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Saxo Group Broker Profile

From MultiCharts

Saxo provides real-time position and account P&L.
OCO orders are emulated by MultiCharts natively.

Note: Saxo Group can't be used to plot the DOM window in MultiCharts.

Configuring the Saxo Group broker profile in MultiCharts

In order to connect your Saxo Bank account, you need to set up a Saxo Group broker profile. In the Properties Saxo Group window (see Managing Broker Profiles) enter the information provided by Saxo: Account type section.
Select SIM or LIVE depending on the type of your account.
Quote & Trade Account field.
Lookup for an account by pressing the Lookup button. Select the account for trading (for both manual and automated) from the drop-down list.

Note: The selected account will determine the streaming quotes depending on the account configuration on the broker end. If your accounts are configured differently, then the quotes are not guaranteed to be aligned on these accounts.

Configuring the Saxo Group broker plugin in MultiCharts

The broker plugin settings for Saxo Group differ from the general broker profile settings only by the availability of the Time in Force setting. The availalbe options are DAY and GTC (Good-Til-Cancelled). The account selection is impossible here because it is pre-configured in the broker profile settings.

Important: If you have several accounts under one Saxo login and you need to trade all of them it will be required to create the corresponding number of broker profiles to be able to select different accounts for auto trading.

After the broker profile is set up, you can select it for trading, see the How to Select a Broker Account For Trading guide.