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Backup Application

From MultiCharts

We recommend creating backups regularly to avoid any data loss.
It’s best to initially save backup files locally on your machine. After that you can move them to be stored on a cloud, separate hard drive, etc.

Backup and Restore apps are also helpful and convenient if you need to move your setup from one machine to another.
You can create a backup file, transfer to another machine, and restore it there.

Backup files from newer versions cannot be used in older ones.
For example, MultiCharts 15 backup files are not compatible with MultiCharts 14.

To Launch Backup Application:

  1. Close all MultiCharts components.
  2. Click Windows Start button.
  3. Find MultiCharts folder or type Backup or MultiCharts .NET Backup in the Windows search bar to find the app.
    MultiCharts and MultiCharts .NET have separate Backup apps.
    Please take it into account when creating backup files to ensure that the correct data is backed up.
  4. Click Backup or MultiCharts .NET Backup to start the application.
“Read-Only studies will not be backed up” alert means that studies in .sef format will not be backed up, this is expected designed behaviour. Please export them manually.

To Back up Data:

  1. Check the Application Settings box to make a backup copy of the window layout settings, hotkeys, commissions, MultiCharts preferences, automated and manual trading settings and the data storage options in QuoteManager.
  2. Check the Instrument List and Settings box to make a backup copy of the instrument list, the instrument settings and Symbol Dictionary. Enabling this option does not back up data. To back up the data please check the Instrument Data box.
  3. Check the Instrument Data box to back up the data for all the instruments in QuoteManager.
  4. Check the Studies (Functions, Signals and Indicators) box to make a backup copy of the studies. Read-Only studies are not backed up.
  5. Check the Order & Position Tracker Data box to make a backup copy of the trading history.
    OPT data from newer releases is not compatible with older releases.
    OPT data after a downgrade cannot be restored in the same older version.
    For example, if you downgrade from MultiCharts 15 to MultiCharts 14, you’ll be prompted to delete your OPT data. If you create a backup file in MultiCharts 14 after that, you won’t be able to restore it in MultiCharts 14 on another machine.
  6. Check the Private Authentication Data box to back up personal information such as logins and passwords for broker or data feed connections. When this option is checked, you will see a warning message "By enabling this option you agree to include personal information into the archive. Are you sure you want to save this data?" Click Yes to save the data.
  7. Check the Data Feed Settings box to back up all the data feed settings.
  8. Check the Broker Profiles box to back up all the broker profile settings.
  9. Check the E-mail Alert Settings box to make a backup copy the E-mail server settings.
  10. Check the Custom Resolution Plugins box to make a backup copy of your Custom Resolution Plugins.
    It is also possible to save User Data such as workspaces, desktops, portfolio workspaces, studies, etc. The following file types can be saved – mcd, wsp, pws, ors, pln, pla, sef and tml.
  11. Check the My Documents box to save any user data in the following formats: mcd, wsp, pws, ors, pln, pla, sef and tml.
  12. Check the Desktop box to save any user data in the following formats: mcd, wsp, pws, ors, pln, pla, sef and tml.
  13. You can click Add Folder and select the folder where your user data is saved.
  14. Click on the Lookup button to select the folder where the collected files will be located. The file name will be generated automatically. After that, click Backup button.
"Backup Failed" error when saving the backup file to a network location means there is not enough free space in the selected destination.

Backup Scheduler Settings:

It’s possible to schedule a backup of certain data on a regular basis. You need to click Add Configuration, then select the data you want to back up in Application Settings tab. Go to Schedule Settings tab to configure the time of scheduled backup and the folder where it will be saved. It’s possible to change the name of the schedule by clicking on the Name, typing a new name and then clicking Apply.

  1. To make a backup only once you need to select One time option and select the Start task time.
  2. To make a backup on a daily basis you need to select Daily option and select Start task time and the frequency of backup (every day, once in 3 days, etc.).
  3. To make a backup on a weekly basis you need to select Weekly option and select Start task time and the frequency of backup (every week, once in 2 weeks, etc.) and select Day of the week.
  4. To make a backup on a monthly basis, you need to select Monthly, then select the months you want to do backup on and select either a specific day or days of the month (On Days) or specific time of the week, such as First Tuesday or Last Friday (On Specifically).
  5. Then select Enabled option and Save the schedule.

It’s possible to add several schedules to backup data.

When Backup is complete you will see one of the following notifications:

  1. Backup completed successfully. Click this message to view the file.
  2. Backup completed with errors. Click this message to view the file. In case Backup is done with errors, you can check what errors have appeared by opening the Backup file in Restore Application. To do that make sure no MultiCharts processes are launched in Task Manager. Then start Restore application -> select the Backup file and then click Show Backup Log. It will open a text file where you can see what errors backup is done with.
  3. Backup failed. Click on the message to run Feedback.