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One of the leading electronic brokers.  
* To connect MultiCharts to Interactive Brokers (IB) data feed, it is necessary to have IB software installed and launched on the computer.
* When the connection is set up correctly, MultiCharts brings up IB software automatically when data is requested. IB has 2 applications that can be used for connection MultiCharts to IB:
# IB Trader Workstation. (requires 1 logout per 24 hours)
# IB Gateway.
* Though there is choice between web-based and standalone version, standalone version is recommended to use.
* To download IB Trader Workstation and IB Gateway, follow this link: http://individuals.interactivebrokers.com/en/control/systemstandalone.php?os=win&ib_entity=llc
==To set up connection in Interactive Brokers Trader WorkStation:==
* Enable Active X and Socket Clients box should be checked in IB TWS settings:
# Click on Configure in main TWS window.
# Click on API section. Select Settings.
# Check Enable Active X and Socket Clients box.<br><div style="background-color: #E3FBE5;">'''Note''': By default both in IB TWS and IB data source in QuoteManager Port (Socket port) number is 7496.</div>
# It is recommended to add to Trusted IP Addresses.
==To set up connection in Interactive Brokers Gateway:==
* IB API should be selected when one logins to IB Gateway.
# Click on Configure in main TWS window.
# Click on API section. Select Settings.
# Check Enable Active X and Socket Clients box.<br><div style="background-color: #E3FBE5;">'''Note''': By default in IB Gateway Socket port number is 4001. In IB data source in QuoteManager default Port (Socket port) number is 7496. The ports should be the same.</div>
# It is recommended to add to Trusted IP Addresses.
==To set up Interactive Brokers data feed connection:==
# In the QuoteManager main menu select Tools, then click Data Sources and click on Interactive Brokers. 
# In the popped up window choose whether you have a standalone installed on your PC version of IB TWS / IB Gateway or a web-based one. Standalone version is recommended to use.
# Click Ok.
# Once you clicked Ok, the Interactive Brokers Data Feed Configuration window is opened. It is recommended to use default settings.
* Connectivity section.<br>Check Server IP Address and Port.<br>IB TWS can be launched automatically by MultiCharts on attempt to add a symbol from IB data source; once a chart, DOM, Market Scanner window with IB instrument is open.  To enable this option check Launch Trader Workstation at start check box.
* Historical data section.<br>There is no need to reconfigure settings in this section. It is set up by default. ==Advanced users can check/uncheck the following options.==
===Download historical data.===
* Regular Trading Hours.
* Do not request ticks for intervals that has no minute data.<br>If the box is checked, MultiCharts assumes that the interval that has no minute data from server also doesn’t have tick data.
* Filter bars with zero volume box.
* Filter bars with zero price box.
* TWS bar timestamp.<br>It is not recommended to check this function to avoid possible problems with mixing session settings and missing bars on chart.
* Simultaneous loading of Historical Data across all symbols/charts.<br>If the box is checked the data is requested for all symbols simultaneously, not in a particular order.
* Utilization of cache for real-time price data.<br>
<div style="background-color: #E5F6FF;">'''Example''': historical minutes are requested as minutes from server up to the latest one. The latest historical is plotted from ticks up to the present moment. All the data that is collected in real-time (ticks) is used to build minutes</div>
* Plot ticks either from 1 second snapshots or 5 second snapshots from server.
* Plot minutes either from 1 minute snapshots or 15 minute snapshots bars.
===Real-Time section.===
'''There is no need to reconfigure it. It is set up by default.'''
* Use server timestamps.<br>Time of Trades is taken from IB servers. Does not apply to Ask and Bid data for Forex symbols. It is not recommended to check this function to avoid potential problems with session settings and missing bars on chart.
* Generate a new tick if total volume changes.<br>Turn on this function if you need total volume for the session. By default it is turned off.  When turn on, the Trade Tick Volume = current TotalVolume – previous TotalVolume. This option also helps to avoid spikes coming from IB API in real-time feed.
* Click the Reset button to restore default settings.
* To add an instrument manually or from data source, see [[Data_Sources_Overview#Adding_Symbol.28s.29_to_Symbol_List|Adding Symbol(s) to Symbol List]].

Gained immense fame with its high quality, affordable prices and supporting trading on may exchanges worldwide.
[[Category:Built-in Data Sources]]
== Features and limitations ==
* Searching for symbols by name or root
* Auto-adding the symbol and required attributes to the database
* Automatic confirmation when querying for data. No need to click "OK" in the "Accept incoming connection" dialog
* Automatic reconnection in case connection is lost
All the listed limitations arise on the Interactive Brokers' side so they may not always be overcome:
* Interactive Brokers provides 24 hours of historical data only. See the [[Importing_Data|Importing Data]] section for info on gap filling
* Interactive Brokers does not provide the day's Open price
* Interactive Brokers does not provide timestamps for quotes. Because of this limitation the program has to assign the system time to every quote. Such a workaround may bias the true timestamp of the quote by the time difference between its sending and receiving; in most cases the delay is fractions of a second
* Interactive Brokers does not support receiving data for over 80 symbols per one account
== Setting up ==
# Make sure that the latest version of '''Trade Workstation''' is installed and functioning properly.
# Make sure the '''Trader Workstation''' allows interacting with other programs via the '''API''':
## Run '''Trader Workstation'''
## In the main menu, select '''Configure''', then click '''API'''
## Check '''Enable ActiveX and Socket Clients'''
# Make sure the '''Socket Port''' in '''Trader Workstation''' is the same as in the data source settings:
## In the '''Configure''' menu, click '''API'''
## Select '''Socket Port'''; the default value is '''7496'''
## Run Quote Manager
## In the '''Tools''' menu, click '''Data Sources'''
## Select '''Interactive Brokers''' and click '''Settings'''
## Compare the '''Port''' with '''Socket Port'''
# Make sure the '''Server IP address''' is '''''' if the '''Trader Workstation''' is running on the same computer.<br>To connect to '''Trader Workstation''' running on another machine indicate the proper '''IP'''.
# Check '''Launch Trader Workstation at start''', if the program is to be started automatically at boot up.
<br>To create a symbol using Interactive Brokers as the Data
Source see [[Operating_Symbol_List#Adding Symbol from Data Vendor Supplied List|Adding from a list supplied by data vendor]] section.