or study can be deleted by using the Status Line:
To delete a series or indicator:
* Click the '''Remove''' http://www.multicharts.com/img/wiki/StatusLine/DeleteSubchart.gif" WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="16" ALIGN="bottom"> button
on the series status line; note that the Remove button will not appear if it is hidden in the Status Line settings.
<div style="background-color: #F8F6CD;">Important: Any series can be deleted, except for the data series that was added first (Data #1).</div>
=== Moving Series or Study ===
A series or a study can be moved to another existing or new SubChart within the same Chart Window.
* To move a series to an existing SubChart, position the mouse pointer over the Status Line of the series to be moved; once the '''Pointer''' http://www.multicharts.com/img/wiki/cursors/Pointer.gif" WIDTH="24" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="bottom"> changes into a '''Hand''' http://www.multicharts.com/img/wiki/cursors/Hand.gif" WIDTH="24" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="bottom">, hold the left mouse button and drag the pointer to another SubChart.  Release the mouse button to complete moving the series.
* To move a series to a new SubChart, position the mouse pointer over the Status Line of the series to be moved; once the '''Pointer''' http://www.multicharts.com/img/wiki/cursors/Pointer.gif" WIDTH="24" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="bottom"> changes into a '''Hand''' http://www.multicharts.com/img/wiki/cursors/Hand.gif" WIDTH="24" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="bottom">, hold the left mouse button and drag the pointer to the upper or lower border of the Chart Window, or of another SubChart. Once the pointer changes into the '''Create New SubChart''' http://www.multicharts.com/img/wiki/cursors/Subgraph_New.gif" WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="25" ALIGN="bottom"> symbol, release the mouse button to create a new SubChart.
== Symbol and Resolution Linking ==
It is possible to '''Link''' charts in groups based on the symbol name or resolution. 
Each group is identified by one of 14 different colors.  When any one chart of the linked group is changed, the changes will automatically be applied to the rest of the linked charts.  Different Chart Windows as well as SubCharts within the same window can be linked.
Linking can save a considerable amount of time when working with complex workspaces.
=== Linking Charts by Symbol ===
When the symbol for any one chart of the linked group is changed, the changes will automatically be applied to the rest of the linked charts.
* To link a chart by symbol, click the '''Symbol Link''' http://www.multicharts.com/img/wiki/StatusLine/LinkingSymbol.gif" WIDTH="24" HEIGHT="16" ALIGN="bottom"> button on the Status Line of the series to be linked; please note that the Symbol Link button will not appear if it is hidden in the Status Line settings.
* To assign the series to a Link Group, select the Link Group Color Code from the drop-down list.
* To un-link the series, select '''Not Linked''' http://www.multicharts.com/img/wiki/StatusLine/NotLinked.gif" WIDTH="86" HEIGHT="21" ALIGN="bottom">.
* To link the series to all charts in all open Workspaces, select '''Linked to All''' http://www.multicharts.com/img/wiki/StatusLine/LinkedToAll.gif" WIDTH="95" HEIGHT="21" ALIGN="bottom">.
<div style="background-color: #E3FBE5;">Note: The resolution of the linked charts will not be affected.  All studies or signals previously applied to the chart will be recalculated for the new symbol.  All manually placed drawing objects will remain in their original location.  Objects based on formula calculations (such as signal arrows, etc.) may disappear if the new data series does not match the calculation criteria.</div>
=== Linking Charts by Resolution ===
When the resolution of any one chart of the linked group is changed, the changes will automatically be applied to the rest of the linked charts.
Charts are linked from the Status Line:
* To link a chart by resolution, click the '''Resolution Link''' http://www.multicharts.com/img/wiki/StatusLine/LinkingRes.gif" WIDTH="24" HEIGHT="16" ALIGN="bottom"> button on the Status Line of the series to be linked; please note that the Resolution Link button will not appear if it is hidden in the Status Line settings.
* To assign the series to a Link Group, select the Link Group Color Code from the drop-down list.
* To un-link the series, select '''Not Linked''' http://www.multicharts.com/img/wiki/StatusLine/NotLinked.gif" WIDTH="86" HEIGHT="21" ALIGN="bottom">.
* To link the series to all charts in all open Workspaces, select '''Linked to All''' http://www.multicharts.com/img/wiki/StatusLine/LinkedToAll.gif" WIDTH="95" HEIGHT="21" ALIGN="bottom">.
<div style="background-color: #E3FBE5;">Note: The symbols of the linked charts will not be affected.  All studies or signals previously applied to the chart will be recalculated for the new resolution.  All manually placed drawing objects will remain in their original location.  Objects based on formula calculations (such as signal arrows, etc.) may disappear if the new data series does not match the calculation criteria.</div>
[[Category:Chart Window]]
[[Category:Chart Window]]