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How to Place Manual Orders

From MultiCharts

Place Order Menu

There are several ways an order can be placed manually:

There is one more way to place an order:

  1. Make a right-click on chart and the select the first option Place Order.
  2. In the dropdown list there are several options for entries and exits:
Note: There are 2 requirements for the Place Order option to appear when you make a right-click on the chart:
1. A connected Broker Profile
2. Correctly set up Symbol Mapping
If you don't see the Place Order option, then one of the requirements is not fulfilled.

Entry Orders

  • Place a Buy/Sell Limit order for a specified number of contracts at the clicked price level
  • Place a Buy/Sell Stop order for a specified number of contracts at the clicked price level
  • Place a Buy/Sell Stop Limit order for a specified number of contracts at the clicked price level

Exit Orders

Note: The number of contracts should be specified in the Setting Order Quantity field on Chart Trading Panel. Setting the number of contracts in Trade Bar will not affect Place Order option.