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How to Feed Excel File With RT Data From MultiCharts (Use RTD Server)?

From MultiCharts

To feed an Excel file with real time data from MultiCharts, use the RTD Server:

  1. Download the RTD Server installer here.
  2. Close MultiCharts and all its applications. Make sure there are no MultiCharts Processes left in Task Manager → Details tab → Description column.
  3. Run RTD Server.exe and follow the installation wizard.
  4. Run MultiCharts and create a chart with real-time data.
  5. Right-click the chart → Insert Study → in the Indicator tab select the Symbol Data indicator. Click OK to apply it to the chart.
  6. Open up an Excel file → Add-ins tab → in the Custom Toolbars select MultiCharts:InsertSymbolData.
  7. Choose required data in the Insert MultiCharts Symbol window and click OK.

Now real-time data should be streaming into the Excel file.

Note 1
The combination of MultiCharts, RTD, Windows and MS Office bit you are using is very important.

Please make sure that one of the following combinations is used:

  • Windows 8.1
    MS Office 2013 (x64) + RTD64 + MultiCharts/.NET 64-bit
  • Windows 2012 Server Standard
    MS Office 2013 (x64) + RTD64 + MultiCharts/.NET 64-bit
  • Windows 10
    MS Office 64 + RTD64 + MultiCharts/.NET 64-bit
Note 2
RTD is provided only for MultiCharts and MultiCharts .NET, not available for MultiCharts .NET Special Edition/MultiCharts .NET64 Special Edition.

The following chart types are not supported:

  • Volume Delta
  • Cumulative Delta
  • Bar Delta
  • Imbalance Delta

To stream indicator values into a chart in Excel it is necessary to add the SendPlotsValues command to your indicator code. Then apply this indicator to a chart in MultiCharts and select MultiCharts:InsertIndicatorData in Excel under Add-Ins tab.